Chapter 5 - City of Pavagar

When Petgeon left Aria's table, Aria realized that Willow had something on his mind. She went back to eating and, between chews, asked:

"Man, what's your name again?" 


"Willow... an unusual name. Why did your parents give you that name?" 

Willow in English was a kind of tree with long leaves that fell towards the ground. These trees weren't very pretty, but in many cultures they were seen as mystical trees.

"My mother was superstitious, I think. She believed that the name Willow would bring good energy." 

Willow's mother's intention in giving him this name was good, but many people mocked him throughout his life because of this name. Even so, he never thought about changing his name, not even when he had the chance to put something different as his nickname on Ether Online, because he found it enigmatic.

"Willow, you've been thinking about something ever since that adventurer came here. Is it something you want to share with me?"

For a moment, Willow was surprised that Aria had been able to read him so easily. Then he remembered that elves used to live much longer than humans and Aria, despite her youthful appearance, might be old enough to be his mother. So he said:

"I want to go with you to Pavagar." 

Aria raised an eyebrow, examining Willow as if assessing his intentions. "And why should I let you join us? You don't seem like a person who can handle danger."

"I have more to offer than you can imagine. I know this kingdom very well, far better than that adventurer you traded with, I can make a more detailed map of the cities and towns of this kingdom than you'll find in any store, and certainly more up-to-date than the map you received before you left Sylvanor." Willow replied. "Besides, I want to become an adventurer and for that I can't stay in this town."

"Aren't you a bit old for that? I think it's normal to start between the ages of 18 and 20."

Willow smiled nervously. He knew that the normal thing in the world of Ether was to start very young as an adventurer, because in avatar creation you could only choose ages from 18 and most chose that to avoid all the age debuffs, but he was already 23.

"If there's one thing I've learned in my life so far, it's that it's never too late to start again. This is an opportunity I can't pass up."

The elf tilted her head, evaluating his words. Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "Very well, Willow. You can come with us as far as Pavagar. After that, we'll split up."

Willow smiled sincerely. "I thank you, elf lady. You're a very good person." 

Aria's eyes widened, her forehead furrowed in surprise at the sudden politeness, and her cheeks turned a little pink from Willow's beautiful smile. She turned her face away immediately, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

'What are you thinking? To be embarrassed by a human? That's not like you...' she thought.

Aria got up from the table, straightening her clothes and looking at the tavern door. 

"Tomorrow at dawn, we'll leave. Tell the tavern keeper to find you a room and I'll pay for it."


"Yes, it's the least I can do for someone the spirits like." She said and started walking towards the tavern door, without giving Willow a chance to ask what she meant about the spirits.


The next morning, Willow got up early and put on clothes that were placed in front of the door of that room at the back of the tavern - a simple ensemble with black leather pants, black boots and a white shirt. All this didn't go perfectly with his brown hair and green eyes, nor did it fit his slender, tall body perfectly, but Willow made a brief adjustment at the waist, using the lace of the original shoe he had on when he arrived in this world, took a deep breath and opened the door to the room.

Coincidentally, when Willow came out of the room, the local tavern keeper, a stout man with a red beard called Bertabus, was passing through the corridor with a tray in his hands. He looked at Willow and nodded in greeting.

"Good morning, young lady! Sleep well?" the tavern keeper asked.

Willow wasn't exactly a young man, but compared to Bertabus, he definitely was.

"Yes, thank you. The bed was great." Willow lied in his reply. In fact, this was one of the most uncomfortable nights of his entire life. The bed itched, because it was literally made of hay and was only covered by a sheet.

"I hear you're going to join that elf and the other adventurers." Bertabus said.

"Yes, Aria and the others are going to give me a lift to Pavagar," Willow explained.

"I see..." Bertabus lowered his eyes. "Boy, watch out for those forests on the way. A lot of strange things can happen." The tavern keeper warned with a serious tone, and Willow noticed that he wasn't exactly talking about the forests.

