Chapter 5: Kaminari!!!

"Kaminari Denki..."

The female hero muttered the name under her breath, curling her lips in a mock show of disdain. "You little brat, if I really wanted to catch you, do you think I'd let you get away?"


But for some reason, she suddenly giggled, her voice playful. "But those childish words... I don't mind them at all."

Then, in a louder voice, she turned to the gathered crowd of residents. "Everyone, listen up! I've decided to temporarily act as that boy's guardian under my authority as a pro hero. That means I, Midnight, am responsible for any consequences of his Quirk use today!"

According to the law, minors or student heroes without a license could only use their Quirks under the supervision of a guardian be it a parent, teacher, police officer, or hero. Professional heroes, under special circumstances, could take on that role temporarily, but they also had to shoulder all the responsibility for whatever happened.

That's why most pro heroes avoided it. Minors were unpredictable, and things could easily spiral out of control.

The crowd nodded in understanding. They were all adults and knew the complexities of the situation, so everyone quietly accepted Midnight's declaration with kind smiles.

Meanwhile, Kaminari, completely unaware of what had transpired, had already returned home, showered, and was getting ready for school. He stood at the door in his white school uniform.

Today was the graduation ceremony, so it would likely be the last time he'd wear this uniform that had accompanied him for the past three years.

"Here, your guitar."

His mother, still young and vibrant, handed him a bright yellow guitar case, smiling as she watched him step out of the house. She then slipped on her carefully chosen blue and white crystal heels.

Yes, his mother was accompanying him to school today. She'd sit with the other parents in the audience and watch him perform on stage.

There would be performances by other students too, of course, but in Kaminari's mind, his mother was coming specifically to see him, not anyone else.

"I think this is the first time Mom will see me perform live." Kaminari glanced at her, smiling as they walked together.

His mother tucked a stray lock of black hair behind her ear and nodded seriously. "So, son, make sure you don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone."

"Don't worry! Your son's going to be the most handsome one there today!"

Maybe it was because he'd lived a plain, ordinary life in his previous world, but now Kaminari had a deep desire to live boldly. In this life, he wanted to stand out, to shine like lightning across the sky.

Tanibori Junior High School was just two stops away on the subway, practically next door. It took only five minutes to get there.

When Kaminari and his mother arrived near the school, they saw groups of boys and girls in their uniforms, their youthful faces full of excitement as they walked alongside their parents.

Needless to say, these were his fellow graduates. But when Kaminari, carrying his guitar case, appeared at the school gates, the atmosphere changed in an instant.

"Ah! It's Kaminari!"

"Look, it's really him! He's as cool as ever!"

"Mom! Dad! Look, that's Kaminari! Isn't he handsome?! Isn't he just the coolest?!"

"Oh, that's the kid who's been top of the class for three years straight. He really does look impressive..."

"Hey! We're not talking about his grades!!"

Kaminari's mother blinked in surprise, taking in the scene around her. She looked at her son with raised eyebrows. "Are you really this popular?"

The way those kids were looking at him, it was like they were staring at a celebrity.

"Eh, it's not a big deal," Kaminari said with a shrug, though inside he felt a spark of excitement and pride. It wasn't every day he got to show off in front of his mom.

With the crowd's eyes on them, mother and son made their way toward the school auditorium. Once inside, they had to part ways Kaminari needed to head backstage to check his equipment and get ready to stand with his classmates.

And, of course, because of the widespread existence of Quirks, there were plenty of students in the school who didn't look entirely "normal." Kaminari was already used to seeing people with unique appearances horns, tails, or other unusual features but it didn't faze him anymore.

The ceremony started with the usual formalities: speeches from the principal, teachers, and various student representatives. The school song played softly in the background, and one by one, students were called to the stage to receive their diplomas.

The only moment that really stood out? The thunderous applause that filled the auditorium when Kaminari's name was called and he walked across the stage.

After the diplomas were handed out, the stage was cleared for the performances. This was the highlight of the day, and everyone had been looking forward to it. The students who had spent the past two months preparing their acts performed with a mix of nerves and excitement. Each act was met with enthusiastic applause, and the performers, their faces flushed with pride, hugged each other as they returned backstage.

Kaminari watched from behind the scenes, clapping along with everyone else. He wasn't trying to act cool he genuinely appreciated their efforts. His own performance was up next, so he opened his guitar case and slung his electric guitar over his shoulder.

Though his act was the finale, he wanted to familiarize himself with the instrument and make sure everything was in place. The music teachers had already set up the speakers and effects for him, so all that was left was for him to play.

The guitar itself was a striking piece, with sharp, angular edges shaped like a bolt of lightning. The body was black with gold thunder patterns, but what stood out the most was the cute little Pikachu sticker on the front.

Of course, this world didn't have Pokémon. Kaminari had drawn Pikachu himself and turned it into a custom sticker. He felt an odd connection to the character something about Pikachu's electric powers resonated with him.

This guitar was a special gift from his father, given to him five years ago. It was expensive, worth about two months of his father's salary. Kaminari cherished it, and he had even given it a name Pikachu.

Lost in his thoughts, Kaminari was startled when one of the teachers tapped him on the shoulder. "Kaminari, you're up next!"


He was surprised by how quickly the time had passed, but he smiled and thanked the teacher. With his guitar slung across his body, he stepped up to the ready position, feeling the weight of everyone's expectations on his shoulders.

"Kaminari's going to play that song, right?"

"Yeah! That song! There's a music video online and a single on MTV, but hearing it live is going to be amazing!"

"Ha! You probably know all the lyrics by heart, don't you?"

"Come on, like you're any different! I bet you've got Pikachu pillows all over your room!"

Kaminari smiled to himself as he overheard the excited whispers from the audience. His classmates had been buzzing about his performance for weeks. As the host called his name, the energy in the room shifted.

"And now, the final performance of the day the one you've all been waiting for!!"

"As soon as he said that, the crowd erupted into thunderous cheers. The sound was so deafening that even those backstage could clearly hear what they were chanting.




"Alright, let's welcome the performance by the superstar of Tanibori No. 1 Junior High... Kaminari Denki!"


The final shout came from the entire audience in unison, their voices merging into one.