Darsh had endured a previous life plagued by solitude, devoid of the warmth of friends and family. However, upon his reincarnation, he was fortunate to find a loving family that brought him immense happiness. Yet, despite this newfound joy, he still yearned for a companion. Instead of joining the other children at the School of Nalanda, he decided to pursue cultivation. It wasn't until he befriended Hinisa that the void in his life was finally filled, bringing him indescribable joy.

Another four months passed by in the blink of an eye.

These passing months became the most precious time of his entire existence, even considering his previous life. Amidst their cherished days together, Hinisa delivered the heartbreaking news to Darsh that her parents' relatives had located her, and she had to return home. Darsh felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Before he could utter a word, Hinisa spoke softly.

"I promise you that I will come back to see you again," she said, her pink lips forming a bittersweet smile.

"I also promise you that I will definitely see you again, but only after I have become much, much stronger. And when I become stronger, I will protect you because you are my only friend, and I don't want to see you in that condition ever again!" Darsh declared firmly.

Upon hearing him say, "You are my only friend," Hinisa blushed, her cheeks and ears turning red, though Darsh didn't notice. They bid their farewells, and as Hinisa walked out the door, tears started streaming down both of their faces.

Suddenly, two individuals dressed in black materialized in front of Hinisa and knelt before her.

"Princess, we humbly seek your forgiveness for our oversight. We should have located you sooner. Please allow us to accept the consequences of our actions," the two men spoke in unison.

Hinisa's face instantly turned cold, and with an indifferent tone, she said, "You are forgiven, but this better not happen again, or you won't be able to make any more mistakes in your life."

"We understand, Princess."

The two men then vanished into thin air, taking Hinisa with them as if they were never there.

In the wooden house, Darsh did not go outside to persuade Hinisa. His family watched from a distance, but no one approached him, giving him the space he needed. The sun had already set. Exhausted, Darsh went to his room and fell onto the bed. Unlike his usual routine, he did not engage in cultivation that night but instead slept to calm his nerves.

The next morning, Darsh approached his father and said, "Dad, I want to become stronger more quickly. Can you tell me how I can do that?"

His father fell into a deep thought and eventually instructed Darsh to pack some food, indicating that they were going on a journey.

Darsh quickly went into the house and informed his mother about going out with his dad. Samira became anxious, but she did not question him and packed some food for the journey, as requested by Darsh. Before bidding farewell, he hugged both his sister and mother, a gesture he couldn't quite explain. After saying their farewells, Darsh and Ashok set out for their destination, which only Ashok knew about.