Tunde woke up groaning lightly, shaking his head a bit as he blinked, sitting up and turning to see Elder Joran seated, legs folded as he breathed calmly. The elder turned to him wordlessly, Tunde glancing around them once again.
“You were out for quite a while,” Joran said.
“Apologies, what happened?” he asked.
Joran stretched his frame before getting to his feet, tapping his void ring as tens of cores poured out, rolling towards Tunde who stared at them silently.
“You happened,” Joran said softly.
Tunde picked one of them up, staring at the faint yellow glow coming from within them, swallowing lightly, he got to his feet, staring around as he noticed the absence of his axe.
“Looking for this?’ Joran asked, Shadowfang in his hand.
Tunde nodded gratefully, strapping the weapon to his back again.
“I remember some things,” he said softly.
“Like what?” Joran asked with a mildly curious voice.
“The fight” Tunde replied.