Sister Mensah's voice from their phone conversation replayed in his head. Bra Kwame, it's your show. You need to tell her how you feel, let her know she's the woman you want by your side. Tell her you dream of making her your wife . And don't worry, I will be there to give the final push if you need it.
Bra Kwame took a deep breath wiping the slight sheen of sweat from his brow . This was it. Today he would take the chance he did long put off. The gentle knock at the door snapped his out of his reverse, and he turned to see sister Mensah entering, her eyes might encouragement.
Bra Kwame, relax you look like you are about to face a firing squad. She said with a teasing smile.
He chuckled, the sound loming out more strained than he intended. it's feels like it, Sister Mensah.
What is she doesn't feel the same way? What if this changes everything?
Sister Mensah stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on his arm . And what if she's been waiting for this , just as you have?