Tunde found himself secluded within the vessel, the same room he had always used while aboard the swan. Isolde and Giselle were on the upper decks, discussing with Captain Hajan, the man still in charge of the ship, the only one who knew the ship well enough. His room, as always, was bare of anything except a bed and a spare set of robes neatly folded next to it, Tunde seated beside the bed, cycling his Ethra, feeling its energy run through him.
The ride had been smooth so far, nothing more than a few flying creatures that had attempted to assault the ship. In between the disciples, Isolde and Giselle, they had been able to fend them off, the vessel’s cannons killing some of them. The tier 4 leader of the flying creatures had attempted to assault the ship, until Tunde released his aura, allowing the creature to get a feel of what was in store for it should it persist, it had given a childish squawk, wisely turning away.