
CHAPTER 17: Emerging Strengths

Tunde made it to the Red Blossom House, the streets filled with whispers about the wastelander who took down three of the top twenty initiates of Jade Peak. Even as he quietly made his way to the house, he noticed the stares and hushed whispers as he passed by, wondering just how fast the news had spread. It was dusk when he got to the Red Blossom, light filtering through the windows as he opened the doors, a hush falling across the large room where initiates were drinking the night away.

An awkward, tense silence settled as Tunde stood out of place, Lady Ryka behind the bar staring at him with a smile on her face. An initiate stood up, brown-haired with a hefty look, clapping slowly as the rest of the initiates stood up as well, following suit, leaving Tunde confused. He found himself being welcomed into their midst, seated at the long polished wooden table where Ryka arranged platters of all sorts of delicacies for the numerous initiates, still lost for words.