The Devil Force: God's Bet

Raghav was not wearing a shirt on his body, he was feeling

as if his body was about to burn with the heat, so he took off his shirt. After

taking off the shirt, the entire audience could see his physique. He looked

exactly like a bodybuilder but not too bulky. Seeing him, the girls were

talking among themselves, "Raghav looks even hotter with red hair."

Then Sahil had a question in his mind, he saw a girl

standing a little distance away from him, who had no one with her but was

watching the match with both her hands folded with great attitude, Sahil immediately

runs towards her and seeing him the girl turns her face away, Sahil found this

thing very irritating but he didn't say anything, after keeping quiet for a

while Sahil asks her, "Are you the same girl who called herself The

Immortal beauty and who knows what else?"

"Yes, it is me", the girl says irritably. Hearing

this, Sidharth says, "Forgive me, I spoke to you rudely", and then in

confusion asks her, "You said that you would match with me?"

Hearing this the girl says irritably, "I lost because

of that stupid Raghav!"

Hearing all this, Sahil starts laughing. Seeing him

laughing, the girl gets very angry. Then Sahil calmly asks her, "What is

your name? Because this nonsense like Immortal Beauty etc. cannot be anyone's

real name."

"My name is Sanskruti" she says angrily, "and

immortal beauty is nothing but nonsense, actually there are three beauties in

our academy, I am one of them, I mean the three most beautiful girls, one of

them is your teacher Miss Jhanvi",

Hearing this, Sahil asks him "So what is Miss Jhanvi's


"Her nickname is Black Jade Beauty and there is another

girl whose nickname is White Jade Beauty and the three of us are not just

beautiful, we are very powerful, we have a whole army behind us." The

academy is crazy and my nickname is Immortal Beauty because I get very angry

and I also have regeneration ability, that's why I fought with many powerful

students and I kept on winning because I kept on healing during the fight,

that's why people started to think that I am immortal, that's why my name is

Immortal Beauty" Sanskruti says without any emotion.

After listening to all this, Sahil goes back to his table

without saying anything. Sanskriti gets very angry seeing this but she doesn't

say anything and starts focusing on the match.

Inside the ring, Pratik says to Raghav, "Such red hair!

Looks like someone has spat paan on you",

The boys standing in the audience start laughing but the

girls are staring at him angrily, then Raghav while replying to Pratik  tells him "fight quietly"

And then Raghav starts running towards him, Pratik  tries to stop him with all his power, but

Raghav finally reaches him, cutting through the winds, when something

unexpected happens, Pratik  uses the

Clown Step Technique He creates two clones of himself and moves back from his

place due to which Raghav's punch hits the clone and Pratik  is still behind,

Raghav moves forward and gets into a stance to punch him and

delivers the iconic Kyokushin Karate punch to his face and this time it was not

a clone, Pratik  instantly falls

unconscious to the ground like a dry leaf.

The referee comes into the ring and announces Raghav as the

winner and then the healing teacher comes to Raghav and Pratik and heals all

their injuries and brings back their energy and after a while the referee

shouts, "Now only one last match is left, the match between Raghav Raheja

and Sahil Yadav."

Sahil starts moving towards the ring and Pratik  starts entering the ring with a sad face. Then

Pratik again crosses all limits of shamelessness and ignores Sahil and

immediately puts the 100 spiritual stones that he had bet on Raghav and in

return he had received 200 spiritual stones in his storage box.


Seeing this, Raghav, Siddharth, Abhimanyu, Smriti and Miss

Jhanvi, everyone was shocked, even their own people. Even the head master

sitting in the office looks at the vice principal and says "Rajan, I think

if this boy gets a chance he will sell even our academy and take the money.


Hearing this the vice principal whose name was Rajan starts

laughing and says "Have you forgotten the legendary stealer?"

Hearing this, both the head master and the vice principal

start laughing. The head master says, "If this boy becomes a combat god

someday, I think he can even surpass the legendary stealer", and then both

of them start laughing loudly. There was another combat god sitting in their

room who gets irritated by listening to them and says, "You people called

me here to listen to your nonsense, keep quiet and let me concentrate on the


Hearing his words both of them get angry but still they calm

down because they knew his nature.

Inside the ring, Sahil and Raghav were ready to fight each

other. Raghav attacks first and Sahil runs towards Raghav at full speed. Sahil

was just one or two inches away from him. Raghav managed to cover such a short

distance. Seeing this he gets into his fighting stance for 5 seconds and Sahil

too keeps his hand on his head as if he was waiting for him to punch him.

