Chapter 4: Thoughts Of Losing a Family

"Freeze!" Inside an office, a policeman shouted as he points his gun towards the bald man sitting in front of his desk full of illegally used money. Besides the money was a bag of white powder and a pistol, the man sitting, looks at the policeman with his brown eyes and did not hesitate as he quickly reached for the gun to point at the policeman, failing miserably when his chair slides backwards while his shoes slips on the floor. He bangs his forehead, making a loud thud the moment his head touched the desk. His vision blurs for a second and was dizzy, while the policeman quickly grabs the man, cuffing him.

The policeman, Captain Ramon Ramos called Lieutenant Eugene Perez, a colleague of his in their department. He was a somewhat tall man with an average build, eyes of dark brown color and pale skin compared to Capt. Ramos, who was kayumanggi (brown) with tired brown eyes, he haven't had a good night's sleep for 2 days now because of all the work he needs to do. Hair turning greyish white and a face forming little wrinkles.

He puts his gun back to his gun belt and told Lieutenant Perez to put the man in the vehicle while he grabs his cellphone, preparing to call for someone. Just as when he was about to call the number he dialed, the sound of people screaming loudly alerts him. He ran fast to see what was going on outside while he holds his pistol that was in his belt. Outside the building he saw people running towards their direction, confused by what was happening, he gets anxious then told lieutenant to call for backup, only to be answered back by the lieutenant that their radio is not working. Hearing the bad news, he makes up his mind, he ran quickly towards the location where the people came from.

What he saw was horror. The dying of people he saw made him shiver down to his spine, cold sweats, almost pissing his pants while the people in front of him died by the hands of the creatures unknown to him. Everywhere he looked, he cannot escape the sight of someone dying. He asks himself what the hell was happening but left with no answer. He steps backwards little by little, not to make the monsters notice him while he tries to escape and ran as fast as he can the moment he turned around. He turns left of the road, running while he sweats and breathes heavily as he waves at Lieutenant Perez, signalling him. Lieutenant Perez, who was anxiously waiting for him sees the waving, then immediately drives the car towards Capt. Ramos, avoiding every person while driving.

Capt. Ramos quickly opened the door then told Lieutenant to drive towards their department as fast as he can. Upon hearing the captain, lieutenant did not bat an eye and just hit the gas. He asks what was going on and was immediately told to just drive as the captain breathes heavily. They did not see any monster on the way to their department until the moment they arrive. A creature with one eye centered at its forehead was killing everyone, it was smiling as he killed and killed and killed. The monster will later be called a cyclops.

One policeman tries to shoot it with a pistol but it seemed to not work against its tough red skin. The creature looks at him with a scornful smile and then crushed the man's head with its big hands.

Seeing the scene, he shouts at Lieutenant Perez who had lost his senses and told him that there's no time for them to be scared. They left the scene as fast as they can, driving the car somewhere safe as Capt. Ramos sees a kid on the left side of the road, being attacked by a creature that resembled that of a wolf, it has horns on its forehead and fangs that grew past its lower jaw. Capt. Ramos immediately told Lieutenant Perez to stop the vehicle to save the kid. The kid was holding a rusty rebar steel that he picked up with his shaking hands while tears flow down his cheeks from his green eyes.

The kid strikes the wolf thoughtlessly, swinging the rebar steel here and there, eventually managing to hit one swing at the wolf's head, which knocked the wolf out by accident. It wasn't just a swing, there was something in that last swing the wolf took that knocked it out. A blueish light seems to form around the rebar steel that the kid was holding and the moment it hit the wolf, it passed out. Captain Ramos, who saw it made him stand still, confused and wondering what that was.

Unaware of what Capt. Ramos saw, Lieutenant, who was inside the car, opens the door then shouts at Capt. Ramos. The captain, who was standing still, regained his senses, he immediately carried the kid and started running towards the car. Inside, the man who they just arrested suddenly spoke, saying "Are you dumb?" to the captain. The two of them, who completely forgot about the man's existence at the backseat, turns around shocked. The lieutenant then told the man that he completely forgot about him and asked what the hell is he still doing there. The man replied, "What am I supposed to do then, run outside, chased by those monsters out there?!!" while he shrugged his shoulder, left eyebrow up and hands at his back still cuffed.

