The Floor Guardian (2/3)

Within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, there were 10 floors, and every floor had its own NPC who took up the role of the Floor Guardian. Yes, even the 9th floor now had a Floor Guardian, unlike in the anime, where that place had no such thing. The 9th floor had the lowest combat capability of all the other floors. It was the same even now; instead, it now had 1 extremely powerful NPC to overlook the floor and the many entertainments it held.

On the 6th floor, there were 2 twins. They were children, Aura Bella Fiora and Mare Bello Fiore. Currently, these two were horrified while looking at me, I was surrounded by a seemly black aura of death that was visible even to the naked eye. But in truth, this wasn't the aura, but the sight they saw as the light was killed, reflecting nothing to their eyes.

All sounds I could give of were killed, for around me at this moment everything was dying. What horrified them most was when I reached out towards them, through the darkness, they felt like their life was in the palm of someone else. They couldn't resist this power, for people who had the power to solo a world enemy to not be able to put up any form of resistance before my power showed just how broken I created Momonga to be.

The two stood there, not daring to breathe as they believed this was their last day alive... but it wasn't. It was weird, but all of a sudden they suddenly felt a huge weight lift off them. That feeling that they might die had suddenly disappeared, leaving them realizing that they had held their breath.

Mare's eyes slowly watered from that experience, it was too scary, and for a kid like him who was only 76 years old, how could he take it? But what scared him the most was the possibility that I didn't want him anymore, and that caused him to start crying.

"My apologies." I teleported to their side, shocking the two and quickly causing them to fall to their knees.

"Lord Momonga, you don't need to apologize, our lives are yours to do with as you wish," Aura said quickly in fear.

"But I want to apologize for scaring you two. I let my emotions control me, and that wasn't okay." I said gently while kneeling before the two and having them looking at me. The two did as I wished, allowing me to look at the cross-dressing Dark Elf twins.

Aura is a boyish-looking child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. She has golden hair and heterochromia, her left eye blue and right eye green. She wears reddish-black dragon scale leather covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown. Below it, she has a matching set of white trousers and gold-plated shoes, and around her neck is an acorn necklace emitting golden light.

Mare is a child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. He has golden hair and heterochromia, his right eye is blue, and his left eye is green. He wears a blue dragon scale leather full-body suit, covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown and a forest green-leaf cloak. Below, he has a matching short white skirt exposing his thighs, and on his neck is an acorn necklace emitting silver light. His slender hands are donned with shiny white silk gloves and he wields a twisted black wooden staff.

"When I arrived, I realized you two were not immortal, and one day you would age and pass away... so I removed the concept of Death from you two... again, I'm sorry, I should have asked," I said lightly, stunning the Dark Elf twins, who just opened and closed their mouth.

"T-that means we could live forever serving you?" Aura asked in joy, causing me to pause as I didn't expect such a thing... but on second thought, this seemed like something they would say.

"Y-yes, but still. What I did was make an important decision I should have waited to ask the two of you when you're old enough. Now the only way you two could die is if someone destroys you, or the concept of death is introduced back into you." I said with a sigh, I made them immortal. They would still age, but at some point when they are in their peak physical condition, they would stop aging.

I erased all concepts of death from them, meaning even if their body were erased, they would reform. Even if their soul is destroyed, they would reform. For I saw that as death... and I decided what death was thanks to the Almighty.

"Then there is no problem because it's an honor to stay by your side for all of eternity my lord. It's an honor you would have such strong emotions for us." Aura said almost in tears by how touched she was by my actions.

"..." I wanted to say something about how what I gave to them wasn't a good thing, they could be captured and tortured... but I would never let that happen, so I kept my mouth shut. I looked at Mare who didn't say anything, but her eyes showed the same enjoyment his sister had. She... cough, I mean He was just too shy and still shaken by my actions.

I focused on something, and soon a gateway to my Item box opened up. Item Box was originally a tool for YGGDRASIL Players to store their loot and equipment, in the New World it functions as a pocket dimension. It seems to possess a limitless amount of space. It is extremely useful for storing different items needed based on the situation. It is also possible for a high-level thief to steal from it, though the limit of loot would be one or two items per player.

I pulled out a Handkerchief, which I went on to gently use to remove Mare's tears, stunning him that I would be so gentle. I sighed lightly at how they were so moved by such small acts, but this showed how loyal they were to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked Mare, who quickly nodded, trying her best to look strong and not show such an embarrassing sight before me once more. I smiled at this, although it couldn't be seen... 

Well, after calming the two down, we went down to the area where I went on to explain to the two why I came here.

"Nazarick seems to have appeared in a new world, I had all of the floor guardians gather here," I said calmly, 

"Is Shalltear also coming?" Aura asked with an unwilling tone, showing the bumpy relationship between the two. And to that, I simply nodded while going on with my next point.

"I came up ahead to try and see if my power works differently in this new world... on that note, I also wish for you two to do a quick scan on the 6th floor to see if anything is different," I said to which the two quickly nodded before Aura used her tamed beast to fly off.

On the individual level, Aura's fighting strength is not as high as other level 100 NPCs. She is ranked second from the bottom among the Floor Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick in terms of single combat. Even some of the Area Guardians, who are optimized for combat, are stronger than her. Nevertheless, Aura's main specialties are guerrilla warfare and group combat. She performs best when deployed alongside others. With beasts at her command, Aura's combat abilities far surpass those of any other Guardian in terms of handling group battles.

The Number of the tame beasts under her control was over 30, every tamed beast stronger than a world enemy, although they were weaker than the floor guardian... but with their numbers, it allowed Aura to face all of the floor guardians all by herself. This floor was deadly, anyone who could pass this floor was a true monster.

"First I will try something simple," I said while casting a spell. I had to think of the spell, and it was cast. On the ground, a magic circle appeared, and from the ground came 5 Overlords, all at level 100, and just one of them was equal to about 10 level 100 normal players.

'It was shockingly easy to cast, I do feel a connection with the summons. I wonder if I should have just used this.' I thought while looking at the Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown... but I shook my head, the summons this staff had was just too overpowered. One of the summons was enough to force Aura and Mera to join hands to defeat it.

"You guys want to fight it?" I asked seeing Aura's hands inching for a fight, and Aura nodded in joy. I didn't mind and allowed her to have fun. I stepped backward, wanting to see how they would use their magic.

Mera wanted to refuse, but he was pulled into the battle by Aura. So, a fight began, and I just watched. My eyebrow raised seeing how the 5 Overlords worked together, 1 stood backward to use the Goal Of All Life is Death, while the others bought time for the spell to take effect.

But Aura was able to shoot into the sky, pulling out a bow, and she went on to aim an arrow at that overlord. The 5 overlords while working together were troublesome, and they managed to work together to put up a bone wall to save that Overlord quickly. But with the buffs and debuffs cast by Mera, Aura's arrow pierced through all of the bone walls, and by the time it pierced through, it hit the Overlord, killing it with one shot.

Aura's eyes widened for a moment as she had leveled up, although stunned, she was in the middle of a fight, and quickly snapped Mera back to reality as Mera had also leveled up...