As soon as he attacks him by concentrating the ice in his

hand with full power, Sahil goes behind him using micro step and this attack

hits Sahil clone due to which Raghav is confused for a few seconds, then Sahil

concentrates the energy of the emotion crystal in his hands and hits Raghav's

head with a strong Blue Dragon Fist from behind due to which Raghav's entire

head gets shattered.

The entire audience was shocked to see this because this was

not a simple thing. Seeing that his punch had an effect on Raghav, Sahil keeps

on attacking Raghav with many Blue Dragon Fist attacks on his head but none of

these punches had that effect because he had first concentrated his energy in

the punch.

That is why Raghav did not feel much pain, but after

receiving all these attacks, Raghav turns his head and says, "It's done,

right? Now it's my turn", and then turning back he punches Sahil and Sahil

falls down on the corner of the ring, blood starts oozing out of his mouth. Sahil

understands. that Raghav is no ordinary opponent and then Sahil starts

concentrating all his energy into his kick,

While doing this he had closed his eyes for a few seconds.

The referee thought that he might have fainted so he started moving towards the

ring when Sahil opened his eyes and started moving towards Raghav at full speed

using micro steps. Raghav did not see this but he had put many ice spikes on

his body so that if someone collided with him then his body would get hurt.

He had spikes all around his body but not on the top of his

head. Sahil jumps upwards with full power and reaches above Raghav's head. He

hits a Blood Moon kick on Raghav's head in the air. It was so powerful that

Raghav, who was standing below, started bleeding from his mouth and his feet

sank into the ground.

On the other hand, after getting kicked, Sahil starts

looking here and there for a few seconds, it seemed as if he is getting dizzy

and then with full power he hits Sahil wing and throws him on the ground, it

was good that Sahil knew the micro step technique, otherwise if any other

student was there, he would have been killed on the spot. He would have died

but actually Sahil had used the move of his Micro Step Technique which

exchanges his position with his clone,

Sahil 's clone was in the corner of the ring which Raghav

had not noticed. As soon as Sahil exchanges his position, Sahil 's legs held in

Raghav's hands and his whole body slowly break into many particles and get


Seeing this, Raghav gets so angry that he hits a powerful

punch on the ground of the fighting ring, which causes many cracks in the

concrete ring. The referee had understood that by the end of this match their

ring would break but even after seeing this there was a smile on his face. The

Vice Principal and the other Combat God all three had killer smiles on their

faces. The Combat God sitting there says, "Whoever wins between these two,

I will definitely make him the President of one of my shelters."

Hearing this the Head Master laughs and says "Would you

both like to take a bet with me?"

The vice principal and the other combat god both smiled and

said "yes of course but bet on it What?"

Then the head master hides his smile and says, "I think

we will have to serve the wine of the Golden Age to the person in front of


Hearing this both of them also nod in agreement.

Even Sahil was feeling the shock wave of that punch in the

ring. Sahil felt that his defeat was certain when Nalini said to him,

"Master, I am releasing one percent of the spirits of the Devil Emperors

sealed in your heart, whose dark aura cannot be seen by any normal person who

is not of the level of Combat God."

Then Sahil starts feeling a different kind of energy inside

his body and he starts running towards him with full speed using micro steps.

As soon as Sahil reaches him, Sahil 's eyes start glowing red for a second and

then with full power he slams the tall and broad Raghav standing in front of

him using Judo's technique shoulder through which is also called Dhobi Pachhad,

but Raghav did not feel any pain because he had already concentrated ice under

his back. Just then Sahil was about to poke his fingers in Raghu's eyes when

Raghav caught his hand and threw him away due to which Sahil was about to fall

out of the ring but like an animal, he jumps from there at full speed holding

the ring rope with his hands and toes and kicks Raghav. The surprising thing

was that this attack was not a blood moon kick but it did not even feel like a


It seemed as if Sahil wanted to sever Raghav's neck by

pricking it with his toenails. Blood started oozing out of Raghav's mouth and

his neck bone was also broken. Seeing this, the healing teacher immediately

came into the ring and started healing Raghav.

And Nalini immediately seals his devil spirits and then

Siddhartha asks her "What was that? I was able to see everything but

couldn't control my body!?"

Hearing this, Nalini says "Master, I wanted to unleash

only one percent power but it became hundred percent power and those devil

emperors were so clever that they did not let the black aura show at all, so I

thought that it is just one percent power, but as soon as I felt that these

devils have taken over your body They will do it so I tried to stop them and

now they are sealed."

Siddharth's eyes fell on Raghav, he immediately went towards

Raghav and said to him "I am sorry Raghav, I was not in my senses, I was

enjoying the fight too much",

What will Raghav answer to Siddharth? What is this Wine of

Golden Age? And what is the reward for winning this competition? Stay tuned to

know all this.