Chapter Thirteen: Rough Glide 

Thane’s POV

I'm in my bubble.

The one I recently created for my sanity, a space I can escape to and not feel haunted by my past.

Just staring at my laptop without when working on anything tangible, distracts my mind from the wild imagination building up, and blurring out the memory, thanks to the bright light of the laptop screen, although, not good for my eyes, but better for my mind.

Somehow, I find it helpful. I no longer get this crazy nightmare or hallucinate as often. But, the sacrifice is valuable hours of sleep, and I end up with terrible insomnia and eye bags.

“You’re awake.”

I jolt out of my bubble and look in the direction to find Avery strolling down the stairs in her cute pink nightgown. She is braless, causing her nipples to push up the dress, and the other area roughly clings around her luscious boobs.


She's sexy.

I don't remember the last time I saw a woman in her nightwear, a sexy woman.

Not Lily, not anyone I've had a history with. Why, because my dark side doesn't let me allow them in, or spend the weekend, or even the night over.

I'm that much of a loner and secretive too.

I knock off the nasty thoughts building up in my head and focus back on my laptop. I'm still in the living room, the way she met me before going to bed.

“What part of the terms and conditions don't you get? Because I said everything in English.”

I heave a sigh, exhausted to the core.

She stepping on my nerves, I doubt I have any left. Is this how naturally stubborn she is, or that the pregnancy have a way of messing with her mind? Like she occasionally gets dementia.

“I couldn't sleep.” She says, her voice is laced with tiredness and worry.

I can feel it because she shows off her emotions easily, Piper is the worst. But I don't pry, it should be private affairs.

“And somehow it made you walk out of your room? Make it make sense, Avery.”

I'm tired of yelling at the top of my voice. And I guess she's tired of it as well. Maybe she needs me to be a bit flexible, just maybe she will adhere to just one rule!

“I want to drink something.” She says and comes closer once she reaches the foot of the stairs. “Where's your kitchen?”


I try not to laugh. It's either she's still feeling sleepy, or I'm right about the hormones. Didn't she literally steal food from the same kitchen she had no clue about, yesterday?

“I stocked up your room.”

“And I want something hot, maybe coffee or chocolate drink.” She isn't even paying attention to my anger.

I make a mental note to get her coffee maker.

“Go back to your room, I'll get it for you.” I tap the tip of my pen on the file lying on the keyboard.

“I want to get it myself…”

“Just go!”

I clench my teeth and suck in the air. It's too late to lose my mind. It always comes back to me in the long run.


She whimpers, acting all soft like she'd cry.


“I don't want to go back to my room… Not now.” She swiftly adds when I look at her.

Having no willpower to fight her, I point at the kitchen and she makes a silly baby dance, maybe move, but silly regardless.


She mumbles and starts in the direction of the kitchen.

I hear the clatter of utensils and some background noise. Focusing on work, I try not to imagine what she's doing and how clumsy she is.


She stretches a big coffee mug in my view. Not getting why she'd do that, I look upward to find her big eyes just staring at me and waiting for me to accept it like I have no choice.

“I didn't ask for it.”

“You don't have to.”

She sets it down and starts stirring hers, before kissing the mug to her lips and sipping gently.

“Are you always a bug? Because I have them.” I hiss.

“I've never been called a bug, Pipers says I'm sweet.”

I scoff, killing a peel of laughter. Is she being serious?

“Well, Piper lied to you,” I say bluntly.

I don't know about her being sweet, but she definitely looks clingy, and that's a bug right there. How she said the words with Piper in it, she has to be worse than Lily.


“You don't obey rules, hate being scolded, only to return and drive someone crazy.”


“No, Avery.” I stop her from defending herself. “I'm only being lenient because you're not having a good time, I don't want this incident to repeat itself.”

I itch my forehead and sigh.

“Again, no,” I say vaguely. “No more apologies, just take yourself and your coffee back to your room.”


I stand up from the spot I've been sitting for hours. My bones snap like my legs would give way. Picking up the mug with the coffee she made for me, I head to the kitchen.

“And don't repeat this, I never asked for it.” My voice is loud enough, and flat, sending the right emotions.

Anything but good.

“If I want one, I'll make one, and I have Rufus, so thanks, but no, thanks.”

Pained she rushes up the stairs, aggressively hitting the side of her mug with the spoon as she stirs.

I must have really hurt her feelings, but I can't care less, I have to set boundaries and make sure she doesn't take my quietness for granted.

Just imagine how she keeps breaking my rules effortlessly. Perhaps, the best solution is getting her an apartment next to mine, or at least, close enough.

This shit we're doing isn't working.

Emptying the coffee in the sink and dumping the mug as well, I rinse my hands and turn off the faucet, before heading back to work, submerging myself in my bubble.

For her sake, I wish she listened to the instructions I laid down. If only she knows that I'm only trying to protect her, and maybe not hurt Lily in such a nasty way.

Hopefully, she doesn't walk in on me when I become a threat to even myself.