Chapter 10:The Storm Unleashed

Chapter 10: The Storm Unleashed

As the ground beneath his feet started to rumble, Raven turned his head sharply towards Elara. Her small face was pale, her eyes wide with fear as the eerie darkness crept closer. His heart raced, and a heavy realization washed over him.

I can't save everyone... he thought, his gaze locked on Elara. But I have to save her, at least her. No matter what happens, I'll protect her.

Before he could act on his decision, the ground shook harder, vibrating under their feet as a series of deep, guttural growls echoed from the forest. A massive shape emerged from the treeline, then another, and another—huge figures, wild mana beasts, their forms looming over the clearing. Herbivores, carnivores, creatures of every kind, surging toward them like an unstoppable wave.

Raven's heart dropped into his stomach. Under normal circumstances, wild mana beasts rarely approached humanoid settlements. They typically avoided humans and other intelligent species. But now, they were stampeding directly toward them, their eyes wild and glowing with an unnatural frenzy.

Lady Emma stood frozen for a heartbeat, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at the approaching mass. Raven could see the disbelief etched on her face—she, too, knew that this was far from normal. But unlike him, she wasn't consumed by fear. She acted quickly, her mind snapping back into focus as her instincts took over.

"They're not supposed to act like this..." she murmured, more to herself than anyone else. For a moment, it seemed as though she might lose herself to the chaos, but then, with a sharp intake of breath, she straightened, her resolve hardening.

"Everyone, stay close! Do not run!" Lady Emma ordered, her voice sharp and unwavering despite the panic in her eyes. She stood tall in front of the children, raising one arm as the stampede of beasts bore down on them.

Raven could feel the mana thickening in the air, swirling violently as the creatures barreled forward. His first instinct was to grab Elara and run, to get as far away from the chaos as possible. He could sense the danger, the raw power in the air, and his own mana responded to it, swirling inside him, begging to be unleashed.

I have to get her out of here... He reached for Elara's hand, his mind racing. They needed to escape before the wave of beasts overtook them. But just as he was about to dash forward, to make a run for it, Lady Emma's voice rang out with authority, cutting through the chaos like a blade.

"Domain: Perfect Defense!"

A shimmering barrier erupted around them, glowing with a pale, translucent light. The air crackled with mana as the domain spread outward, forming a protective shield around Lady Emma, the children, and the two helpers. The stampeding beasts collided with the barrier, their massive bodies slamming into the shield with bone-shaking force.

But the barrier held.

Raven's eyes widened in surprise, his breath catching in his throat as he watched. The wild beasts clawed and rammed at the shield, but it didn't budge. It was as though an invisible wall of impenetrable force stood between them and the enraged creatures.

Lady Emma stood at the center of the shield, her arm raised, her face set in concentration. Sweat dripped down her forehead, but she didn't falter. Her eyes burned with determination as she held the domain in place, protecting the children from the onslaught of beasts.

Raven's grip on Elara's hand tightened. She... she can do that? he thought, stunned by the display of power. He had always known Lady Emma was strong, but this... this was on a completely different level.

Elara's small hand trembled in his, and she looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. "Raven... what's happening? Are we going to be okay?"

Raven forced a tight smile, trying to mask the whirlwind of emotions surging within him. "We'll be fine," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "Just stay close to me."

I'll make sure of it.