Wiping them out?


In the depths of the dark forest, a small group made up of one Terragor, a pitchblack lizardman female, and a tiny lizard creature could be seen making their way through an uncharted path.

"Honestly I can't tell" Zyseras voice resounded as she shook her head in defeat.

Cious had just asked her what specie of lizard he was, while it was a very strange question to ask, Zysera would technically be considered an expert in the matter.

Years of beast hunting had given her the expertise to spot a creature and identify its race and habits from a mile away.

However, this wasn't the case for Cious here as no matter how hard she looked at it, she couldn't really pinpoint his specie. He looked something like a lizardman but his features were not really as developed. Maybe a hundred years ago there might have been lizardmen like him….

But now? She didn't think so….maybe he was a crossbreed of some sorts.

It was a bit embarrassing.