Chapter 9

Location: Weaver Forest, Kingdom of Raunsgard

Time: 6:29 pm

Date: Septa 16, 2079

In the depths of Weaver Forest a rustling sound can be heard. The cause of it is a hooded man who is rushing through the dense forest.

He nimbly jumps over roots and rocks alike. He seems to be running from something or someone. He looks back, searching for whatever it is he's running from.

He continues running for another minute before he stopped, he surveys his immediate surroundings before he walked over to a random tree.

The man sits down as he takes off his hood revealing a man who seems to be around 20 years of age. He is of darker complexion with his hair a mix of black and white. His eyes induce an unnatural feeling when gazing into it, almost like he is looking down on you.

"Damn! Those dogs never know when to quit. I can't believe they managed to tail me for a whole month." The man grumbles as he takes out a flask of water.

"Those dogs seem to be desperate as they even put a bounty on my head. Those mercenaries are gonna regret agreeing to hunting me." He mutters as he closes his eyes.

The man thinks back as to what he had done a month ago. He had been a slave to a tyrannical master, his master is a 6th Circle Vicer almost a 7th Circle.

His master Sarina Von Raun is a sadistic woman, she used him for her twisted desires all for her entertainment. The entire kingdom thinks of her as a saint but in truth she was the devil.

Only her right hand man knows of her true nature and of course her slave. But all those years of abuse and molesting had filled him with deep hatred for her and it all culminated to his rebellion.

The kingdom knew him as the most trusted aide of the Ruler of Raunsgard but the night he exacted his plan he became known as the betrayer. A person who coveted what his master has.

In a way they are right, he covers what Sarina has and deprived him of; his freedom, his right to live. The mere thought of what was taken from him makes his blood boil.

He was a prideful man, a very prideful man. And all those years as a slave had been the breaking point. The mere thought of a 1st Circle killing a 6th Circle Vicer is unbelievable and yet it happened, he killed a being that is leagues stronger than he is.

He had done the impossible, and against the odds he is still alive but for how long? No one knows.

"Alright, I need to mask my tracks better this time otherwise I might not survive to see tomorrow." He stands up as he talks to himself.

He finds himself doing that more often now, probably to distract his mind from the pressure of being pursued.

The man puts his hood back on as he starts running once again. This time his speed is noticabky faster.


Location: Weaver Forest, Kingdom of Raunsgard

Time: 6:47 pm

Date: Septa 16, 2079

A man can be seen running on top of tree branches as he observes a lone figure skirting around down on the ground.

Omar takes out a small device and puts it over his eyes as he looks over the lone figure. The device lights up as it starts to scan the figure on the ground.


Target match...

Name: Orvhen Orielly

Status: Alive

Mission Objective: Capture or Elimination

"Hah! There's my money." Omar grins as he puts aaway the device before taking out his weapon, a grisly looking mace.

He puts his left hand over his face as grey wisps of energy gather in front of his face. Suddenly a stone mask cover's Omar's face as a burst of splinter explodes out on where he was standing before.

Omar appeared above the running figure, his mace already falling down onto the oblivious Orvhen.

Or so Omar thought because just as the mace hits, the Orvhen he saw dissolve into a cloud of dark smoke.

"What!?" Omar shouted, surprised about the fact that his target managed evade his attack.

A loud thud rings out as Omar's mace slams into the ground. More clouds of smoke and dust appeared due to the impact. With his vision clouded Omar decided to disperse it by swinging his mace in a wide arc.

The force of his swing forced the smoke to clear. But a sudden sense of danger came over him as dozens of shadow spears launched out of his own shadow.

He frantically jumped into the air to avoid getting skewered. Cold sweat covered his forehead as he takes on a more serious stance.

Omar observes the area as to clean any inkling as to where the target is. He activates his Mask's power hoping that it would give him the edge that he needs to locate that slippery bastard.

Omar's body transformed into that of a humanoid made out of dark stone. This is Omar's Trump card, he calls it Stone Shade.

Being in his Stone Shade form enhances his ability to control the shadows while bolstering his defence.

When he took this job he thought it was just a simple deserter running away to another faction's territory but he did not expect the target to be a shadow aspect Vicer as well.

As the final rays of the sun disappears, the gloom of the approaching night sets in. And in this particular night the darkness seems darker.


The sound of metal rushing through the air sounds out behind Omar. He twists around while swinging his mace toward the incoming attack.

His mace struck not metal but dense shadows however nobody is there behind him, only the attack is there.

Thud! Argghh!

Omar yelps as a sudden impact hits his back causing him to hurtle towards a distant tree. His vision blurry due to the shock that went through his body, he hurriedly searches for Orvhen.

"Looking for me?" A voice sounds out on his right.

Omar frantically swings his mace towards the voice but it suddenly stopped advancing. He looked down on the ground, there are tendrils made of shadows clutching his mace.


Another loud bang sounded out as Omar was once again launched into the distance. Omar used his shadows to match onto the trees to stop his flight.

He then stomps down on the ground, exploding out towards his target. This time he swings down his mace as tens of bindings made of shadows holds onto Orvhen.


An almost deafening bang rang out when Omar's mace hits Orvhen. Omar smirks as he moves his mace out of the target, or at least he tried to do so.

"That one was better but still weak. I think it's my turn now no?" Orvhen says as the surrounding shadows rush towards him.

A dark glow can be seen on Orvhen's left arm as he takes a low stance. On his back a hazy and almost unnoticeable shape can be seen.

"This is how a true Vicer attacks." Orvhen declares as all the shadows in the area disappeared and his right fist turned into a beacon of dark light.

He swings his fist forwards as a wave of unstoppable darkness rushed towards Omar, obliterating his upper torso.

Omar's weapon drops to the ground, along with it his still gripping hand. Orvhen approaches the body as he picks up the mace and the hand.

"Oh this the hand where he wears his Space Ring. Nice, I got something at least for all the trouble he caused me." Orvhen mutters as he drops a drop of blood on the Space Ring.

"Oho, a recommendation?" Orvhen says, surprised on finding an Academy recommendation.

"It would seem I won't die today too." Orvhen says with a smile.

That is the last day Orvhen was found. Orvhen is gone. Or not.