Tunde woke up from his deep slumber as the early morning winds blew, a shiver running through his body as well as the notification of a message on his Ark screen. Rubbing his eyes gently, he opened the message.
[sky vessel departs in an hour, get here with Elyria] it read.
Having no doubt of its sender even as he checked to confirm it was from the elder, he glanced at the thick animal hide coat that had been left in his tent, either by Elyria or someone else. Grabbing and wearing it, he stepped out into the chilly rocky wastelands, rubbing his hands together as his breath chilled, Tunde wondered how a desert wasteland could be as cold as the frozen season in Crystalreach. Walking towards the low burning fire where Elyria, Harun, and Giselle had gathered, he waved at them, cracking his neck with an audible sigh of relief.
“You look a whole lot better” Elyria commented, handing him a wooden mug filled with a greyish liquid Tunde stared at dubiously.