The fiery hotness of the forge was the first thing that greeted Tunde as he stepped into the iron wolf that day, eyes roaming about as he spotted the little kid who had ripped him of lumens, looking everywhere but at him. Tunde ignored him, following calmly behind Elder Joran with the crumpled form of vengeance held in his hands, a silent but cold look on his face. No words were spoken as the same forgesmith showed them the way to the personal forge of the artificer. Elder Joran opened the doors, Tunde entering behind him as artificer Borus dropped the metal infused with Ethereon in his hands, turning to them.
“Seems like whatever you fought was terrible enough to sate vengeance’s taste for battle,” he said as a form of greeting.
Tunde bowed stiffly even as elder Joran gave a tight-lipped smile.
“You and I both know that if he had truly fought a tier 3 Corespawn, he’d be dead by now” he replied.