Tell me what happened to her, please.
We're sorry, ma'am, but we can't.
"Ivana left for the hospital, what the fucking hell you mean dammit! It In his car, David sat down.
When the door to the room opened to reveal David, Ivana was the frst person he saw in tears. Ivana ran to David and said, "David," as he entered the room.
She stopped an inch away from him and said, "They are not telling me what happened to her, stating that you have stopped them. Please tell me why she is in this condition what happened." David couldn't handle it and tightly grabbed her, covering her in his arms as Ivana cried and became stif.
David said while maintaining a tight grasp.
"Ivana, he went for a movement and took a deep breath while he closed his eyes. "She has been sexually assaulted Ivana," he didn't know when the words left from his side. It was difcult for him to say, but it was even harder for Ivana. She let out a loud scream and began crying so hard that the room was just flled with her cries. Ivana couldn't muster the strength to stand on her own, so she sank down slowly with David holding her while she sobbed on the foor.
"Ahhhhhhh! My daughter cries, "Ahhhhhh!" She is never exposed to these things thanks to me! But I had no idea she would have to deal with it, ah!" Ivana, stop getting so worked up! He hugged her and caressed her hairs while keeping his cheek resting on her head.
David tightened his grip on Ivana and added, "Don't worry, I won't leave the one who did this; I promise Ivana I'll make them see the ultimate hell I'll seek revenge Ivana I promise you. He could see Kate was looking at them with a jealous expression on her face. She doesn't know why, but she was envious of how David was holding her. If we try to fgure out the reason, everyone will know that it was Max because he never held her that way and never hugged her in the manner that David does. Jealousy made her want to cry only. She then left. Although David watched her leave, he
said nothing.
David POV
"Sir If you don't mind, come with me and I'll bang your hand because your hand is highly bloody and potentially deadly." To be honest, I was faming and was really angry. However, after hearing how can I say no to my kitten she is asking in a cute tone from me, I agreed and I went with her.
My kitten was bandaging me while she was kneeling in front of me on the couch, and I was sitting there and just staring at her. I still couldn't believe that this was how we were supposed to meet, I looked around for her.
I looked for her for at least a week, but she suddenly disappeared. I have no idea why, but she wasn't making any eye contact, and I really want to see those hazel eyes once more.
David teased her while maintaining a serious demeanour, "Cat."
"It's not cat its kate,"
"It looks more like a kitten to me," his whispery sexy tone.
"Pardon, did you say something?"
"Ha, Actually, no,"
Kate stood up after saying, "Ok fne, it's all fnished." When her room door opened at that moment, Max was there. David got faming in anger and he didn't want to leave kaye all alone and he exactly knew how to stay since he wanted to, so he took his phone and turned it to tunes. The sound of the call was spared in the room Max and Kate had the exact same thoughts as he wanted since the way he acted to swipe the caller id acting its a call. and put that inside his ear. He was actually listening in on Kate and Max's chat while he was merely pretending to listen over the other side.
"What about the remodelling, baby?"
Max kissed her cheeks and nodded, saying, "This Ccy Company has contacted me today and says they will send their team. David Blood, who had been cool, started to fare up once more; he just couldn't help it because he is so conceited and has a temper problem. Infuriated, he stood up and left.
With his knees crossed and his ankles resting on the
armrests of his chair, David was in his cabin sitting like a boss. One hand was holding a remote control, while the other was resting on the cane's head. In order to feel more warm, he chose to watch some news.
He watched the news while maintaining a fxed gaze on the TV. The news anchor was discussing how the country's drought circumstances were harming the city with blah blah blah and other things, but it appears that it is not at all easing his fury. David exhaled. If David is afraid of anything in his life, it is likely his own anger. He simply made David feel helpless and powerless in front of his action, and he hated it when that happened to him.
He turned of the television and slightly adjusted his swinging position before turning to face his clear, full view. then turned to face his clear, full mirror glass from where he was sitting. He loved seeing the sky every day like this, even when things were not going well for him personally, as they are right now. The sky looked so majestic in this moment, like an old friend who had been through everything with him over the years ever since they frst met.
The boss's assistant here.
When the door was knocked on, I was working at the counter. I initially believed it to be a friend or family member, but then I overheard someone inquire, "Is boss here?" Well, that was clarifed as neither a friend nor a relative, but since these two men claimed to be members of Sir David's family, Additionally, nobody knew his companion, thus it seemed unbelievable.
—they claimed they needed to speak with the boss but didn't want to bother him during working hours. However, I then recall that he had previously stated that he was expecting someone, so I consented and showed the men to his cabin. If anyone had questioned why they were all dressed alike and whether it was a uniform of some sort, they went inside, and I would have been left with no other choice but to shrug. After a few minutes, the men quickly left.