A man can be seen vomiting blood as he grabbed himself by the neck. He seemed desperate, rather he wants to be killed. Soon after, a scream of a woman in pain can be heard from a distance. Her screams were cut off even before she could use her last breath to ask for help. It was as if she was killed by some unknown being.
Then another man can be heard screaming in agony as his own blood streams from his eyes down to his cheeks. He fell down to his knees and started banging his head on the sidewalk before eventually dying, killing himself by cracking his skull open due to his actions.
"What is happening?!! Why is everyone...ah...What is that thing?!!" Said scaredly by a man. A one-eyed creature stares at him, then smiled. It rotates its head 180 degrees downward and started laughing. The man started running for his life as the creature chased him down the plaza of the city where he saw everyone dying; killing each other and being killed by the unkown creatures wreaking havoc.
The man eventually died, having crushed by a car that one of the creatures threw randomly. His blood and body parts scattered across the center of the plaza.
These are the scenes that can be seen after the otherworldly beings started to flood down the city of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. There is no knowing when will it end...
A group of four 21-year olds, driving while drinking, somewhere in the USA. They are talking about the party they were just in, it was fantastic, full of girls and never-ending alcohol. "Did you guys had fun?" The one driving the car, asked. "Yes, of course!" the man sitting besides him replied, while he grabs another bottle of beer they got from the party.
"Haven't you guys had enough of that beer at the party already?" The guy wearing nothing but pants at the backseat, left window, asked. "You're only saying that cos' you can't have another good time with that girl, right? HAHA let them be!" Said the guy sitting beside him, while looking outside the window.
They all laughed, without knowing what will happen moments later. A sudden appearance of mysterious creatures had them start asking each other if what they were seeing is true. Giants, small creatures, beings with one eye, centered at it's forehead. These are the creatures that appeared that night. One of the giant, wearing a fur coat trampled the car they were driving. Killing 3 of them almost instantly and 1 guy trapped. He died eventually having no one to rescue him, but he saw the horror before dying.
At the same time, a building somewhere there was hit by something flying. The two meter long flying creature with a mouth that resembled that of a human, and webbed feet flew towards the building, it exploded the moment it hits the four story building.
These happened everywhere and to everyone, the whole world was engulfed by hell and killed millions of people.
Chattering of his family early in the moring wakes up Ronan, a pale and somewhat decent looking 17-year old kid with dark brown eyes and hair that grew past his brows. "Why is it so loud in the morning?!" He asked, scratching his belly as he yawn. He saw his family in the living room except for his mother, talking about something. "It's only 6 in the morning yet you're already this loud. What are you guys talking about?" He asked.
"It's about mom's birthday. We're discussing how we should celebrate it. Do you have an idea, Ronan?" Curious, his older brother, a good looking man, tall and brown asked Ronan as he looks at him with his deep dark eyes and long lashes.
"Nothing. I can't even come up with something to do."
"Your always as listless as usual."
"Shut up! It's none of your business anyway."
"Fine. Fine. Sheesh, you don't have to be that pissed."
"Where's mom by the way?" Ronan asked to his brother.
"Mall, we asked her to go buy some groceries; also to spend money and enjoy."
"You asked someone whose birthday is tomorrow to buy groceries?"
"Why?" His brother asked, as an idea came to his mind. "Ah right, we should throw a party for mom's birthday tomorrow. I'm such a genius when it comes to things like this." The brother said with a grin on his face.
"Get a life, you can't even solve a simple math problem. Besides, how are you going to prepare a party for tomorrow if mom's gonna be home later?" He asked, thinking to himself, "These guys are dumb..."
"Get a life? Your the last person I want to hear that from, you good for nothing weeb!!" Ronan's brother told him as he walks up in front of him while smirking.
"Thats enough already! Stop fighting over trivial things. We still need to prepare for tomorrow!" Their cute little sister shouted, left hand between his two brothers and another at her hips, while the two of them looks at each other.
"And how are you going to prepare if Mom's gonna be here later? Ronan asked as he raises his eyebrows, shrugging while looking at them telling them how dumb they sound.
They continued on discussing about the matter until afternoon and bought things they need for the party while Ronan played his favorite game all day long.
The day passed without their mother realizing about the party they were preparing for tomorrow. Then in the morning. Ronan's brother, Jim quietly asks their little sister, Anna to invite their mother to a little shopping in order to prepare further more for the party.
"Let's go shopping, Mom." Anna told their mother, who was sitting on the sofa, watching her favorite drama.
"You already asked me to go shopping yesterday. Is there more to buy?" Their mother asks Anna, refusing to look at her as she was busy watching.
"Accompany me, let's buy some things for today." She said to her mother, while she grabs her mothers arm, struggling at pulling, telling her to get up and come with her.
