Kabir was a kind and honest man who dedicated his whole life to his family's growth. However, after his wife died, he became distant from everyone, including his own son. It was the first time the elders had seen him in such a good mood after his wife's death.

"Hahaha... I have a grandson now, I have a grandson," Kabir started laughing, shocking everyone.

"Come here!" Kabir asked Darsh in a friendly tone.

Darsh hesitated and looked at his father. His father nodded, and after getting his father's approval, he finally went to his grandfather.

"What is your name child?"

"I am Darsh, respected Patriarch."

"Just call me Grandpa, little one."

"Okay, Patri... I mean Grandpa."

"Ahem... Patriarch even though I am no longer a member of the family but my son has done nothing wrong. He is a genius in cultivation and I believe that one day he will become a successful cultivator. So please, I request you to consider taking him in the family."

"Ashok, you already know that the decision was not something I was in favor of. You are still my own son. If it wasn't for our traditions and your predetermined marriage we wouldn't have banished you. But now you can come home with your family because the situation has changed."

"The Tripathi family has canceled the marriage arrangement from their side."

Hearing his father's reasoning Ashok suddenly lashed out.

"But what about the humiliation, the shame that my wife suffered because of all of you?!"

"And what are you trying to say right now?!"

A hint of shame and sadness showed on Kabir's face.

"Son, I won't force you because you are right. We were in the wrong this time. But if you want your son to join our family then I have 2 conditions."

"What conditions?"

"The first condition is that you and your wife have to come back here and live with us and the second condition is that your son's cultivation should be above Annamaya peak stage."

"Patriarch, the second condition can be fulfilled but the first can't be fulfilled." Ashok said in an affirmative tone.

"Then I also can't let him join my family."

After thinking for a while Ashok hesitantly agreed to his conditions.

"Darsh, give me your hand. Let me check your cultivation base."

Darsh nodded and gave his hand to Kabir.

While checking Darsh's cultivation base through his pulses, Kabir thought to himself. 

"Even if his cultivation base is not very high still he should be able to reach Manomaya level in a few years. Wait... what the... He is already in the 1st stage of Manomaya level."

But the truth was only known to Drash. His real cultivation was at Manomaya's 5th stage.

"Darsh, have you at Manomaya level?" Kabir asked in a daze.

Everyone had a dumbfounded look on their faces. Even without the abundant resources, this 13-year-old boy had reached Manomaya level which was truly what only a genius could do.

Now, everyone present knew why after so many years Ashok had come to the mansion even though he had sworn not to step foot in the mansion for his whole life.