Saved by the Sun

"You all right?" Luciel asked Melisa who was slowly getting up with torn clothes and multiple cuts that were already healing. 

"Took you long enough to ask. You better look after yourself." She whipped the blood from her lips, staring at Luciel's wound. 

"No need to worry, it's already healing."

The two vampires didn't have a lot of time for chitchat when they heard a loud growl coming their way. 

Luciel turned his head and saw a giant vampire who started to rush towards them. Earth would shake whenever his foot made contact with the ground. 

"What the hell is that thing?" Luciel asked, moving his sword in front of him as he got ready to defend himself. 

"I don't know, that thing isn't a normal vampire."

The bulky vampire roared and ran straight towards Luciel. "Dodge!"

Luciel jumped backward onto the roof of a small house that was behind him, the same one Melisa had crashed into earlier. 

In the meantime, Melisa jumped aside, letting the vampire crash into the already damaged home. 

The collision with the house was so strong that it started to collapse with a loud rumbling sound and Luciel was forced to jump down if he didn't want to get buried underneath the ruins. 

The strong vampire got stuck under heavy pieces of wreckage, but it was still alive. 

"Curse you all!" It shouted, "I'll tear your limbs into pieces for killing Daniel!" The earth trembled when the vampire spoke for the first time. 

It had a terrifying, deep voice that sent chills down Luciel's spine, knowing full well that this threat was meant for him, and right now, he did not possess enough strength to deal with that monstrosity.

"We should run," Luciel observed how the rumble on top of the giant vampire started to move, slowly falling down. It could get free at any moment. 

"Melisa?" He called out and looked around, trying to find his partner. She was kneeling next to the beheaded vampire, holding his arm as she sniffed it. 

"A stray..." She said to herself, but before she could inspect the body even further, Luciel grabbed her by the wrist. 

"Run!" He shouted and pointed towards the big pile that used to be the house. 

The muscular vampire was almost free and they couldn't fight him in their current state. 

The vampire ignored Melisa's attacks and Luciel only had an ordinary sword and vampire abilities that everyone of his species had. 

Without access to his divine arts, he couldn't win this fight. He hates to admit it, but this guy was out of his league. 

Melisa's pupils widened once she caught a glimpse of a huge vampire standing up from the rumble, and before having any time to think, Luciel pulled her over. 

The duo started to run with a huge vampire going after them, growling and punching anything that got in its way. 

Melisa managed to recover from her previous injuries, so she could easily outrun her enemy, but Luciel was a different story. 

His abdomen still didn't finish with the healing and he was falling behind, feeling a little bit sluggish while starting to feel hungry by a minute. 

At one point, the bulky vampire almost grabbed him. If it wasn't for Melisa who kicked its head, Luciel might have been a goner. 

"Thanks..." He said to her and continued to run, still applying pressure on his wound, even if it stopped bleeding. 

"Let's climb up!" Melisa shouted, jumping onto the roof of another small house and then to the balcony of a higher one. 

Luciel followed the suit as they continued to jump from one house to another. 

Due to the enemy mass, Melisa hoped that the big guy would have a harder time following them on those weak roofs and balconies. 

They were running away for what seemed an eternity. The muscular vampire didn't want to give up on snapping their necks. 

It even managed to climb up and even after falling through some roofs, it still managed to keep up with them. 

Instead of a battle of strength, this turned into a race, the one who had more stamina would win. 

At this point, all three vampires were heavily breathing through their mouths, at least Luciel's wound finally managed to heal. 

They were running for the whole night and the bright sun started to show up. 

The first sun ray finally pierced through the clouds and it hit the big vampire first, burning through his skin. 

The beast hissed at the sizzling pain and stopped to chase after the two, entering inside the nearest house so it could hide in the shade. 

Luciel groaned and had to close his eyes for a moment due to the blinding sun. 

He blinked a few times, trying to adjust his sensitive eyes that were meant to be used in darkness. 

The sun beams were merciless today. They were scorching the two vampire's skin, turning it black and dark orange, like a burning charcoal. 

A strong scent of burned flesh could be smelled in the air and they weren't the only ones that could smell it as a howl of wolves could be heard. 

"Oh give me a break," Luciel said to himself before rushing in front of Melisa, jumping down towards a house in front of them, crashing in through a window. 

He was breathing heavily as he winced in pain, revealing his fangs. Out of everything he had experienced in his life as a vampire, the sun was the worst. 

It was a never-ending cycle of being burned alive while getting healed. 

Melisa crashed through another window, landing next to Luciel. 

"Don't get your guard down, it's not over yet," Luciel warned her. 

The ginger vampire nodded. She didn't want to work together with him, but had to if she wanted to ensure her survival. 

Luciel scanned the area. They were in a bedroom, making the situation perfect. 

He walked towards the bed and grabbed two blankets, throwing a red blanket towards Melisa while he kept a green one to himself. 

"Put this over yourself and let's make a run for it. The werewolves probably smelled us and it's just a matter of time till they come." Luciel ordered and threw the blanket over his body, covering his head and hands, the only parts of his skin that were exposed. 

Melisa nodded and did the same as Luciel. 

He took hold of the window frame and climbed up, but quickly pulled back his hand under the safety of the blanket with a frown on his face. 

The most annoying thing was that he was suffering like this because of a vampire feature he didn't even know how to use!

The only reason vampire's skin was so sensitive to the sun was because of its feature - letting the light go through it, allowing them to turn invisible. 

Thinking about this problem gave Luciel an idea. "Hey, Melisa, if we turn invisible, would the sun still burn us?"

"It's not the sun that's harmful, but the ultraviolet rays it emits." Melisa rolled with her eyes, feeling annoyed at the stupid question. 

If it was this easy, everyone would be doing it by now, besides, vampires didn't really bother with finding the solution either since they were nocturnal creatures. 

They sleep during the day so there was no need to go out under the ruthless sun anyways. 

"Makes sense, anyways, there is an abandoned factory near this place. No one knows for how long it had been out of function. We can find shelter there for the day." 

"I think I know about which factory you are talking about, let's go then." Luciel said, adjusting his blanket. He would feel the sun scorching his skin whenever the blanket would shift. It wasn't perfect, but better than nothing. 

With barely getting a few minutes of rest, the two vampires headed towards their destination. They looked silly under the blankets, but that did not matter right now. They needed to move if they didn't want another fight. 

Finally, after approaching the old abounded factory, Luciel stopped, sniffing the air.

"What's wrong?"

"I smell blood, human blood to be exact."