Chapter 23: The Path of Healing

The moon hung low over the mansion, casting a pale light across the courtyard. The night was cold and still, the only sound being the rustle of the trees and the occasional chirp of a distant insect. Raven stood at the edge of the garden, his heart beating steadily. It was the perfect night for training, a night where he could push his limits without fear of being disturbed.

He had been working for days, focusing on his Accelerated Healing ability, trying to push it to the next level. It had been slow going—painful, even—but Raven knew it was worth it. His regeneration wasn't fast enough yet, and for his plans to work, he needed a more powerful version of the skill. Tonight was going to be different. Tonight, he would evolve Accelerated Healing into something far more potent.

Raven stood tall, his eyes narrowing in determination as he assessed his body. His muscles were sore from all the physical training he had been doing during the day, but his mind was sharp. He had been careful to keep his training secret from Althea, only using his Wind Manipulation to stay hidden when necessary. But this time, he would need to push himself in a different way.

He took a deep breath, his body absorbing the cold air around him. It wasn't enough just to heal small wounds anymore—he needed to inflict damage that would truly test the limits of his ability. The pain would be necessary, as it always was. But this time, it would be different. Accelerated Healing had to evolve.

He turned his attention to a sharp rock he had picked up earlier. It was jagged and rough, the kind of thing that would tear through flesh easily. Raven studied it for a moment, steeling himself for the pain that was coming.

Without hesitating, Raven pressed the rock's edge into his forearm. The sharp pain surged through his body, and a hiss escaped his lips. Blood began to trickle from the cut, dripping onto the grass. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stand still as the wound slowly started to heal. His body's mana flowed into the injury, knitting together torn flesh and blood vessels. It was slow, but it was working. His Accelerated Healing had always been decent, but it needed more.

He let out a slow exhale and stepped back from the garden path. This was the first cut. He would need to test his limits now. And just as the healing was starting to take hold, Raven drew the sharp rock across his skin again, deeper this time. The pain flared, a sharp burst of agony that nearly made him drop the rock. Blood poured from the deeper cut, but he endured it.

Raven focused, letting the Accelerated Healing process begin once more. His mana swirled around him, the familiar energy wrapping around the injury, pulling the torn skin together. But this time, something felt different. The healing was faster, more efficient. It was as if his body was responding to his determination, to the constant cycle of injury and repair.

Still, this wasn't enough. He wanted more.

The moonlight seemed brighter now, the stillness of the night almost suffocating. But Raven welcomed it, using the quiet to focus all of his energy. He had done this before—endured the pain, let his mana flow, and healed over and over. But this time, he was ready for something more. He was going to force his body into rapid healing, to make his regeneration truly evolve.

And then, Raven did something different. As he felt the wounds begin to close, he struck himself again, this time on his leg. His hand was trembling with the effort, but he gritted his teeth and forced himself to do it. The pain surged through his body, raw and unrelenting, but he kept his focus.

The Accelerated Healing ability responded in kind. His mana was being used more efficiently now, and the cuts were closing quicker. But there was still a sense that this wasn't the limit—he could push further. And so, Raven stood in the garden, cutting himself repeatedly, again and again, forcing his body to heal faster and faster, until he could feel the burn of exhaustion in his muscles, the strain in his bones.

And then, suddenly, the pain shifted. As he pushed his mana deeper into his injuries, there was a surge, a wave of energy that coursed through him. His mana flared brighter, his body reacting faster than ever before. The cuts on his arms and legs sealed almost instantly, the bleeding stopping as if the wounds had never been there at all.


[System Notification: Accelerated Healing has evolved into Regeneration (D Rank).]


Raven's eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice of the system. A wave of relief washed over him, and he felt the exhaustion in his limbs ease slightly. The pain had been grueling, but it had been worth it. His Accelerated Healing had evolved into Regeneration—a far more powerful ability. Now, his wounds healed almost instantly, the cuts that would have taken days to recover from closing in mere seconds.

Raven stood there in the garden, panting lightly, his body aching from the repeated injuries he had inflicted upon himself. But he was satisfied. His body was stronger now, and his mana was flowing more efficiently. He could feel the difference. Regeneration was a much more refined skill, one that could help him recover from far more serious injuries. This was exactly what he needed.

As he felt the last remnants of his injuries disappear, Raven took a moment to check his status.


Name: Raven

Age: 12

Race: Human

Class: None



Physical Strength: 150

Endurance: 155

Intelligence: 160

Wisdom: 145

Spirit: 150

Mana Capacity: 16,000



Wind Manipulation (B Rank)

Stealth (B Rank)

Regeneration (D Rank)

Appraisal (C Rank)


Raven stared at the Regeneration ability, the sense of achievement sinking in. It was stronger than before. His wounds had healed in mere minutes, and the strain of it all had made him realize how much he had grown. But the battle was far from over. As he turned to head back to his room, Raven knew he would have to keep pushing himself, evolving his abilities even further. He had made progress tonight, but there were still greater challenges ahead.