Willow nodded, aware that the tavern keeper was talking about the adventurers from Petgeon's group. After a few moments of conversation, he said goodbye and headed for the main part of the tavern. And there was Aria, sitting at a table near the fireplace. She looked as comfortable as the day before, eating buttered bread and coffee.

"Good morning, Aria." Willow greeted her, taking a seat opposite her.

"Good morning, Willow." She replied.

"You eat a lot, don't you?" Willow commented.

Aria raised an eyebrow, interrupting her chewing. "What's wrong with enjoying a good meal? On a trip, you never know when you'll have the next one."

"That's true..." he replied, a smile forming on his lips, "I just wonder where this food is going...

Willow couldn't help but let her gaze slide over Aria and, at that moment, his doubt was answered. Aria had a slim body, but her breasts were generous. Immediately, Willow looked away, because he thought that if Aria caught him staring at her breasts, she probably wouldn't give him the ride anymore. 

"Arent the others here yet?" Willow tried to make conversation.

"They're outside, getting the carriage and horses ready." Aria replied, without lifting her eyes from her food. "I hope you're ready. Pavagar isn't exactly the most welcoming town for beginners."

Willow nodded. He was still level 1, a simple explorer stuck in a new and confusing class, without enough skills to defend himself or fight. However, there was no other way. Once there, he would receive a Skill Point and then be able to unlock other abilities. 

After a few more minutes, Aria finally finished her meal. She wiped her mouth with a piece of cloth on the table and stood up with the elegance characteristic of elves. At the same time as she put out her hand to get up, she left a square gold coin with a hole in the middle on the table. 

Together, Aria and Willow walked out of the tavern into the cold morning air. The sunlight was pale, and a low mist covered the ground, floating lazily between the trees around the small village of Ravepal. In front of the tavern, Petgeon was supervising the preparations, dressed in his characteristic green cloak, his hands behind his back and a serious expression on his face.

In front of Petgeon, the other three members of the group were organizing their mounts. One of them, a short, muscular man in reinforced leather armor, was adjusting the reins of a brown horse. Next to him, an archer with long blond hair was checking his arrows, while the last, a tall, thin man with a stern expression, was checking the daggers attached to his waist. Each of them had a striking presence, denoting their class and function within the group.

"Good morning." Petgeon greeted, raising his eyes to Aria and then to Willow as they approached.


Name: Petgeon

Race: Human

Level: 35

Description: Thinks you're a slave of Aria Valenwood.

Emotions: Anxious, Sleepy, Uncertain


"I hope you slept well," continued Petgeon.

"As well as I can," said Aria.

Petgeon let out a short laugh. "Don't worry, elf. You just need to keep up with us and, if things get complicated, you'll spring into action."

Aria walked straight up to the horse - a beautiful black specimen with intelligent eyes - gave it a pet and then went to the back of the cart, where she settled down.

The main road to Pavagar was narrow, winding through the dense forests that stretched around Ravepal. The pine trees, tall and sturdy, created a landscape that was both beautiful and unsettling, as if something was always lurking in the shadows.

With every swing of the cart, Willow felt more nauseous. He had never ridden a horse in his life and this was much more nauseating than he had expected.

Despite the apparent calm, there was a subtle tension in the air, as if everyone was waiting for something. After a few hours on the road, Petgeon, holding the reins at the front of the cart, broke the silence.

"So, elf, I didn't ask before, but what exactly brings a Slayer from Sylvanor to the Kingdom of Aethoria? We hardly see elves venturing so far from their lands without good reason."

"My purpose here is not something I can share. But you must have guessed that when you asked me."

"State secrets, then?" The archer from Petgeon's group asked.



Race: Human

Level: 26

Description: He's curious about Aria.

Emotions: Curiosity, Restlessness


Aria's expression hardened. "You can interpret it however you like, but I suggest you don't ask any more questions about it."

The other adventurers in the back of the wagon exchanged quick glances. It was clear that there was a mystery surrounding Aria that they would not easily understand. 

Willow also wondered what Aria's mission was as a Slayer of Sylvanor. Considering that she had accepted a ride from strangers, it was wise to try and deduce that she was in a hurry to get somewhere.