The brute guardian stood almost impossibly tall, its head passing the halfway mark of the walls and its armor smoking, glowing with the heat that permeated its body. It turned its gaze from the walls to the two adepts standing close to it as if assessing them calmly, and then it moved. Ethra sight his saving grace as the creature swung its club, the weapon trailing elemental fire down on them. Tunde imbuing himself with his Ethra shot toward the large weapon that shadowed him, clashing with Shadowfang.
The force of the weapon drove him straight into the ground, shock and dizziness flowing through him as he dug his way out of the ground with speed lest he got skewered by the other glowing and burning blade that stabbed into the ground where he stood, driving straight down with all the force of a pike. The brute roared as his Ark screen blinked to like.
[peak tier 4 infernal brute guardian as activated a projection technique!] it wrote.