Back to the boredom of life

The next day the family separated. Amethyst and Solnm abruptly left with their apparition companions. Jolan and Lase went back to Dousan to study the time rift and for Jolan to complete a few more of the trials.

Jolan would not leave without asking his mother to check him again. She rolled her eyes and Lase giggled quietly.

"Jolan there is nothing wrong with you." Anabel spoke loudly and Jolan whispered in reply.

"But I want her to come along with me and I sense that it is more than just that she is becoming a soulmate."

This time Allistar laughed softly.

"Son. Embrace your feelings. If you want her with you just accept it and move on."

Jolan suddenly nodded sternly as of he was taking some life advice very seriously and Anabel smiled.

Once both of them were gone she looked to Allistar.

"Did you still want to explore the waters around the island chain?"

He looked at her for a long moment. He had sensed death magic in the depths around several of the islands but he had decided not to be so ambitious anymore. Now that she was asking him directly he did not know what to do.

Anabel smiled at him.

"We can go look. I do not expect you to stagnate while my ability grows."

She shrugged.

"I chose to specialize in spirits and you decided to specialize in death. Is there much difference? As long as you do not use our children for advancement again I will not deny you what I would seek out for myself if our positions were reversed."

Allistar smiled broadly. Seeing such a smile on a face of death could be startling for others but for Anabel it was oddly titillating. Anabel could feel her body grow hot and his smile became even more intense, or was it his eyes that were suddenly intense.

He moved towards her with a sparkle in his flame lit eyes. A sparkle that only she could see. A sparkle that was only for her.

He was quickly towering over her. As she looked up at him all she could think about were things that she shouldn't be thinking about. She swallowed hard as he leaned down to kiss her.

Her lips were soft and hot against his while his were cold and supple against hers.

He pulled her into him hard driving her body into his as he kissed her harder and harder and with deeper passion than she remembered him capable of.

She gave into him and suddenly she felt that she was melting into him. It was like they were becoming one and they both wanted it that way. They both wanted to know how it felt to drift within each other's souls again.

She moaned against his lips as he decided to pick her up. He held her to him. Her legs naturally wrapping around his waist as he walked towards the cliff.

She didn't try to stop him even when she knew what he was about to do. Her body began to tremble against him and a tingling sensation ran up and down his spine.

His kiss intensified just has he jumped from the cliff and cradled her body to his. Her legs tightened around him, their kisses becoming more and more urgent as they plunged through the air.

They slid into the warm water and it engulfed them just as they yearned for its embrace. And all they knew was each other. Their spirit forms emerging as they went deeper and deeper into the soothingly warm water.

They pressed into each other until it was just two souls intertwined into one beneath the water understanding, exploring, and redefining who they were to each other.

It was a bliss that they could not explain. A feeling that could not be duplicated.

And then, when they were truly one, they knew nothing except the indescribable

Traveling from dimension to dimension was pretty easy once you knew how and Amethyst had traveled like this with her mother for centuries, before the accident.

Solnm was a quick learner, mostly because he trusted amethyst without question, and he kept up with her as they traveled.

He learned a lot from her as they traveled. Sometimes they used her traveler magic and other times they merely skipped across dimensions like a smooth stone across a quiet lake.

They passed through many dimensions. Some they stopped and took a look and some they skipped over just to practice techniques.

The entire time their love grew and began to mean something deeper and purer. It began to define them in ways that they did not fully understand yet.

For now they did not think about it they just explored, learned, and grew together.

Even though they decided this together they both could not help but worry. Worry about the future of an illusion addict and a divine spirit traveler. Could it even truly happen.

He didn't want to think about it and every time he did he just wanted to hold her. She didn't understand why she just knew that he needed it.

So she let him hug her way more times than should of really been necessary. And every time he hugged her she lost herself to him a little bit more.

Jolan and Lase sat in the sun in the lush grasses of the island. Jolan was deep in thought about something and Lase was laying on her back looking up at the sky.

She fell asleep under the vibrant sun. And suddenly Jolan was on a vast plane of light purple. There was a large mountain chain in the distance and a large white sun shining next to a dark purple moon.

Jolan looked around in amazement. A streak of blue moved across the sky towards him. As it neared he realized that it was fire. Blue fire with an intense white core and he suddenly knew it was Lase.

Just as he had that realization he looked to his right where she should have been and he felt his heart sink when he did not see her.

Was it his heart or was it a part of his soul that moved in such an abrupt way when he could not find her?

Was it true what everyone was telling him that this was love?

He abruptly returned to Drousan Island just as the blue flame was so close he felt its heat.

Lase was beside him an apology written on her face.

"I am so sorry! I did not mean to do that."

"You pulled me into a dream?"

"Yes. I apologize. I usually have better control."

"was that your home?"


"I would like to visit it one day."

Jolan returned to his thoughts without another pause.

Lase smiled and returned to her position on the grass beside him. She would have to be careful when she slept near him for now on.