
Anaya's voice resonated with pride as she added, "Yes, our kingdom's future is very bright." Her eyes gleamed as she looked at her son, who stood tall amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"Arjun has proven himself on the battlefield, and I have no doubt that he will continue to lead us with wisdom and strength."

The queens and concubines exchanged knowing glances, their hearts swelling with hope. They all felt a deep sense of unity, a shared vision for Kashi's future, one that was anchored in their love for Arjun and the legacy they were building together. The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation for the bright days ahead.

The army, proud and weary from battle, stood in formation before the elevated platform and knelt in unison. King Ramesh, his regal presence commanding attention, rose to address the crowd. As he did, a hush fell over the gathering, the air thick with anticipation.

Commoners and nobles alike bowed their heads to the ground in reverence, acknowledging the weight of the moment. Ramesh's voice echoed through the silence, rich and steady, as he prepared to speak of honor, bravery, and the bright future ahead for the Kingdom of Kashi.

The tension was palpable, with all eyes fixed on their king, awaiting the words that would celebrate their triumph and solidify their loyalty.

"Rejoice, everyone!" King Ramesh proclaimed, his voice ringing with triumph.

"Our army has won! Today, we have increased our borders, solidifying our power and influence. This victory marks the beginning of our path toward domination and conquering!" 

Cheers erupted from the crowd, a wave of elation washing over the assembled people. Faces lit up with joy, and the army raised their swords in salute, shouting the name of their victorious prince.

The atmosphere was electric, filled with hope and ambition as King Ramesh continued, inspiring his subjects to believe in the strength of their kingdom and the bright future that lay ahead under Arjun's leadership.

He then raised his hand, pointing to Arjun, who stood proudly at his side.

"And the one who brought us this victory is my son, your prince Arjun!" 

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers echoing through the palace grounds.

"Long live Prince Arjun!" they chanted, their voices a harmonious blend of admiration and gratitude.

Arjun's heart swelled with pride as he soaked in the recognition, feeling the weight of his responsibilities as a leader but also the warmth of his people's support. He exchanged a glance with his father, a silent promise of loyalty and dedication to the kingdom that had nurtured him.

Arjun took a deep breath, his voice steady and resonant as he addressed the throngs of citizens.

"The kingdom of Parmatha, which has encroached upon our borders time and again, has been dealt with. We have defeated their soldiers, killed their generals, and here we stand proudly, declaring our victory!" 

The crowd roared in response, their faces lit with a mix of joy and relief.

"This is not just a triumph for the army but for every citizen of Kashi! We have shown them that we will not back down, that our spirit is unyielding. Together, we will continue to protect our lands and expand our borders, for the glory of Kashi!"

The cheers grew even louder, filling the air with a fervent energy that echoed Arjun's resolve.

Arjun raised his voice, a commanding presence that drew everyone's attention.

"Everyone who sacrificed will be compensated! Their families will be taken care of by the kingdom. I urge you all to pledge your loyalty to me. Be my army, follow me, and embrace the path of strength and conquest. Become the followers of the devil and claim the world for our domination!"

The crowd erupted in enthusiastic shouts, their spirits ignited by Arjun's words. Men and women alike felt a sense of purpose swell within them, an eagerness to stand beside their prince in pursuit of glory.

"Together, we will forge an empire that will be remembered for generations! Together, we will rise!"

The atmosphere pulsed with a mix of ambition and camaraderie, a shared vision for the future that Arjun had awakened in their hearts.

Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs, their voices merging into a powerful chorus that echoed throughout the kingdom. The excitement was palpable, a wave of energy that surged through the crowd.

The queens and concubines, overwhelmed by pride and happiness, shed tears of joy, their hearts swelling with love for their son. This moment marked not just a victory on the battlefield but the birth of a new era for Kashi, one that promised strength, unity, and an unyielding spirit. 

As Arjun looked over the faces of his people, he felt a profound sense of belonging. This was his family, his kingdom, and he was ready to lead them into greatness.

The air was thick with emotion, a tapestry of hope woven together by their shared dreams and aspirations. In that instant, under the bright sun, the future of Kashi looked brighter than ever before.

Arjun then proclaimed, "Today we shall feast! Everyone rejoice! Let this day mark the start of our domination."

His voice rang out with authority, filling the hearts of the people with exhilaration. The atmosphere shifted from one of intense anticipation to joyous celebration, as laughter and cheers erupted from the crowd. 

The king, queen, concubines, and all the commanders retreated from the elevated position, making their way to the grand hall where a lavish banquet awaited. Tables adorned with an array of delicious foods were set, and the aroma of roasted meats and spiced dishes filled the air.

As the celebrations began, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement, tales of valor, and dreams of the future, all united under the banner of a new beginning for Kashi.