
Virendra, the supreme commander, finally broke the silence, his voice steady yet respectful.

"It would be our pleasure, your highness."

The formality of his words carried a weight of acknowledgment, and he stepped forward slightly, a subtle gesture of support for Arjun's leadership. The other commanders nodded in agreement, their expressions shifting from skepticism to reluctant respect. 

Arjun felt a rush of triumph at Virendra's endorsement, the tide of the room turning in his favor. This was the recognition he craved, a validation of his right to lead them into battle.

With renewed confidence, he addressed the assembly, ready to solidify his role as the prince who would not only command their army but inspire them to victory.

Arjun straightened his posture, a commanding presence in the room, and turned to the minister of war.

"Prepare the army," he ordered with unwavering authority. "We will be moving at midnight."

His words sliced through the tension in the air, each syllable infused with determination. The minister nodded, understanding the urgency in Arjun's tone, and quickly began taking notes, ready to mobilize the forces.

The other commanders sprang into action, their previous doubts melting away as they embraced the gravity of the situation. Arjun felt a surge of purpose coursing through him; this was the moment he had been preparing for.

As plans were set in motion, he envisioned the army's march under the cover of darkness, a silent approach that would catch their enemies off guard.

The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders, but he welcomed it, knowing that the fate of their kingdom rested in his hands.

Arjun glanced at Virendra, his expression serious as he continued to assert his authority.

"Tend to Rajan's injuries," he instructed. "We need his brain for the strategy ahead."

There was no hint of sympathy in his tone; instead, it was a pragmatic acknowledgment of Rajan's tactical mind, despite their earlier confrontation. 

Virendra nodded, understanding the importance of keeping all capable minds in the fold, even those who had challenged Arjun's authority.

He gestured to a couple of soldiers to assist Rajan, who was still reeling from the shock of Arjun's decisive actions.

As they moved to help him, Arjun felt a mix of satisfaction and resolve, knowing that the strength of their plans depended on every available resource. This battle would not only test their might but also their unity, and he intended to lead them to victory.

Arjun raised his voice, cutting through the chatter that had started to fill the room.

"You are all dismissed. Prepare for war!" His commanding tone echoed off the walls, leaving no room for dissent.

The commanders, realizing the weight of his words, quickly bowed their heads in acknowledgment, their expressions shifting to a blend of determination and urgency.

With that, the room emptied rapidly as each commander hurried to fulfill their tasks, the air thick with the anticipation of the upcoming battle. Arjun watched them go, a sense of purpose filling him as he prepared himself mentally for the challenges ahead.

The responsibility of leadership weighed heavily, but he felt ready to face whatever awaited them at midnight. The kingdom depended on him, and he was resolved to prove himself as not just a prince but a formidable leader.

As the last of the commanders filed out, the room settled into a profound silence, leaving Arjun alone with his father, King Ramesh, and his mother, Queen Anaya, along with his stepmothers.

Queen Anaya broke the silence, her voice warm yet tinged with nostalgia. "You have grown up, Arjun." Her eyes reflected a mix of pride and concern, a mother's love evident in her gaze. 

Arjun met her eyes, feeling a swell of emotion at her words. He had always strived to live up to the expectations placed upon him, and hearing her acknowledgment was both comforting and daunting.

"Thank you, Mother," he replied, his voice steady. "But I still have much to prove."

The weight of the upcoming battle loomed in his mind, yet he felt a sense of reassurance in the presence of his family, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Kavya, unable to resist the moment, teased with a playful grin,

"He has grown into a fine young leader."

The warmth in her voice was contagious, and Priya, Leela, and Meera chimed in with soft laughter, their eyes sparkling with affection for the prince. 

Arjun felt a rush of embarrassment at their teasing, a light blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Don't tease me, mothers," he replied, trying to sound stern but failing to suppress a smile.

Their laughter filled the room, lightening the heavy atmosphere that had lingered moments before. In that moment, the bond between them felt unbreakable, a reminder that no matter the challenges he faced outside these walls, he was loved and supported within them.