CH-1. The World of Marvel

A/N- "" For speaking, '' for thoughts.


A huge thanks to Howellsy, Copinsa, david lagos, Jack M, Haralds Martinsons, Surge1301, Jose Newcomb and Kal Odinson for supporting me on Patreon.

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The beacon of freedom, the peaceful New York City, Midtown High School!

Jaxon sat in the classroom, lost in thought.

'How did I end up in this world?'

Jaxon sighed, recalling that he had just traveled through time that very morning.

He had a car and a house, but both of his parents were dead.

Jaxon was oddly happy about it. He had gone from being an orphan to a *rich* orphan.

At least now, he could enjoy life in this world.

It wasn't until Jaxon was checking his phone that he found a shocking message.

*[Hammer Industries announces the successful development of new weapons. Tony Stark has become a thing of the past!]*

When Jaxon saw the news, he was stunned.

He couldn't wait to check the details, only to find that *this* Tony Stark was indeed the one he thought. He had disappeared for over two months.

Jaxon quickly searched for relevant keywords on his phone and got the answers he was looking for.

Captain America hadn't appeared yet; he must still be frozen!

Tony had been kidnapped for more than two months and hadn't returned yet. He was probably on the verge of becoming Iron Man.

Bruce Banner was just a scientist at this point. There was no news about the Hulk—likely classified by General Ross!

Mutants were only rumors and hadn't entered the public eye yet!

There was no information on other superheroes either.

"So, I've traveled into the Marvel Universe?"

Jaxon felt a headache coming on. He was just an ordinary guy—how could he possibly survive in this world?

The safest option would definitely be to stay out of trouble.

While contemplating, Jaxon heard someone greeting from the front.

"Hi, Gwen!"


Jaxon looked up to see a tall, beautiful blonde girl walking into the classroom.

'Gwen? She's gorgeous. Even prettier from the movies and comics.'

[Ding! Important character detected. All-Round Evolution System has been bound!]

Jaxon was slightly shocked, but more than anything, he felt pure joy—ecstasy, even.

In just two minutes, Jaxon had fully understood how the system worked.

'This system is really simple and straightforward. Easier to use than a smartphone.'

By altering the fate of characters, he could earn *Destiny Points*.

There were many ways to use these points, but two main methods stood out.

The first was to directly consume points to enhance his six-dimensional attributes.

These attributes included intelligence, strength, speed, endurance, spirit, and energy.

The second way was to shop in the system's mall.

The mall contained countless amazing items to enhance his strength.

Abilities like flight, telepathy, immortality, and more!

Items like Senzu Beans, Tremor-Tremor Fruit, the Lasso of Truth!

Even props like copy cards, mission cards, and character templates!

'Damn, there are so many good things. They even have the Silver Surfer template.'

'This system is incredible.'

[Newbie gift pack has been distributed. Please check it!]

'There's even a newbie gift pack? Use it right away!'

*[Host's six-dimensional attributes upgraded to Level 3!]*

*[Special ability gained: Teleportation!]*

*[Special item obtained: Symbiote Suit!]*

*[Special prop obtained: Batman (Bruce Wayne) template!]*

Jaxon felt the changes in his body—an overwhelming sensation of comfort and strength.

He clenched his fist slightly, feeling as if he could crush anything with a single punch.

Of course, that was just a feeling. Jaxon wasn't sure exactly how strong he had become.

In addition to the physical changes, Jaxon also noticed improvements in his thinking.

He had already forgotten most of the knowledge from his previous life, but now it all came flooding back.

Some of the subjects that had baffled him before were suddenly clear as day.

If he took the time to study again, he was sure he'd become a top student, rather than just scraping by.

'Is this the effect of having Level 3 attributes? Pretty impressive.'

'And I've got teleportation, the symbiote suit, and the Batman template. All solid.'

'System, integrate the Batman template!'

*[Integrating Batman (Bruce Wayne) template. Estimated time: one day.]*

'One day?'

*[The character template includes knowledge, special abilities, and combat experience. The host has a weak foundation in these areas, so integration will take more time.]*


'That makes sense, I guess. My knowledge is just at a basic college level, whereas Batman has studied practically everything.'

'And as for combat experience, I've never even been in a fight. Batman's mastered hundreds of martial arts and fought countless villains. His experience is way beyond mine.'

'Completing the fusion in one day is pretty fast, all things considered.'

'System, show me my personal panel!'


[All-round Evolution System]

[Host: Jaxon]

[Age: 19]

[Destiny Points: 0]

[Batman (Bruce Wayne) template: Integrating...]

[Intelligence: Level 3]

[Strength: Level 3 (10 tons)]

[Speed: Level 3 (100m/s)]

[Endurance: Level 3]

[Spirit: Level 3]

[Energy: Level 3]

[Battle Skills: Level 0]

[Special Ability: Teleportation]

[Special Item: Symbiote Suit]

[Special Props: None]


'The six-dimensional attributes include intelligence, strength, speed, endurance, spirit, and energy. These all seem to be tied to my physical capabilities.'

'10 tons of force... A top speed of 100 meters per second... Yeah, these stats are pretty solid.'