Cautious about the man, Captain decides to not put the kid at the back as there was no telling what the man might do to the kid while looking at the man with a discerning look on his face. The man told the captain that he doesn't hurt children and only grownups like the captain and the lieutenant and that his head still aches because of the desk. Upon hearing the man, captain trusted the man and let the kid sleep at the backseat. Fortunately, the man wasn't lying and he did not hurt the kid at all. In fact, he too fell asleep.

As the sun sets, the captain decided that they will spend the night in an abandoned house. There was food for them to eat and bed they can use. As for the man at the backseat, they cuffed him at the table near the bed. The man planned on escaping as he looks at the keys captain Ramos was holding, but was told to that there was no knowing when will this end and that they will uncuffed him if he promise to work with them.

That night, Lieutenant asked the kid what his name was and if he knows where his parents are, he should tell them. The kid tells them that his name is Franz Reyes and that both of his parents died while protecting him from the monsters, while his eyes becomes sad and scared, as he held on the bread that captain had given him. Captain Ramos then pats Franz head then told him to not worry because they are here to protect him. Which made Franz more sad because his afraid that they might also die protecting him, but Lieutenant assures him that they won't die, while he smiles looking at Franz.

"I might die!" The man bound by the table tells them. (bound by the table. haha)

"Why is that?" Lieutenant asks with a confused face

He then told them that he was holding his piss since earlier because he doesn't want to ruin their moment. (aw~) The captain uncuffs him in the table then went with him in the bathroom, where he waited outside asking if he's done. The man told him that there's a lot and so he should wait. After it, he cuffs him at the table once again and they decides to call it a night.

In that same dark room, lit only by the moon is a man who's unable to sleep. He thought of his family, his loving wife and kids. He cannot sleep as he keeps having thoughts about losing them, not knowing what will happen to him and what he'll do if he does lose them. He closed his eyes, arm resting on his forhead as his tears slowly drips down his eyes, silently. The captain did not sleep that night, bound by the thoughts of losing his family, he stayed up the whole night waiting for the sun to once again rise.

Afternoon that same day, Jim had protected his mother and sister, killed by the monster that chased them and was eaten. Captain did not know this, only his wife and daughter while his other son, Ronan was out there alone. All of them are worried about each other, thinking whether they're alive or not, but Ronan was different, as he believed that his family is alive and is safe somewhere.

They had been trying to call each other but failed because of the overflowing of unknown energy made telecommunications impossible while Ronan, who had left his cellphone in his room thinks only of his family.

They felt that they needed each other to survive and was determined to look for each other. After the sun fully sets, Ellen and Anna finds themselves in a place with injured people, crying and disoriented but luckily for them Ellen was a nurse and she treated their wounds while another man, who we've come to know as the chief arrived, breathing heavily, limping while holding a stick he used as a cane. Having lost his only daughter, tired and hopeless, he passed out after reaching the place.

He fixed his composure in the morning, seeing the people disoriented and scared. He told them that the only way for them to survive this god-forsaken world is to help each other and is precisely why the must help one another. The people looked at him with hope and could not help themselves but to agree to what the man had said. That morning, the people called him chief and chose him to lead them. They all thanked Ellen and Anna after what they did last night, while the two of them smiled, still thinking about the captain and Ronan.

Later that same day comes people who are tired and hungry, looking for a place to stay. They helped these people and assigned them jobs to do after resting. A group of armed policeman arrived, then offered them them that they will protect the place in exchange for staying. The chief looks at them with a hopeful eyes while telling them that he agrees. Ellen immediately rushed to see if one of the policeman was her husband, only to realized he wasn't there. She asked if they know where his husband was, unfortunately hearing the words "No!". The worries did not leave Ellen alone, while Ellen hugs her mother tightly with tears flowing down her eyes. The chief, who had lost his daughter sees this and was determined to help Ellen look find her husband, because he know what it feels like to lose someone you love and also to repay the kindness Ellen and Anna showed him.

They decided to barricade the place while the policeman guarded them and the day passed without seeing any monster. They were relieved and happy to see another day, as they thought that it was simply impossible anymore, but that was only true for them. There is no knowing what other people might have experienced that day.