Bank Manager

银行的经理是一位扎着马尾辫,戴着黑框眼镜的年轻女子,给人一种干练的外表.她一到,就立即询问银行工作人员发生了什么事.凌峰本以为银行工作人员会夸大其词,但面对经理时,他却把事情的始末说了出来.了解了前因后果后,经理毫不犹豫地向凌峰道歉."先生,我是唐一林,银行的经理.""我很抱歉,是我们的人错了.我代表我们银行向您道歉.经理不在乎凌峰是不是来捣乱的.道歉后说:"先生,我会带人帮你拿钱."经理?"银行工作人员想说话,但被经理瞪了一眼,很快就闭嘴了.既然能当经理,他自然也不是傻子.如果对方没有那么多钱,他们也不会损失任何东西.如果他真的带着 500 万现金来,那么这个月的目标就差不多实现了.然后,唐经理找到两名男员工,跟着凌峰走出了银行大厅.当她看到凌峰走向一辆奔驰AMG时,她知道自己赌对了.如今,有钱人喜欢穿得这么低调吗?她知道,世界上大多数有钱人,更不用说穿名牌了,都会在他们的衣服上表现出来.但也有一些人,外表不喜欢打扮,甚至超越了对物质的追求.凌枫打开车后备箱,里面整齐地摆放着五个行李箱."这些是行李箱,请帮我拿."凌峰指了指行李箱,然后两名男性银行职员将行李箱带走.凌峰合上后备箱,锁上车,跟着回到了银行.银行里的围观者看到银行工作人员带着五个箱子回来,纷纷投来好奇的目光."这是我的卡,我把五百万存入去."凌峰掏出一张银行卡,递给银行柜员."先生,我会亲自为您做这件事."唐一林急忙接过凌峰的银行卡,然后打开盒子,看到盒子里慢慢装满了钱."这真的是钱!""这么大的一箱钱,我以前只在电视上见过."周围的人都惊讶不已.而那个认为凌峰故意闹事的银行职员,则满脸不敢置信."你跟这位先生道歉,然后写一篇 3000 字的自我评测交给我."唐一林看着员工,冷冷的说道."经理,我...""为什么,你不觉得你应该回顾一下自己吗?""你不必写它,也不必明天来."店员想说话,却被唐一林打断了.她只有一个态度,写不写,不写就滚出去!"是的,我来写!"银行职员看了凌枫一眼,心里后悔了.他只能硬着头皮向凌枫道歉."先生,请跟我来."唐一林急忙关上包厢,让人把包厢搬到贵宾室.唐一林亲自为凌峰准备了茶水,然后拿着点钞机开始数钱.清点所有 500 万现金花了将近两个小时."先生,这是您的名片,请保管好."钱存好后,唐一林亲自将银行卡还给了凌峰."谢谢你!"凌峰接过银行卡,道谢."先生,您是我们银行的 VIP,可以留下联系电话吗?"Tang Yilin saw Ling Feng was leaving and hurriedly said."Sure!"Ling Feng and Tang Yilin exchanged phone numbers and then left the bank.Looking at the time, Ling Feng thought about the clinic again.He didn't want to trouble Zhang Pengpeng.So he prepared to discuss with Dr. Li to see if he had any way.After making a phone call, he confirmed that Doctor Li was in Renxin Hall, so he drove directly to Renxin Hall.When he arrived at Renxin Hall, he found that there were many people in Renxin Hall.However, there were not many people sitting for consultation, and Doctor Li was not seen.After a round of inspection, he found that Doctor Li and several disciples were visiting Renxin Hall with a group of leaders, as if they were inspecting.And Ling Feng had actually seen the leading leader before.It was the deputy district chief named Luo Xiang who he met when he was looking at a house two days ago.When Ling Feng saw them, Deputy District Chief Luo and Doctor Li also saw Ling Feng."Oh, isn't this Mr. Ling!""What a coincidence, I was planning to take some time to visit you, but I didn't expect to meet you here."When Deputy District Chief Luo saw Ling Feng, he immediately left the other leaders behind.He walked over directly, holding Ling Feng's hand and thanking him endlessly."Is your child not scared by what happened that day?"Ling Feng asked with a smile."No, no, I have to thank you, Mr. Ling."Deputy District Chief Luo said gratefully."So, Mr. Ling, are you here to see a doctor? I know Dr. Li here."Luo Xiang thought Ling Feng came here to see a doctor, and immediately said that he knew Dr. Li and could introduce Dr. Li to Ling Feng.At this time, the others also followed.Dr. Li understood what Luo Xiang said and laughed out loud."Dr. Li, what are you laughing at?"Luo Xiang asked puzzledly."District Chief Luo, you don't know that this young friend Ling Feng's medical skills are far superior to those of an old man like me!""In front of him, I dare not call myself a miracle doctor."Dr. Li shook his head and smiled bitterly."Mr. Ling, you also know medical skills?"Luo Xiang was surprised.And the other leaders also looked at Ling Feng in surprise.They all knew Dr. Li's medical skills.Not to mention that he stands out in Jiangcheng, he is also quite famous internationally.But Doctor Li said that his medical skills are not as good as Ling Feng's, which makes people pay attention to him.After all, people eat grains and cereals, so how can they not get sick?And even if you don't get sick, can you guarantee that none of your family members, relatives, and friends will get sick?If Ling Feng's medical skills are really better than Doctor Li's, then you must make friends with him."District Chief Luo, you know Ling Xiaoyou, but you don't know that he has medical skills?"Doctor Li also looked at Luo Xiang very strangely.After all, in his opinion, Ling Feng was able to get in touch with these party leaders, and that was mostly because of his medical skills.But obviously, Luo Xiang was no longer in this group.Then, Luo Xiang talked about the robbery when he bought a house. At that time, Ling Feng not only saved him, but also replaced his


And in the end, it was Ling Feng who defeated the robbers and allowed the police to successfully capture several robbers.When everyone heard this, they all gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, full of admiration."It's just a small matter, thank you for the compliments, leaders!"Faced with everyone's praise, Ling Feng could only be modest."Since Mr. Ling is not here to see a doctor, then why?"Luo Xiang asked.Ling Feng was just about to find a leader, and when he saw Luo Xiang asking, he told him about the obstacles he encountered at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.Luo Xiang and the leaders were immediately furious, saying that they would give Ling Feng justice.