Tunde closed the doors to the shop gently behind him, closing the binds as well as he peeked out, Miria behind him, tapping her foot gently.
“you’re awfully calm about this,” she said.
Tunde nodded, putting a hand to his lip as he subtly wrapped the entire building in his aura, ensuring no one could listen in on what was about to be said. He turned to her, folding his hands in front of him as he sat down with a sigh.
“Now, run me from the beginning,” he said.
Miria sat right in front of him, fingers stapled together as she started.
“Varis believes you have no second affinity,” she said.
“Now while that should be-“
“I don’t,” Tunde said, cutting in.
Miria paused, unsure of what she just heard.
“What?” she asked.
“I don’t have a second affinity” Tunde repeated rather slowly again.
The former lady of the tyrant’s haven began to drum her fingers on the table.
“that’s impossible,” she said.