Chapter 2: The Dimensional Gate

While Isamu mentally prepared himself to deal with life after the transition, he recalled what he had read in the novels of his previous life. Those stories often revolved around heroes who traveled through time or transitioned to other worlds due to some kind of cheat or "system" that accompanied them.

"As we all know," Isamu thought, "in such cases, the system is the reason behind time travel multiple times, right?"

With an instinctive glance filled with caution, he began to look around, as if he expected something extraordinary to appear. Unconsciously, he shouted:

"Login system."

"Emperor system?"

"Unbeatable warrior system?

" "Upgrade system?"

"Father system."


This only deepened Isamu's frustration. He expected to find something, or at least hear an inner voice, but it felt as though he was shouting into the void.

Suddenly, however, a strange sound pierced through the silence, and glowing words began to dance clearly before his eyes:

[Dimensional Gate activated... Acquiring current coordinates...] [Creating anchor point...] [Linking to the host creature as the anchor.] [Connecting...] [Ding! Connection 1%... 2%... 3%... 15%... 30%... 60%... 90%... 100%.] [Ding! Connection successful.]

The words appeared before Isamu rapidly, and his heart raced as he stared at them in anticipation. The scene felt as if it had been taken straight from one of the novels he had always read.

A sudden joy overwhelmed him, and he eagerly asked himself, "Is this real? Or am I dreaming?"

The words before him seemed like a gateway to something significant about to happen. Isamu waited anxiously, but to his surprise, nothing occurred.

No new words or texts appeared, and the annoying silence began to dominate the room once again.

An entire hour passed without any progress, and Isamu's patience began to wane.

He let out a sigh filled with frustration and shouted angrily, "System, where's the continuation? Where are the beginner gifts? Where's the lottery round?"

Then he continued sarcastically, "Hey, boss, just come out and give me my salary, I don't need any bonuses!"

Isamu frowned, then thought despairingly, "Damn! Did my cheat tool break after transitioning to this world?"

Suddenly, a new voice emerged:

[Ding! Core energy collected.] [Do you wish to activate the consciousness drop function to enter the platform?]

Two options appeared before him: "Yes" and "No."

Although Isamu didn't fully understand what the question meant, curiosity took hold of him, prompting him to quickly choose "Yes," hoping that this time things wouldn't come to a halt again.

In the next moment, he felt a strange change sweeping through his consciousness.

"What is happening here?" he wondered, filled with concern and curiosity.

It was as if a bright white light had completely engulfed his vision before he could comprehend what was happening. Then, suddenly, his body collapsed powerless, as if he had lost consciousness entirely, crumpling to the floor of his room.


Isamu felt the light surrounding him, enveloping him like water envelops the body, as if the world around him began to dissolve.

The boundaries between reality and fantasy had completely faded away.

Despite the strangeness surrounding the situation, Isamu felt no threat.

On the contrary, the silver light that enveloped him felt like a shield protecting him, or perhaps a call, a subtle invitation directed specifically at him.

As the light faded, he realized that his surroundings had completely changed.

His room was no longer there; he found himself in a vast and mysterious space with no visible end, filled with strange silence and a majestic atmosphere.

The ground beneath his feet was solid and shiny, as if made from a black material that faintly reflected the silver light seeping from tiny cracks. The air was still, saturated with a strange calmness and heavy tension.

The place was not entirely empty; in front of him were massive gates scattered around him in no particular order.

Each gate emerged from the ground as if carved from the same solid black material.

These gates were completely closed, covered with a thick layer of darkness, devoid of engravings or distinctive markings. They seemed to be shrouded in mystery, hiding secrets that were not easily revealed.

The ceiling, if there was one, was not visible; above him was an endless dark void pierced by shimmering silver light, like stars scattered at vast distances.

This deep void intensified Isamu's sense of isolation, as if the space itself defied the laws of reality.

Isamu felt something behind him, so he turned to discover a giant gate glowing in gold, in stark contrast to the other closed gates.

This gate was wide open, revealing a frozen scene of his room, as if time had stopped at the moment he left.

This strange paradox astonished him, and driven by curiosity, he approached the gate closely. He noticed a line of shining golden letters engraved on the surface of the door frame.

"Naruto?" he wondered in confusion, astonished.

The name was completely unexpected, and its appearance on this mysterious door baffled Isamu, making him feel as though the moment had lost some of its magic.

Yet, when his eyes met this strange door, he felt something different.

There was a profound connection, a sense of bond emanating from the door, flowing slowly toward him, as if the door were indirectly beckoning him.

Isamu slowly approached the door bearing the name of the world he now lived in.

As his hand touched its cold surface, a strange feeling washed over him like a cold wave coursing through his body. Suddenly, a torrent of information flooded his mind, unexpected and overwhelming.

He was now on a platform called "Space Platform," created within a treasure of time and space known as the "Dimensional Gate."

This treasure had formed naturally amidst the chaotic sea of dimensions after millions of years, and its existence here was due to a unique property within his soul.

His soul was capable of resisting external influences, a distinctive feature that allowed him to survive the afterlife rules in his previous world and the flood beyond the boundaries of that world until he somehow became linked to the Dimensional Gate.

Reflecting on the moment of his death and his appearance in this world, Isamu realized that this ability might be the reason that helped him transition between worlds.

"It is the power that awakened at the moment my body separated from my soul. Perhaps it is what allowed me to cross into this world."
