Chapter 2: A New Girl.

Third Person POV.

In class 1a students are talking about the new girl.

"Oh my God, I can't believe a blackie is in our school" Stacy said

" But to think of it Stacy that girl is truly a black beauty"Annie told Stacy

" So Annie you're trying to say that she is prettier than I"

" No, Stacy that's not what I mean. How can I compare a black girl to our most beautiful queen"


@ Stacy: the leader of the Beauties in Sumville high school, she's having a crush on Tim who's every girl hearthrob.

@Tim: A handsome, rich, smart and intelligent guy. Every girl hearthrob, he's what every girl needs in a guy. A top student followed by Ralph then Stacy.

@Ralph: A secret vampire. Tim's best friend, a top student who is super cute but doesn't love showing off even though he's richer than Tim. He loves keeping to himself.

@Annie: Full name Anastasia. Tim's crush, from an average family. Friend to Stacy


"Hey Stacy here comes your hearthrob" Annie said.


"Ral, we've got a new student"Tim said


"And she's kinda cute but black"


"C'mon bro this can be your chance to win her before anyone does."

"What happened to you" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Well I've Annie"

"Have you gotten her"


I laughed out loud as I saw him mute.

"You're yet to get Annie, but you're encouraging me to go for someone I haven't seen not to talk more of knowing her" I lashed at him.

"C'mon Ral, I'm trying but that girl called Stacy won't let me be"

"Well I wish you the best in your trying" I said and left him at the door and walked to my seat. I quickly sat down ignoring all those crazy girls that makes silly passes at me. I just hate it when girls hover round me. It irritates me to the core.

I placed my headset on my ear, but the noise that was coming from this lousy classmates of mine made me raise my head from my books and I came in contact with the new girl.


I got into the class with the help of my form teacher. To be sincere I'm really nervous, today is my first time schooling with the whites and I don't know how they would accept me, but I can't fall my hand in front of strangers. Then I remembered my father's word before he died. He said "you cannot accept defeat, all you need is to be strong like the eagle".

With that in mind, I braced myself up placed that cold-killing look along with a warm heart-melting smile on my face as I walked into the room.

"Now everyone back to your seats, as you all can see, we've a new student..."

As the teacher was introducing me, I heard some murmurs.

'What the !! a blackie in our class'

'Wow she's kinda cute'

'I hate black monkeys like her'

That particular word captured my attention and I've the ability to distinguish voice and it's direction. I quickly turned to the direction of the voice owner, and seeing who owns it almost made me go berserk.

Who the heck does she think she is. I saw her minor tap her while pointing at me. Immediately she turned I gave her a death stare.


When the teacher entered and was introducing the new girl, everyone was murmuring then two minutes later I felt the temperature drop below -37 degree. This kind of aura where is it coming from. I thought, when I saw the new girl staring at someone. Who can that be, I followed her gaze and it met with Stacy.

Wow really impressive, Stacy is really something. But this new girl, who could she be?

"Hi, my name is Edeth Samson"