Darsh had just finished his daily cultivation. He went out for a walk. While surfing through the streets he heard some people talking about a treasure that had appeared in the forest outside the city perimeter.

"A treasure appearing in the forest? Interesting, very interesting." Darsh had a smirk on his face.

"Let's see what this treasure is?!"

Darsh walked leisurely to the forest as if he didn't care. He knew that even if someone had already found the treasure, they wouldn't be able to obtain it because it had only been 2 days since it had appeared and according to Reid Library, it would take at least 1 week for even the lowest grade of treasure to appear.

Darsh took a cart and in 3 days he reached the forest.

In the heart of the forest, where the dense canopy filtered sunlight into soft beams, Darsh wandered through the vibrant tapestry of ferns, moss-covered rocks, and towering trees. The air was rich with the scent of damp earth and the quiet hum of life hidden within the undergrowth. Five hours had passed since Darsh first embarked on his quest for the elusive treasure, his footsteps weaving through the labyrinth of nature. His energy was waning, and the once-crisp morning air had grown warmer, carrying with it the songs of distant birds and the rustling of unseen creatures.

Deciding to pause his search, Darsh's thoughts drifted to the lake he had glimpsed earlier, its glassy surface shimmering faintly through the thick forest foliage. He retraced his steps, following the faint trail marked by fallen leaves and delicate flowers until the trees parted to reveal the hidden gem of the forest. The lake lay still, a serene mirror reflecting the towering pines and wisps of clouds drifting lazily across the sky.

The sight was a welcome reprieve from the intensity of his hunt. He walked to the water's edge, the cool breeze rippling the surface as he knelt down to splash the refreshing water on his face. Darsh took a deep breath, the tranquility of the place easing the tension that had built up over the hours. The lake's gentle waves lapped against the shore, as if inviting him to rest, to gather his thoughts before resuming the search that had consumed his day.

As he stood by the water, Darsh rolled up his pants and pushed up his sleeves, preparing himself for the task at hand. With a sudden, swift movement, he expertly caught a magnificent 1.3-meter-long fish in his hands. This exhilarating sequence repeated several times as he skillfully reeled in his catch. After some time, he skillfully set up a roaring bonfire to prepare and cook the freshly caught fish, ensuring a delicious meal for himself and his companions.

"Hmm... Something is still missing..." Darsh thought to himself.

"Ah, right! It lacks the salt and spices. But where can I find them in this forest?" Darsh contemplated for a few seconds and suddenly a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"I am such an idiot! I have Reid Library so what do I have to worry about?"

"Okay. Now I have to find timble grass and youtars." 

Darsh quickly stood up and began his search once more. As he searched, he couldn't help but laugh at how his day had been spent.

"Found them!" Darsh sighed with relief. He had already exhausted his mind searching all day. He was amazed by this discovery. After he had reached Manas Initialization Realm, he had found it difficult to get mentally drained even if he did work for 5 days straight but now he was, which was astonishing.

"I think the reason is that I didn't want to search anymore."

"Hmm... That can be a plausible explanation." Darsh thought as he continued munching on the fishes he had caught.

Darsh rested for a bit and continued his search.

2 days had passed and as Darsh predicted no one had found the treasure till now.

As the sun hung high in the sky, casting its warm glow over the land, a brilliant, radiant golden light erupted and pierced through the daylight. Despite the sun's dominance, the mysterious light cut through the atmosphere, capturing Darsh's undivided attention. It was an unmistakable sign that the long-awaited treasure had finally revealed itself.

Without a moment's hesitation, every individual in the vicinity bolted toward the origin of the luminous spectacle, driven by an undeniable urge to reach the source. Darsh, gripped by the same fervor, joined the frantic rush, eager to uncover the secrets that lay ahead.