Their mother lets out a sigh while she looks at her and then told her daughter that they will comeback home as soon as she was done shopping. Anna nodded with a satisfied little smile.
While shopping, Jim called Anna that the party is cancelled and their mother had also told them not to hold a party.
The sound of the door opening, was heard. Jim, washing the dishes asked Ronan who was laying down the sofa doing nothing to go and help them with the things they bought as he wasn't doing anything in the first place.
"They're already inside the house and I'm sure the things they bought isn't heavy at all." Ronan replied, with a very bored voice.
"You really are good for nothing. You know that, right?" Jim told Ronan, stopping his hand, looking at Ronan with a disappointed but not surprised face then continues on washing the dishes again.
Jim immediately looks up front with a confused expression, then asks as to how Ronan thought of it as a compliment. He quickly shakes the question off saying, "Whatever".
Ronan, who remembered that they were having a party gets confused as there was no sign of a party happening. He gets up then asked his brother about it then proceeds on laying down again. "It was cancelled. Dad can't go home from work and most of our relatives also has something to do, they all can't attend so I just cancelled it." Jim replied.
Ronan told Jim, with a very bored voice, that regardless, they should've continued the party.
Jim then told Ronan that thier mother had also asked them not to hold the party anymore, and that it was all good as long as they are together. Upon hearing this, Ronan tells them, "But Dad's not here though?"
Everything went silent and Ronan thought of it nervously that it might've been a bad idea that he asked that. Their mother told them not to worry, because she already received a gift from their father, breaking the silence.
Jim, who was curious about what gift their father gave then asks what kind of gift did their father gave their mom. "Love..." She replied as she slowly closed her eyes while moving her left hand forward to sideways from her chest tilting her head quite a bit upwards.
Not a single sound was heard. The look of their faces dumbfounded as they heard of what their mother just said.
"Just to make sure... What kind of love exactly did you receive from Dad?"
She tells them that kids should not ask things like that, with a little smile on her face while her index finger moved left and right.
Hearing this, Ronan tells his mother that he's turning 18 this year and that he's certainly not a kid anymore.
"So did you two do it, Mom?" Anna asked with a curious as well as excited face.
"Stop it Anna. I don't want to think about it anymore. I'm afraid I'll start to imagine things..." Jim replied, with a very disgusted face.
The day passed and another day came. Morning started early than yesterday. It's 5 o'clock when Ronan was awoken by a dream. He cannot remember it as soon as he woke up. The only thing he remembers is that it was a bad dream. He sits up covered in sweat, breathing heavily. He then stands and went to the kitchen and drinks a glass of water. He walked upstairs and went to his room again, laid down on his bed then closed his eyes once again to get some more sleep. Hours passed and it's 9 o'clock in the morning. Anna knocked on Ronan's room waking him up. He gets up, opened the door then asked what is it that she wants.
"It's already 9 in the morning, when are gonna get up? The foods already gone cold, reheat it if you're hungry." Anna said to her brother, looking at his still sleepy face.
"It's still early. I'm gonna eat later." Ronan replied, as he yawns.
"Get out of your room now, Ronan. There's things I need you to do." His mother said, looking at them, sitting at the sofa wiating for her favorite drama, while the T.V plays an advertisement.
Ronan, asked to go out and buy some things was walking down the street, confused, he thought to himself, "They went shopping yesterday, why did they not bought these then?" As he lets out a sigh.
Just as when he was about to turn left at the intersection. He saw a bunch of people running towards his direction, screaming loudly as they hurry on running as quickly as they can. As they approach Ronan, he asked one of the people what was happening and why are they running.
The man simply ignored Ronan and left in a hurry. Ronan who was left with no choice went in the direction the people came from. As he walked cautiously, he saw an unknown being, 2 meters tall walking with a mace. It's two red eyes that seemed to glow along with the setting sun and it's massive green body that looked as hard as a rock. It's head went left and right as if it was looking for something.
Ronan who doesn't know what to do, quickly hid in one of the bushes hoping the creature doesn't go his way.
The creature started walking again, it was in the direction opposite of where Ronan was located. Still, Ronan chose to stay hidden as the loud thud the creature made as it walks scared him.
Minutes passed and Ronan decides on moving. He quickly ran off to the direction of their house and saw it wrecked. Blood all over the place, and no sign of life seen and no sound of voice heard.
Ronan desperately searched everywhere, thinking that maybe his family got trapped inside, but the creature was nearing him. He quickly ran off the scene, his eyes crying while thinking, "They might still be alive somewhere...I...I don't believe they're gone. I'm gonna look for them after that creature is gone."
Sobbing, Ronan hides between the gap of two houses. It was dark, as the sun was about to set. He sat down, his arms resting above his knees and muttered, "I will find you guys. I promise..."