Chapter Sixteen: Double Strike 

Avery’s POV


I turn my face to the side, trying not to puke as much as I can.

The smell of the hospital is getting to me and even though this is a private ward, I can't help but inhale the awkward smell of spirit and drugs.


I cough as the disturbing feeling gets worse. I'm looking directly at the drip stand, with a drip set hung on it and connected to my hand, the flow rate just as slow as a snail. I bet Dr. Cain wants me to be in here for a year.

Adjusting in bed, I draw close to the window, hoping that the influx of fresh air will do the trick, but nothing seems to pacify me.

The door opens and a nurse is in view, rolling a trolley of drug bowls and a few things I can't make out.

True, it's time for my medication, well, I can't take them, not right now.

“Hello, how are you feeling, Avery?” She's all smiley, and no matter how enticing she appears, I'm not in the mood to indulge her.

“Call me Doctor Cain, please,” I say instead.

“Alright, I will once I'm done serving you your drugs.”

“I'm not taking it,” I say, stern face. There's no way she will cajole me into raking those ugly pills.

“Avery, it's important that you take them for quick…”

“I know, okay?” I cut her, but not rudely. “I only need to speak with Doctor Cain.” I reiterate.

She hesitates for a while, but seeing that she has no choice, nods and rolls the trolley along. Alone once more, I adjust further closer to the window, to save my stomach from emptying itself on the floor.

“Miss Avery?” Doctor Cain calls out when he enters the room. The nurse from earlier is beside him.

“I need to go out for a walk,” I say like I have the permission to.

“I'm bored and I'm getting sick to my stomach from the smell of the whole place,” I say all that bothers me.

The place is clean, very clean, but you still can't ignore the distinctive smells, especially for one with as much irritation as myself.

“I'm sorry about that.” He says, swiftly looking around. “But I'm sorry, you can't leave.”

“I want to, please.” I don't allow him to talk me out. “Besides, I won't take long.”

“Still, Miss Avery, he directed me to keep an eye on you…”

“Exactly, not make me your prisoner.” I try to twist the words. I don't care, so long as I get my freedom. “I'll be back shortly.”

“You’re not strong enough…”

“I am.” I cut him off. “Please, one more minute in here and I might collapse.” I plead.

“Nurse Jenny says you haven't taken your medications.” He tries to shift the focus to something else.

“I'm a few seconds from puking and messing the whole place up, I need a slight change of environment before I can take those.” I draw him back to my request.

“He keeps me locked in all day, please.” I wince, penetrating him further.

“Fine,” he says, defeated. "You can't take too long, you need to rest properly.”

I nod vehemently, agreeing to his terms.

He gives a silent order to Nurse Jenny who comes forward to take off the cannula of the drop from my hand and allows me enough freedom to climb down from the bed.

“Thank you,” I whisper to the doctor. Picking up my purse, I walk out of the ward and subsequently out of the premises.

Rufus isn't anywhere in sight, so there's no one to police me about.

For the first time, I admire the area. The last time I came for the procedure, Piper brought me here actually, I was too occupied with my troubles, and admiring the scenery was the last thing on my mind.

Taking a stroll, I inflate my lungs with fresh air. Alas!

Judging from what Dr. Cain said, I need to rest and it may be in the evening before Rufus comes to get me.

“Not so fast,” I stop myself from retracing my steps and going back into bondage.

Why not?

I entertain the thought of exploring some more. Not seeing anything wrong with it, I flag down a taxi and slip into the back seat.

“Any fancy restaurant,” I give him a vague direction.

“Of my choice?” He pauses to be sure he got it right.

“Hmm, yeah,” I say without much hesitation.

He starts the ride, and I just sit back, watching the moving buildings. Owing Doctor Cain my gratitude, I will be back before he knows it.

“We're here ma'am.” He announces, pulling the car to a halt.

“Alright, thank you,” I say excitedly and pay him off.

Taking in the exquisite places in front of me, I opt for the fancy place with a fountain of thick brown chocolate, flowing down the wall, and just disappearing to sky knows where.

Having a sweet tooth, I join a few patrons and treat myself to a spoonful.

“Hmm, yummy.”

I say, going for another.

“Wait till you try their cake and pastries.” A random lady in her mid-thirties says, wearing a goofy grin.

Needing the prompt, I walk in through the glass door. The place is just as beautiful as I imagined, with sweet-smelling pastries taking over the atmosphere.

“I need this, and this… And this…” I keep pointing to a waitress, as I go over the menu.

“You know what, give me everything on the menu,” I say, delighted. “Pack it up, I'm taking them home and I may never return here.”

Surprised, she leaves. Maybe she's judging me by my appearance, but I have quite a fortune from the surrogacy fee. Thane is generous, it's something I will applaud him for.

“All here.” The waitress, together with her colleagues, roll a platter of my order to my table.

“Thank you,” I rub my hands together and begin devouring them immediately after they touch the table, taking a bite from each of the pastries.

“Cash or card?” The waitress asks, waiting for my response.

“Card.” I manage to mumble, adjusting my purse and dipping my hand in to search for my card.

Not touching it, I stuff my jaws with the left of a chocolate chip hamburger. Very yummy. Licking the chocolate cream from my fingers, I resume my search for it.

Not in here… Not in here… Not in here either.

I'm done searching all the compartments of the small bag, but I don't find my card, except the small cash and pieces of paper.

Looking upward to see the platter of pastries that I've almost had a bite from all the dishes, undeniably, I'm in a mess.

A hot mess.