Easy Gold

Damian paced in front of the fireplace, the flickering flames casting ominous shadows across the Black Manor's grand sitting room. Kreacher and Timmy stood at attention before him, their wide eyes reflecting the firelight, awaiting their master's next instructions. Damian's mind raced with the possibilities of his latest plan—an audacious one, but necessary if he was going to acquire the vast amount of gold he needed for his ambitions.

"Kreacher, Timmy," Damian began, his voice calm yet filled with purpose, "I have an idea that could change everything for us. But it's dangerous, and it will require both of you to work discreetly, more so than ever before."

Kreacher bowed low. "Kreacher will serve his master, whatever the task. Kreacher is ready."

Timmy followed suit. "Timmy too, Master Damian! We're ready to help!"

Damian nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Good. We're going to take advantage of Muggle criminal activities—specifically, a group of gold smugglers. This family has been smuggling stolen gold for decades, and they've amassed a fortune, hiding it in various warehouses across the city."

He moved to the large table behind him, unrolling a map of London marked with several red Xs. "They have multiple hideouts, but we're going to focus on the primary locations. The leader of the smuggling ring is a man named Aldridge Deegan. He's ruthless, and his family runs a network of illegal activities, smuggling everything from gold to drugs. But their main operation is the gold trade."

Damian's finger traced the line between several marked locations on the map. "This family operates like a well-oiled machine. The gang members move between warehouses frequently, transferring the gold and storing it in different places to avoid detection by Muggle authorities. Our job is to follow them, track their movements, and locate the largest stash of gold."

He tapped the map again, pointing at one particular spot. "This is their primary warehouse, guarded day and night by armed men. But we have an advantage—they won't be expecting magic. We'll hit them hard and fast."

Timmy's eyes widened as he looked up at Damian. "Master wants us to steal the gold?"

"Exactly," Damian replied, his voice steady. "We'll wait until they've moved a large shipment to the main warehouse. Kreacher, I want you to follow some of the lower-level gang members—blend in, keep yourself hidden using the Disillusionment Charm. Watch their movements and track where they go. Once we're certain of the warehouse's location, we'll strike."

Kreacher nodded, his expression focused. "Kreacher understands. Kreacher will follow the gang members and find the leader."

Damian turned to Timmy. "Timmy, you will join Kreacher once we've pinpointed the warehouse. Your job will be to Stun the guards, one by one, without alerting anyone. Use Stupefy on them as quietly as possible, and make sure no one notices the others falling unconscious. Once we have the warehouse secured, you will both work together to Apparate all of the gold back to the manor."

Timmy's face lit up with excitement. "Timmy will not fail, Master! Timmy will be quiet like a shadow!"

Damian smiled darkly, pleased with their enthusiasm, but there was still more to the plan. He gestured toward the table, where he had sketched out rough images of Muggle security cameras. "Now, here's where it gets tricky. Muggles use these devices—cameras—to watch their property. Kreature, these are the same devices you encountered in the prison. We can't allow them to capture anything on film. Kreacher, while following the gang members, make sure to locate any of these cameras at the warehouse. You'll need to disable them before we move in."

Kreacher's ears twitched as he peered at the drawings. "Kreacher will find these cameras and disable them, Master Damian. Muggles will not see anything."

"Perfect," Damian replied. He leaned over the map again, pointing to the final stage of the plan. "Once we've taken all the gold, we'll cover our tracks. Burn the warehouse to the ground. Make it look like a common gang war—nothing out of the ordinary for their world. The Muggle police will think it's just another criminal rivalry, and by the time they arrive, we'll be long gone with the gold."

Timmy's small fists clenched in excitement. "We burn it all, Master?"

"Yes," Damian confirmed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Once the gold is secured at the Black Manor, cast 'Incendio' on the warehouse. We need to leave nothing behind—no evidence, no witnesses."

Kreacher nodded solemnly, already visualising the task. "Kreacher will ensure nothing is left, Master. The warehouse will be ashes by the time we are finished."

Damian stood tall, confidence radiating from him. "This is how we will get the gold we need. These criminals won't even know what hit them. And once we have their fortune, we'll be one step closer to realising my vision for the future."

Kreacher and Timmy bowed deeply, their loyalty to Damian unwavering.

"We'll begin tonight," Damian said, his tone final. "Prepare yourselves. This is the beginning of something much bigger."