“Make sure everything is in order, and tell the guys that I will need to meet them tonight. The last thing I need is that wolf getting wind of what we are up to.” Luka said to his phone as we drove to God knows where. “I’ll be in the club.”
“Where are we going?” I asked once we got on the road.
“To have a good time my friend.” He answered with a deary tone. “Trust me when I say you would hardly have any fun in that godforsaken Casino.”
“I came with my car and some people.” I managed to say. “They’ll be wondering where the hell I am.”
“She swears.” He had a glint in his eyes, “I knew I liked you for something other than your money.”
My eyes widened. “Something other than my money?”
A deep breath, “Okay, Listen human, or Amara. Whatever the hell you are called. I am a vampire, not like you’ll understand that because your brains are a gooey mess of blood and tissues, but I’ll try my best to make you comprehend.”