Chapter Eight: Golden Rule 

Thane’s POV

“Just one rule.”

I reiterate, laying emphasis on each word.

From the sides of my eyes, I watch her face go up in fear… There's something there that feels like it's eating deep into her, coupled with the anxiety from the expectation of what my rule will be about.

“You mustn't show up in my living room, uninvited, or anywhere outside the terrain of your room…”

“What?” she scoffs and turns to look at me.

Even though she's thrown off guard by my strict rule, and wishes she could smash my head on the wall until I'm stable at least, she still struggles to look at me directly.

“Do we have a problem?”

I don't flutter. My tone is still as cold as she can remember.

“That's ridiculous.” She manages, her face goes up in a grimace, and she has this irritated stare.

If she sees me as a monster, perhaps the better for both of us. Besides, it only takes a little effort to make me one.

“What exactly do you mean?”

I throw my face to the side, barely giving her audience.

“Am I a prisoner now, make it make sense.” She begins an uproar. “The only reason I'm agreeing to this is because you're meant to provide a better treatment for me…”

“No, lady,” I call her off her delusion, turning to face her now. “The only reason you're agreeing to this is because you do not have a choice.”

Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. She blinks nonstop as if fighting back the river that threatens to fall.

Opening her mouth as if to protest, she closes it up once more, with no words coming forth. She looks tired and exhausted.

Again, I look outside the window, taking my head off my reality. Thanks to her, I get to share my space with someone.

It's like she is about to turn my life upside down for the worse, and I can't even do anything but stare, yet, she tries to play the victim. How interesting.

“What if I stay in a different house, maybe close to you, and you have the freedom to check up on me whenever?”

She brings up another suggestion. Even though it's good, I can't risk it, especially not after the scene at the hospital.

“No, you get to stay at close range, in case of any emergency.”

To be honest, I have never been that scared as much as was at the hospital. Watching her collapse and battle for her life, with my last seed growing inside of her and yet to be viable, my heart dropped. It felt like the most part of me was fading away like leaves in autumn.

Even though I wasn't a supporter of having a family of my own, or a kid, I can't help but feel responsible for the baby inside of her.

“I can always have an alarm watch, or…”

“Can you just stop?” I sigh loudly. “You’re beginning to stress me out and I don't find it interesting for a minute.”

“I'm sorry.” She mumbles.

“Don't be sorry,” I groan, gradually getting riled up. “I just need you to shut the hell up,” I demand, breathing like an overdosed criminal. “For fuck’s sake, it's just going to be for six months.”

“That's six months of my life…”

“You mean six months of you being a burden to me? Scre that… one hundred and eighty days of me being your help?”

“Well, it's a good thing that you don't have to… I don't want anyone to.”

I laugh, stopping her abruptly. “You should have thought about that before lying your way through, not one or two or three times. Fuck!”

“I needed the money urgently, I was confused on how to get it, and I didn't mean to harm anyone, okay?...”

“Enough, if you needed the money, you work for it.” I scold her. “Now, enough of this bullshit, I need my sanity intact.”

Following my warning, the ride back to my mansion is as quiet as a graveyard. Only now did I realize that Rufus, my driver, has been playing soft music in the background.

On arrival, I wait for her to get down and I follow her from behind. She has her bags, and the driver brings in what's left in the trunk.

“Follow me.”

I say without looking back, as I walk her to a guest room that's at the extreme. I would hate the situation where Lily will find out about another lady in the oddest way.

We get to the door and Rufus drops the bags he's holding on the doormat, waiting for me to open it. When I remain standing like everyone else, he gets the memo and leaves right away.

“On no occasion should you get out of this area without my permission.”

She blinks without saying a word. Apparently, she exhausted all her cards in our previous argument, in the car.

“As for food and other essentials, I'll get Rufus to stock up your room, you won't be needing anything else…”

“I… I'm sorry.” She swallows up her protest.

“Good.” I open the door, requesting that she go in right away. “I'd hate to repeat myself in the future.”

I shut the door after she went in. Walking away with so much on my mind. Perhaps, I need to rewind.

*** ***

The neo-blue light of the club, settles on me occasionally, as it switches up to other fanciful colors. The music blasting from the speakers is hit songs, pulling people to its charm.

“Three shots of tequila,” I say to the bartender who's fixated on me, being the only person in front of her.

“Yes, sir,” she goes ahead to pour my orders returning seconds later with a tray of three shots of my preferred liquor.

I slip my card over to her, drinking all of my shots at a gulp. This isn't helping, Imnnot sure anything will.

“Three more shots… Make it five.” I correct it bluntly. “Don't just stare and mop,” I'm a few seconds from taking out my frustration on her, for her being unprofessional to just gawk at me like a clown.

“I'm sorry…”

“Just shut the hell up and do what you're meant to do,” I say, irritation etched in my tone.

Avery had fed me with enough to go for a lifetime, I was done hearing that phrase for the day.

She returns seconds later with the second batch of my order. In need of some privacy, I take it to the VIP lounge not so far off.

What if Avery steps out of her room? What if she's trying to test my limit? She seemed to have heard my warnings, but the calm ones turned out to be the hardest to stick to rules at the end of the day.

Besides, I'm not home at the moment, so she can mess around, but not for a long time. I'm afraid that she will see my ugly side once she sticks around for one long, which is the main reason why I love staying alone.


I barely mumble, hoping that Avery complains and keeps out of Lily’s room. I wouldn't love it for herself if j need to force her to do so.

“Whoa.” I sigh, taking the last of my shot and setting the glass down.

I'm beginning to feel funky, in a certain way that I can't fully explain. My head is lightheaded, my eyes roaming like they're actually spinning, my fists clenching beside me…


The symptoms are getting back to me. When it hits, I could pass off for a baby, because I barely have control over my emotions and actions. It's worse during the day because it can be anywhere and at any time.

Grabbing my keys and gadgets, I storm out of the club, hurrying to my parking lot and swiftly slipping into my car. Behind the wheel, I lay my hands on it and rest my head on my folded arms, breathing heavily.

Today of all days, I'm not with my driver, leaving him to tend to Avery.

My phone rings. Right now, I care less about anyone calling, with my labored breathing.

“Breathe in, Thane… Out….”

I repeat the exercise, catching my breath before I die of suffocation. Slowly, it keeps getting better, and with each breath I take, I'm able to get myself, but just for a bit.

Again, my phone rings out and vibrates on the place I dumped it. Managing myself I pick it up.


“I thought you were never going to respond.” She grumbles after I answer it.

One thing that is unique about Lily, is that she's so lovestruck that even if I send her off a million miles without an iota of remorse, she comes back every freaking time!

“What is it, I was a bit occupied,” I say instead, letting her in than is necessary.

“I need to show you something urgently, I'm already in your house…,”


"Yeah, past the gate, what's the problem?"

Every damn thing! I scream in my head. What the actual fuck?!

“Lily, listen to me. Stay right there.”


“I said, wait there, don't fucking move!”