“ark” Elder Joran repeated, Tunde watching the large tower-like structure vanish from view with a ripple, blinking in shock.
“Adamath realm keystone, created and named by the artificers I believe” Joran repeated.
“Employing short-distance nexus keys to send them to preferred locations, the artificer guild really has gone far” he added.
It had been there one minute and gone the next, no sign of it, Tunde glanced down at the elder who had drawn his face from the structure and back to the crystals in the large room.
“What does it do?” he asked.
“Not too clear on that, the clan was only informed that on the orders of the hegemons themselves, the regents gave the order to ensure the distribution of these keystones across Adamath by the various powers” Joran replied.
“Which is strange really, not once in my entire existence have I heard of a joint order by the regents, not even the regent of war and constructs right here on Bloodfire itself,” he said.