Chapter 5

Chapter 5


Valerie's POV

All these memories flushed in as I was reminiscing about four days ago when I met Damian. Who would have thought that this would be my fate today?

Dad walked up and handed the contract papers to me. I had to read again and again until the lines got blurry. The tears rolled down freely as I felt my world crumbling down.

Arrangements for the wedding had commenced and it will be happening in 4 weeks time. How on Earth is that possible? I can't get married now… not to Damian. Not to anyone.

“Valerie, you have to trust us on this. This marriage will be used to seal the deal we have in Joint partnership. This is for the best. I assure you of that. Damian is a great guy. You both just have to settle down and get to know each other better. The…”

“Father, this is my life we are talking about. My happiness. I can't marry someone I know nothing about. Someone I don't love.”

“This marriage has to be cancelled because I'm not interested,” I said finally.

“Valerie! You will do as I say! You have no right to defy me. This marriage will happen and it must take place at the stipulated time. I'm not asking for your opinion anyways.” Father shouted.

It was just so overwhelming. I expected my mum to say something but no words came from her end. I glanced at Damian's parents, they didn't say anything as well. Damian was on his chair, obviously trying to digest the scenario.

“Damian, won't you say something? Tell me this is a stupid joke!”

His silence gave me all the answers I needed. It was true. Damn it!

“Mom, don't tell me you are a part of this. Please don't tell me you sold me off.”

“Sweetheart, you have to understand. Nobody is selling you out. You are still a part of our family. We still love you. I still love you” Mother explained.

I shoved her hands away when she tried to bring me in for a hug.

“This is unbelievable…” I cried out as I fled.

Ignoring the calls after me, I ran as fast as I could. The wind carried the teardrops on my eyes. My head which was once tied, now hung loose on my shoulders.

I sped down the stairs as fast as I could, thanking my stars that I didn't wear those stupid heels today.

As I ran, the strands of my hair intercepted with my eyelashes and I was struggling to see clearly but I continued.

Before I knew it, I was out on the streets and the only thing on my mind was to run far away from anyone and everyone I know.

That has got to be the only solution.

I had no idea where I was running to but I just had to run.


When I got home, I landed on my bed with reckless abandon. I could see my own world crumbling before my very eyes.

How will I get married in four weeks? What about my plans? What about my work? I can't manage a home now.

The news was still shocking to me. All through the night, I tossed and turned on my bed.

I had cried my eyes out before morning as sleep eluded me.