26. A Lifes Journey - Chapter 26

"Dawn, do you know this person? We're lucky to have arrived on time, this poor kitchen worker passed out due to fear but other than that, she's fine."

Dawn. The strongest Slayer, also one of my old friends.

"Lady Liliya, don't come close to this guy, he's the legendary number 4 in Slayer, Inoshi. They called me the strongest, but if we had a real fight, this guy would kill me, regardless of who won."

"H-hey Dawn… Long time no s-" The prince barged into the room.

"Lifes!? What is going on here, why are you picking a fight with the servant of Count Brown's daughter?" 

Dawn let go of my shirt and got up to help his master stand back up.

The brown haired girl looked at me for a second before diverting her attention towards Leonardo and taking a curt bow and saying "Your highness, it is a pleasure."

"I apologize Miss Liliya, this person is a new servant in the palace, he's not familiar with proper etiquette yet and will be severely punished for his actions."

"Oh no, his highness shouldn't apologize, at least not to me, my servant just stopped this man from killing one of your kitchen workers…" As she said that my head started spinning and I threw up on the kitchen floor.

"Heh, stupid loser, when will you stop being so weak." Dawn said.

"At least I don't think the sun rises out of my fucking ass, piece of shit Katsuki." 

Dawn just laughed at that.

The prince finally opened his mouth again "Miss Brown, would you please join your father and siblings while I deal with this rogue one?"

The blue eyed noble looked at me again before leaning in to whisper something in red-hair's ear. 

I could swear Dawn blushed and got annoyed at that.

"Let's go Dawn, father is waiting for us." Us? 

Now the girl was blushing for some reason.

"Lifes you come with me. Corolio, you come too." Leonardo commanded and we followed, I felt like throwing up again, thinking of how I couldn't control myself.

We arrived at some small plot of grass in the garden that was hidden behind a wall of flowers.

The prince just dropped on his back and told me to lay down next to him, so I did.

The grass felt unnaturally soft here, almost like a bed. Is everything just better when you have money? 

"Lifes, I heard from the young lady that when they arrived at the kitchen, it looked like you were fighting yourself while trying to kill Margaret, she said she even saw you cry as you were about to cut Margaret's throat." Was she trying to help me? I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off into half sleep as the guy kept talking.

"I didn't really believe her at first but when I first saw you on the kitchen floor, the memory of you killing that Villfer kid at school popped into my head." The prince stopped for a few seconds.

What is this guy getting at? Does he know I can't control myself?

"At first I thought you're just a coward who can't even look the people you murder in the eyes." What? My eyes opened widely, I clenched my fists. My body felt like it was shaking.

"That might be true, but I don't think that's the case. You seemed like you were in so much pain when you killed that kid.

Lifes, do you feel guilty?" He turned his head towards me and I stared back at him.

I don't really know what I felt but it was a mix of anger and something else.

"Why would I feel guilty?! Are you also implying that I'm a murderer? Are you trying to say I just killed those people for no reason?" I got up to my knees and hovered over the prince's face "All of you people are getting on my fucking nerves, I don't care if you're the prince if you call me a murderer again I'll fucking kill you!" He just looked at me and smiled. His smile had a hint of sadness to it.

My body felt hot and I felt like something was trying to escape my throat for some reason.

"Fuck you…" I said in a small voice and laid back down.

"Corolio, do you have any thoughts on the matter?" Come to think of it, this grandpa didn't even try to stop me, his Sy energy is so high, there's no way he's just a butler.

"My prince expects too much of a lowly assassin… I am, however, inclined to believe the young man needs to..." He looked at me before shaking his head and declaring it doesn't matter what he says, he didn't think I'll ever change.

"Yeah right. Like you 2 would know anything about me, fuck both of you!"

I turned my back to them and closed my eyes again.

"Just let him be for now, once he wakes back up, continue with the training.

We need to be prepared to leave for Mil-Ansk in 3 days time."

"Understood, your highness, everything shall be ready on schedule."

My eyes felt heavy, the wind felt nice on my skin and the grass smelled great, everything slowly drifted away and I found myself shielding my eyes from the sun.


Snoopsi's voice called out to me.

I was looking at the clear, blue sky and listened to the waves while playing with the sand as he and Ostel ran towards me.

"Noshi, Wasu, look at this!" He was holding a baby Scrillton. 

"Snoopsers put the birdy in his nest bro, the mama will come and bite ya in the forehead!" Ostel said. 

"No no Wasu, a lot of people don't know it but Scrillton birds don't believe in protecting their babies.

It says in the book I read that Scrilltons are so smart that they understand morality. Those birds kill other birds to assert dominance but some of them feel bad so they end up thinking they don't deserve to have things they care about."

"S-Snoopsi, don't tell me you believe that… Animals can't feel bad, aren't you supposed to be smart?" I retorted.

He just looked at me with squinted eyes and a disappointed expression before saying

"So, Noshi, if you're so smart, tell me, what makes humans different then animals?"

I tried to think about it, it was hard but eventually I had an answer "Humans are big and walk on 2 legs, they also can't fly and don't have feathers or fur!" Ostel and Snoopsi looked at each other and after a second of silence, started laughing.

"Pahahahhaha Lifey are you stupid? What's that gotta do with feelings? It's 'cause we laugh, cry and cook food! Food makes me feel happy!" Dumb Ostel said.

"Bahahahahahaha both of you are so dumb" Snoopsi was rolling on the floor and crying from laughter before he started coughing and calmed down a bit.

"Those answers are so stupid it's almost hard to believe." Looking back at it, he's right.

"In my opinion, the real difference between humans or demi-humans and everything we consider to be animals is" He lifted his left hand and put a finger on his forehead that was covered by brown bangs "our ability to think and also" he lowered his finger to his mouth "our ability to speak, or more specifically, our complex language!"

We both looked at him with sparkles in our eyes and Snoopsi put his hand on his waist and struck a proud pose.

"So now think about it, if that makes us special, would animals capable of communication be able to feel emotions like humans do?"

Of course, we couldn't answer…

Little did we know, the Science and History academy would later come to find that… Snoopsi was right. They redefined the term animal to be a 'creature that is incapable of complex cognitive functions and language'.

Snoopsi's book also proved to be correct… just not about birds, it was Dirks.

Pathetic creatures. Can't even face their own emotion, how lame and stupid, they enjoy fighting so much yet they are so weak they can't even handle the consequences.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the smiling Corolio standing next to me with a background of the increasingly red sky. Why was he smiling?

The nice breeze was now a chilly wind.

My head felt a bit lighter and my body was finally somewhat well rested, only my eyes hurt a little bit for some reason.

I guess I needed that sleep…