Chapter Twenty-Two: Odd Attraction 

Avery’s POV

“My ex…” I swallow dryly, licking my dry parched lips. “Orion is my ex.”

He tries not to laugh, but the sides of his lips twitch in a sneer. It's obvious that he doesn't believe what I just said.


He calls my name like a father would his spoilt child, clinging to the last words dearly.


I roll my eyes, trying not to throw tantrums. I'm still freaking out, like a need a hug, not someone reprimanding my ass like a toddler.

“Isn't Orion your brother?”

I stiffen, trying not to give him the slightest idea that he just caught me red-handed. His words hit me hard like a rock and I'm a few seconds away from caving in, burying my face in my pillow and screaming out my lung, terrified to my bones.

"Avery, you know better than to do that.”

Thane’s eyes are still on me as he watches my every move like a hawk. He knows I'm about to lie… Perhaps as he's figured out I love doing.

Frankly, I wouldn't blame him, I gave him the impression that it's my hobby.

“He's my ex.” My breathing is labored.


I'm freaking out and I can't hide it anymore. Taking my pillow after a long pause, I clutch it hard to my chest, exhaling deeply into it.

“I checked, the guy in your room the last time, had no iota of resemblance with you…”

“The world has evolved, dunno.” I try to defend myself and ridicule him.

“Perhaps, your stepbrother and blah?” He chuckled. “Well, honey, I had him looked up, and he turned out to be Orion,”


My grip on the pillow tightens. I wonder why he hasn't kicked me out of the house yet, and the deal too, just maybe my life would be a whole lot better.

I keep feeling like a fool whenever I'm having a talk with him because all I do is embarrass myself.

“And he's the exact person that's giving you sleepless nights, and the same one that was supposed to be your brother, now turn ex.”

His voice is laced with a hint of mockery. I bury my face in the pillow, wishing I would just disappear.

“Do you even have a brother… You don't have to lie about that too, I looked it up.” He rubs my stupidity in my face.

I don't, good thing he knows, so he might as well save me the damn stress.

“Well, maybe you could just look up why I have a nightmare.”

Nah, Avery!

That was unnecessary, and if anything, implicating!

In the few days I've known Thane, he is capable of rooting out the history of a century-old corpse.

Not indulging his altered ego, I get on my knees, crawling off the bed, and not having the decency to go through the other side.

In his face, I attempt to get down, when he stops me, his hand firmly gripping around my forearm.

“No, lady,”

Gently, he pulls me back, leveling me on my butt. I don't have the power to struggle, so I just shove his hand off.

“We ain't done here.”

“Good thing I'm done.”

I shrug, easy pie. I'm no longer responding to his incessant bugging questions.

“What was the nightmare about?”

I keep mute, looking away in a nonchalant way.


I yelp, almost falling off the bed. What the heck?!


He groans, about to snap my head off.

You have no choice, Avery. I say in my head, calculating the amount of vile in his bloodstream. It's not one that I can survive.

“He was trying to harm my baby… the baby.” I correct hastily, pressing my lips afterward.

“Hmm,” he grunts like he still finds me doubtful. “Why would he do that?”

“He's my ex… And I guess…” I swallow thick lumps of saliva about to knock the life out of me.

Now, I sound stupid, like a kid pulling up with a rhythm.

“I guess he wants me back.” I finish my statement.

“Why would you lie to me, about him being your brother, if you don't feel the same way?”

“Because your contract states that I must be single.”

I say like it's suddenly his fault.

“Well, you have an affinity for lying, somehow, you'd always find a way.”


“I'd need to speak with Orion.” He says that his mind is already made up.

“Why would you do that?”

I'm scared, shivering, anxious!

“If he needs you back, he only has five months and two weeks more. That's not so long to wait and have you forever.”

I feel… weird. Knowing he's eager to also throw me out on the streets.

"The only reason I let that slide, seeing you made a fool of me yet again, is because you were moving in with me." He informs me keenly.

"There's no chance in hell, that I would have known him to be hour ex, and let him harbor you, with my child."

“I'm sorry about that, can we just let it go?”

“You seem to forget that sin has its consequences and you cannot run away from all of it.”

“And you seem to forget I'm human sometimes.”

“All times, dear.” He sighs. “You err so much that I can't keep up.”

I'm tempted to mimic his rant, but I know better than to.

“It's just a dream.” I sigh, getting up from the bed once more.

“And he wants to hurt my baby because what I saw didn't seem like ‘just’ a dream to me.”

He doesn't budge, his eyes following me like a drone.

“It's a normal occurrence, people have bad dreams often.”

“Not when you were about to pass out.”

I can't tell if he's concerned, or maybe just another sheer mockery of his.

“You should stop sneaking in on people.”

I sigh. Climbing down from the bed, I start walking away, with nowhere in mind. I just need to be away from him. Thankfully, he doesn't stop me this time.

“How's the baby?”

Of course!

Stopping on my track, I turned to face him, surprised to find him behind me, like he almost bumped into me when I stopped abruptly.

“You act like you care when the only thing you worry about is the baby.”

“Okay?” His forehead furrows, more confused than ever. “It's obviously supposed to be my only concern.”

“Oh,” I suppress a silent cry. “Wow.”

Nodding my head, I start walking away, while he follows suit, on my neck.

“Avery, you don't have to make a fuss about everything.” He snaps.

I'm in my elastic moment, so I don't let it badger me.

“Just a damn simple question, how's the child doing?”

I can sense the trace of concern in his voice. A piercing feeling rips through me, knowing that he's only worried about his child.

Jealous or angry?

I can't tell if I'm jealous, or angry, perhaps a good blend of both.

“No one touched your baby, okay?”

Again, I turn to look at him directly, unexpectedly spotting a faint dim, like he's about to shed his first teardrop.

Swiftly turning to not let him get to me, I hastily walk down the hallway, trying so hard to get away from him, while he doubles his pace.

“Like I said, it's just a dream, stop acting like a superhero father, and if you must know, stop swearing.”

I say like I'm not guilty of the same thing.

As if my words struck a cord, he grips me forcefully, preventing me from taking the next step.


His voice is as hot as thunder and still sends shivers down my spine like icy.

What did I say that got him this upset?

I bat my lids, about to melt down. Desperate for escape, I flinched, turning to go on my heels, when I missed a foot, about to tumble down the stairs like an inflated balloon.

His grip on my arm intensifies, as he pulls me to himself, slightly getting out of the way, so I don't slam my baby bump into his hard torso.

I'm leaning on him, not entirely, as a part of him is tilting towards the other side.

My lips slightly part, with my eyes roaming his terrified ones, still not sure what to make of his sudden weird behavior.

His breath is warm on my moist cheeks and involuntarily stroking the small of my back, I stiffen beneath his touch.