
Damian closed his book and tucked it back into his trunk. Standing up, he straightened his robes and checked his reflection in the window. Presentation was key, especially on his first day.

He had already dressed in the full Hogwarts uniform before boarding the train, and now he made sure every part of it was neat. With everything in place, he stood by the door, ready for whatever lay ahead at Hogwarts.

The train slowed to a stop, and moments later, they were all stepping out onto the platform. It was raining lightly, the mist swirling in the cool air. In the distance, a massive figure stood with a lantern in hand, waving it over the heads of the crowd.

"Firs' years! Firs' years, over here!" the figure called out in a deep, booming voice. That must be Hagrid, Damian thought.

He followed the crowd of first years as they moved along the slippery, rain-soaked path that led toward the edge of a vast lake. Waiting there were several small boats, gently bobbing on the water's surface. Damian stepped into one of the boats alongside a boy named Theodore Nott. During introductions, Nott seemed surprised when Damian mentioned his full name, "Damian Black," but he hadn't commented on it, which Damian appreciated. He simply nodded, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Once everyone was seated, Hagrid bellowed, "Forward!" and the boats began gliding across the lake of their own accord. Damian reached down and touched the surface of the water with his fingertips—it was ice cold. The chill sent a shiver through him, but he pulled his hand back before it grew uncomfortable.

They sailed in silence, the mist curling around them, obscuring everything but the dark water and the outlines of their boats. Then, just as they rounded a bend in the lake, Hagrid's voice boomed again, "Down you go!" He ducked low beneath a stone archway, and as they followed him, Hogwarts finally came into view.

The sight was breathtaking.

The castle loomed high above them, its towers piercing the night sky, lights flickering warmly in the windows. Even though Damian knew it was coming, the sheer grandeur of the castle struck him. Hogwarts, at last. 

"It's even more incredible than I imagined," Theodore murmured, his eyes wide as he gazed up at the turrets. 

"It's like something out of a dream," Daphne said, her voice soft with wonder.

Damian just nodded and murmured, "It's beautiful."

The boats docked at a small landing, and they all clambered out, shivering slightly from the cold. Hagrid led them up a stone path to a massive wooden door. He raised his fist and knocked twice, the sound echoing in the silence.

The door creaked open, and there stood Professor McGonagall, her expression stern but not unfriendly. She stepped forward, her sharp gaze sweeping over the group of wide-eyed first years.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said crisply. "In a few moments, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be something like your family. You will share dormitories with your housemates, attend classes together, and spend free time in your house common room."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to settle in. "There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and has produced outstanding witches and wizards. I hope each of you will live up to the legacy of your house."

The tension among the first years rose as she spoke. Many were fidgeting nervously, adjusting their clothes, trying to appear presentable after the boat ride. McGonagall gave them a brief nod before excusing herself, saying she had to make some last-minute preparations.

As soon as she disappeared, the nervous murmurs began. Damian could hear a red-haired boy, Ronald Weasley, whispering to someone beside him.

"My brothers told me we'll have to fight a troll to get sorted," the boy said, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Fred and George swore it."

Damian suppressed an eye roll. 'Trolls? Really?' But before he could think too much about it, there was a sudden yelp from someone near the back of the group as a ghostly figure glided through the wall. Several more followed, and soon they were surrounded by Hogwarts' resident ghosts.

One of them, the Fat Friar, smiled warmly at them. "Welcome, welcome! I do hope to see some of you in Hufflepuff!" he said, beaming. A few students nervously laughed, but most just stared wide-eyed as the ghosts drifted back into the walls.

Just as quickly as they appeared, they were gone, and McGonagall returned, her expression still as composed as ever.

"Form a line, two by two," she instructed.

They did as they were told, lining up nervously. Damian glanced around, observing his fellow first years. Some looked excited, others nervous.