'And with the symbiote suit, I've got some added protection.'

'Change the characters' fates, huh?'

As Jaxon pondered his new reality, he watched as students filled the classroom.

'I can't track down Captain America right now, and Tony Stark's off the grid.'

'But if I stop Gwen from getting with Spider-Man, can I earn Destiny Points from that?'

Gwen had already taken her seat in front of him, to his right.

A moment later, a hot redhead walked into the classroom and greeted Gwen as she passed.

Jaxon perked up.

'Mary Jane is here too?'

He quietly observed everything around him, recognizing several familiar faces.

Gwen Stacy!

Betty Brant!

Mary Jane!

Liz Allen!

Seeing all these beauties, Jaxon couldn't help but marvel at their appearance.

'They're all stunning. Honestly, they look even better than the actresses in the movies.'

He quickly realized the reason—age.

Gwen and the others were all still young, some not even 20 yet.

At the peak of their beauty, they were each more attractive than the last.

'Gwen's golden hair is gorgeous. She really does look like a goddess. She'd be perfect in a Spider-Woman suit.'

'Liz has that sultry look, with a killer body to match.'

'Betty's got that sweet, innocent vibe.'

'All three are blondes, but they've each got a unique style.'

'And then there's Mary Jane—fiery red hair, with a face and body that are just perfection.'

'System, if I intercept Gwen and the others, will that count as changing their fate?'


Jaxon grinned and glanced over at Peter, sitting to his left.

Peter was pretty handsome too, with a melancholic look that resembled Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man.

The class finally started, and the teacher was droning on about a math lesson.

Jaxon, who had already integrated Batman's template into his mind, continued increasing his knowledge and sharpening his intellect.

These basic lessons were too boring for Jaxon, so he began to admire the beautiful women around him. But when his gaze landed on Mary Jane, it caught the attention of the burly guy sitting behind her.

This guy was tall and intimidating.

After noticing Jaxon, he glared at him fiercely and made a provocative gesture.

Jaxon's physical fitness now surpassed even Captain America's, so why would he be afraid of someone like this?

'This must be Thompson 'Flash,' the guy who bullies Peter all the time.' Jaxon thought.

Flash was known for being the school bully, often picking on smaller, weaker kids. Peter Parker had always been a favorite target, earning the nickname "Insignificant Parker" from Flash.

As an Oriental, Jaxon knew how easy it was to get singled out.

Now, Flash had caught Jaxon "sneaking a peek" at Mary Jane, so he wasn't going to let this opportunity slide.

Sure enough, when class ended, Flash confronted Jaxon.

"Hey, skinny monkey!"

At first, Jaxon was slightly annoyed but then an idea struck him.

'If I teach Flash a lesson, I might earn some destiny points, right?'

While Jaxon was thinking about this, Flash blocked his way.

"Did you hear me, skinny monkey?"

Jaxon didn't take him seriously and responded calmly, "Did you just call me a skinny monkey?"

"Yeah, what of it? Monkey from the East."

Flash had drawn everyone's attention, and the situation wasn't looking good.

The students watching began to murmur, some pitying Jaxon.

"That new kid's done for. Flash has his eyes on him now."

"He's gonna get bullied hard."

"I heard he's from the East. They don't believe in God. He's in trouble."

Peter Parker felt bad for Jaxon, as Flash had often bullied him in the past. Just as Peter was about to intervene, Gwen, with her strong sense of justice, stepped in first.

"That's enough, Flash!" She said.

Jaxon smiled at Gwen, appreciating her help, "Thanks, but this isn't over."

Turning back to Flash, Jaxon said, "I think I should introduce myself again. My name is Jaxon, and I'm from an eastern country. You can call me Jaxon, or even handsome. Anything except 'Eastern monkey,' got it?"

"Now, apologize to me, and I'll let it slide. Otherwise, even God won't be able to help you."

Flash burst out laughing, "Apologize? To you? A monkey? Are you serious?"

"Listen, you lowlife. Don't even think about looking at Mary Jane with your filthy eyes. She's my girlfriend."

Some people in the crowd were nodding along with Flash's words, their prejudices showing.

Peter was upset to hear that Jaxon had been staring at Mary Jane, his long-time crush. Mary Jane herself seemed caught off guard and annoyed.

"Flash, don't drag me into this. I'm not your girlfriend. I never agreed to that." She said.

Jaxon found the whole situation ridiculous, "Peeking? Dirty looks? Are you kidding me, Flash?"

"I admit I looked at Mary Jane, but what's the problem? I wasn't peeking; I was admiring."

"I admire her beauty—she's as graceful as an actress. Now, I'm also admiring Gwen. She shines like a star, and she's as beautiful as a goddess."

"So, Gwen, Mary, do either of you feel offended?"

Gwen, who had already thought Flash's accusations were absurd, was even more convinced after hearing Jaxon's compliment.

"No, I'm not offended." Gwen said.

Mary Jane, who aspired to be an actress, also didn't mind. Jaxon's words touched her.

"To be honest, I don't mind either." She added.

Flash's argument was shattered, and he became even angrier.