Honor and loyalty

Arjun continued, his voice growing more resolute.

"They may have rotted in hell, but they also laid a foundation upon which we stand today. Because of their conquests, we now live in a kingdom that dominates many others. Their blood built our empire, their violence forged our strength, and we owe it to them to defend everything they sacrificed for."

The soldiers listened intently, the spark of pride and courage reigniting in their eyes.

The commanders exchanged bewildered glances, taken aback by the sudden transformation in the prince's demeanor. They had expected uncertainty, perhaps even fear, but instead, Arjun stood before them with an unwavering confidence that commanded respect.

Even the supreme commander's daughter, who had mocked him earlier, felt a rush of surprise and intrigue at this unexpected display of strength. It was as if the prince had shed his previous image, revealing a leader ready to rise to the occasion and lead them into battle.

The soldiers, initially filled with trepidation, now felt a flicker of courage reignite within them. However, confusion clouded their minds as they pondered what the prince was truly implying.

Arjun's passionate words stirred something deep within them, but the stark contrast to his earlier demeanor left them uncertain. Was he truly ready to lead them into battle against overwhelming odds?

Would he sacrifice everything for the honor of their kingdom? As they exchanged wary glances, they struggled to reconcile the image of the carefree prince with the determined leader standing before them now, leaving them torn between doubt and newfound hope.

Despite the flicker of courage Arjun had ignited, many soldiers couldn't shake the gnawing sense of hopelessness that lingered in the air.

The overwhelming numbers of the Pramatha army loomed before them, a relentless reminder of their daunting predicament. Whispers of retreat began to circulate among the ranks as fear tightened its grip on their hearts.

A growing number of soldiers exchanged glances filled with uncertainty, their minds racing with thoughts of fleeing the battlefield rather than facing inevitable defeat.

In the face of such overwhelming odds, the pull of self-preservation became a powerful temptation, and doubt seeped back into the hearts of those who had only moments ago felt inspired by their prince's fiery words.

Arjun stood tall before his army, his voice calm and deliberate as he addressed the soldiers.

"You all stand here today on the battlefield, but many of you live a life of comfort, protected by the very kingdom we fight for. Each of you enjoys riches and luxuries, earned through your service. You are not sent to battle without reward—your families are taken care of, your wives and children secured by the kingdom's protection even if you fall in battle."

He continued, his words cutting through the air like a blade,

"In the aftermath of every victory, you are the ones who pillage the conquered lands, taking what you desire from the spoils of war. You know well that these riches would not exist without the blood you spill, nor would your homes and families remain safe without your sacrifice. In war, you do not lose; even in death, your legacy lives on in the wealth and safety of those you leave behind."

Arjun's voice rose, filled with fury as he faced his men. Rage seeped from him, intensifying the atmosphere around them.

"Yet here you are, trying to flee when the very kingdom that has given you everything is under attack! This is the moment to show your loyalty, to stand with your brothers in arms. What a perfect example of honor you are setting!"

His eyes blazed with determination, challenging each soldier to reflect on their commitment to their homeland.

His anger surged even higher as he shouted, "Go then, if you have to go! Go to your wives, go to your children, and tell them how you cowardly left your king to fight on the battlefield alone!"

The words hung heavy in the air, piercing the hearts of the soldiers. Many felt a wave of guilt wash over them, their resolve crumbling under the weight of shame. 

Some soldiers had tears welling in their eyes, their faces contorted with self-disgust as they grappled with their cowardice. They could see the truth in Arjun's words, the bitter reality of abandoning their duty when their kingdom needed them most.

The call to honor stirred something deep within, igniting a fire that they thought had been extinguished.