chapter 14: Small Injuries

As Raven sat in the quiet of the orphanage, his arm still heavily bandaged, he could feel the slow process of healing. Every now and then, a dull throb of pain would remind him of the injury, but instead of dwelling on the discomfort, an idea began to form in his mind.

His thoughts drifted back to his Ancient Celestial Evolution System. It had already proven its capability to evolve his abilities through consistent use—like how his cautious actions had developed into the Stealth skill. He couldn't help but wonder if this same logic could apply to his body's healing process.

"If my sneaky actions evolved into Stealth," he thought, his eyes narrowing, "then maybe... maybe I can develop a high-level regeneration skill if I force my body to heal over and over again."

It made sense to him. The system evolved everything based on how much he used it. If his body was constantly exposed to injuries, even minor ones, wouldn't the system eventually trigger some sort of advanced regeneration? His wounds would heal faster, his endurance would increase, and he might even unlock a skill related to healing or durability. He knew he couldn't afford to stay weak.

A smirk tugged at his lips, even though the pain in his arm pulsed with each heartbeat.

"That's it," he whispered to himself. "If I keep injuring myself, pushing my body to the limit, the system will eventually adapt. It always does."

Of course, he had to be careful. He couldn't let anyone see him purposely hurting himself, especially not Lady Emma or Elara. They would think he had lost his mind. But in secret, he could test his theory, just as he had done with his wind manipulation.

If this works, he mused, I might be able to gain a regeneration ability—one that could heal anything.

He would need to be smart about it. Minor injuries—small cuts, bruises, things that wouldn't raise suspicion but would still force his body to heal. If his hypothesis was right, the system would pick up on his body's attempts to heal itself and enhance the process over time.

"I can become stronger faster," Raven thought, his eyes gleaming with newfound determination. "And when I do, no one will have to suffer because I'm too weak to protect them."

The more he considered it, the more it seemed like a flawless plan. He would train harder, push his wind manipulation to evolve, strengthen his physical body, and now, he would develop a healing skill that could give him an edge in battles.

Raven glanced around the orphanage, ensuring no one was watching. He flexed his injured arm, wincing as the pain shot through him, but beneath the discomfort, he could feel the slow, gradual healing taking place.

This is just the beginning, he thought. Soon, I'll be stronger than anyone realizes.

From this moment forward, Raven decided he would take every opportunity to test his limits. If there was a chance to evolve a regeneration ability, he would seize it—even if it meant enduring pain along the wa

Raven sat alone in his small room at the orphanage, the events of the picnic still fresh in his mind. The beasts, the storm, the attack—it had all been too strange. Wild mana beasts like that never attacked humanoids unless provoked, yet they had come in a violent wave. And what had they been running from? The thought gnawed at him, but answers were scarce.

As his mind wandered, he rolled up the sleeve of his uninjured arm and stared at the skin. His earlier idea of forcing his body to heal was tempting. He reached for a small knife hidden beneath his mattress. The blade wasn't sharp enough to cause serious damage but could still deliver the small cuts he needed.

Under his shirt, where no one would see, Raven made a quick, shallow cut along his ribs. The pain was brief but sharp, and a thin line of blood appeared. He grit his teeth, pulling his shirt back down to hide the mark. Then, he did the same on his thigh, hidden under his pants.

"This should do for now," he thought, trying to ignore the stinging pain. "The system will kick in eventually. If I can evolve my Wind Manipulation just by practicing, I'll definitely evolve a healing ability if I keep this up."

He stood up, testing his movements. The cuts weren't deep enough to hinder him, but they were enough to start the healing process. His plan would remain a secret—no one needed to know what he was doing. As long as the injuries were hidden beneath his clothes, even Lady Emma wouldn't suspect a thing.

But the bigger question still loomed in his mind: What were those beasts running from?

Raven had seen it in their eyes—pure fear, something unnatural driving them forward. Herbivores and carnivores, creatures that should have been attacking each other, had fled together. Lady Emma had been just as confused, and that made him uneasy.

"There's something out there," he whispered to himself. "Something worse than those beasts."

His hand unconsciously reached for his injured arm, the wound from the storm attack still tender. He knew he had to get stronger, faster. Whatever had scared those beasts enough to charge into the open, something more dangerous, was lurking in the forest, and it might come again.

Raven glanced down at the small cuts on his body. They were nothing compared to what he had already survived, but they were a start. If his theory was right, soon he'd have a healing ability to match his growing power.

He then continued his training as usual.