Chapter 4: The Emperor's Training

The first review, here the bonus chapter!


The air inside Frieza's personal training chamber was still and oppressive. Thick with an unnatural weight, it pressed down on everything within, making movement a chore and exertion a trial of endurance. The walls hummed with energy, reinforced with the strongest materials in the galaxy to withstand the sheer force Frieza would unleash during his training.

The gravity in the chamber was cranked far beyond what a normal being could tolerate. Frieza had programmed it to simulate the gravity of Planet Vegeta, the Saiyan homeworld, which was said to be ten times Earth's gravity. But that was only the beginning. At this moment, Frieza had pushed it beyond the limits, reaching 500 times Earth's gravity.

The floor beneath his feet creaked slightly as he moved, the immense gravitational pressure threatening to crush anything that wasn't prepared for it. Yet Frieza stood unfazed in the center of the chamber, his body tense but controlled. His mechanical limbs, despite their artificial nature, responded seamlessly to his commands, their cold metallic sheen a constant reminder of what he had lost, and what he would gain.

Frieza's red eyes gleamed with focus. He could feel the immense weight bearing down on him, every muscle in his body straining, yet his power only seemed to grow with the pressure. He had been at this for hours, pushing his body, testing his limits, and adapting to the new mechanics of his cybernetic enhancements. Each movement was precise, calculated.

He crouched low, then launched himself into the air with a burst of energy, performing a complex series of aerial maneuvers. The force of his leap cracked the floor beneath him, sending small fragments of metal skittering across the chamber. His body twisted gracefully through the air, each movement smooth and deliberate despite the crushing gravity.

As he landed with a heavy thud, Frieza took a deep breath, his mechanical fingers twitching as energy crackled faintly around them. His power had returned, stronger than ever, but something still felt off, imbalanced. His body was not yet his own. Not fully.

He glanced at the scouter resting on a nearby console. In the past, the scouter had been essential, used to measure power levels and determine the strength of his opponents. It had served him well during his reign. But now, looking at it, Frieza felt... disdain. Power levels had become meaningless to him.

Frieza reached over and picked up the device, weighing it in his hand. "Power levels," he muttered to himself, his voice dripping with contempt. "How foolish I was to rely on such a trivial metric."

With a flick of his wrist, he crushed the scouter, letting the pieces fall to the floor. Power levels had failed to predict the rise of Goku, the Super Saiyan. They had failed to measure the hidden potential of warriors like Vegeta and even his future opponent, Trunks. It was an outdated concept. The universe had evolved beyond numbers.

Frieza closed his eyes, floating effortlessly despite the oppressive gravity. He had something else in mind, something far more important than arbitrary figures.

With a calm inhale, Frieza began to focus inward, pulling the immense energy within his body into a single, controlled point. He could feel it, the raw, untapped power that coursed through him. His breathing steadied, and he brought his hands up, palms facing outward. Tiny sparks of energy danced between his fingers.

He floated further above from the ground, ignoring the pull of gravity as his mind turned to his true task, mastering his ki. His goal was simple yet exceedingly difficult: to control his energy so completely that it would obey his every command with absolute precision. No wasted power, no reckless surges. Just pure control.

Frieza held out his hand, and a small sphere of energy flickered to life in his palm, glowing faintly in the dimly lit chamber. It was no larger than his head, a common ki blast for someone of his power. But this was only the beginning.

The orb floated upward, guided by Frieza's will, spinning slowly in place as he focused on it. His goal was not to create the largest or most destructive blast, no, that was child's play. Instead, he focused on refinement, on reducing the size of the sphere while maintaining its power. His breathing deepened, and he narrowed his gaze, concentrating intensely as the sphere began to shrink.

Sweat formed on his brow as the sphere contracted further, now no larger than a grapefruit, then an apple. The gravitational pressure in the room increased steadily, testing his concentration, but Frieza did not waver. He was in full control now, his mind entirely absorbed in the process of condensing the energy further.

"Smaller," he muttered to himself. "More control."

The ki ball was now the size of a tennis ball, spinning rapidly in the air as Frieza focused. But this was still far too large for his liking. His ultimate goal was to reduce the energy to the size of an atom, a near-invisible ball of pure power that he could manipulate effortlessly, without waste.

Minutes turned into hours, but Frieza remained in the air, floating as the ki orb shrank further, now no bigger than a marble. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, but his eyes were locked onto the energy, his will unwavering.

Another sphere formed in his other hand. Frieza's focus split, manipulating both orbs simultaneously as they circled around him. Slowly, he began to create more, each smaller than the last, until a dozen glowing spheres floated around him, spinning at his command.

But it wasn't enough. Not yet.

Frieza closed his eyes again, his breathing slow and even. The room around him was silent save for the faint hum of the reinforced walls, straining under the immense gravitational pressure. He raised his hands, palms facing outward, and channeled his energy once more.

The dozen orbs that floated around him began to shrink, condensing into smaller and smaller particles until they were no bigger than the tip of a needle. Frieza's face remained calm, but his mind was focused intently on maintaining control. He could feel the power coursing through each of them, perfectly balanced, perfectly contained.

With a flick of his fingers, the tiny orbs shot across the chamber in different directions, each moving at incredible speed. They wove around the room, bouncing off the walls and ceiling, but never losing control. Frieza could sense each one, guiding them effortlessly with his mind.

"Not enough," he whispered to himself.

More energy surged within him, and Frieza began to form more ki spheres. Dozens, then hundreds, each no larger than a pinhead. They floated around him, circling like stars in orbit. He raised his arms, and the spheres moved in unison, spinning faster and faster as he pushed himself further.

Soon, the air around him was filled with hundreds of nearly invisible ki orbs, each one perfectly controlled. It was a sight to behold, an impossible display of power and precision. But Frieza wasn't done yet.

His breathing quickened as he pushed the energy to its limits, condensing the spheres further. They shrank, smaller and smaller, until they were nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. The energy within them was immense. Frieza had reached a new level of mastery over his power, and the room around him trembled in response.

"Yes," he muttered, his voice low and filled with satisfaction. "This is what I needed."

With a final flick of his wrist, the countless spheres scattered throughout the room, each moving with perfect precision as Frieza guided them effortlessly. His training had reached a new height, but he knew there was still more to achieve. His body, though mechanical in parts, was now fully under his control.

He would continue refining this technique until the ki orbs were as small as atoms, countless invisible forces at his command, each one capable of incredible destruction.

Frieza lowered himself to the floor, the spheres disappearing as he exhaled. He had come far in his training, but there was still more to master. His power was growing, his control becoming absolute. Soon, the universe would tremble before him once again.

But for now, he was patient. His time would come.

Frieza crossed his arms, his mind already turning toward what was next. He had discarded the old way of thinking, discarded power levels, and embraced a new path. He would refine his energy to its absolute limit, and when he was ready, the universe would learn once again why he was the most feared being alive.

But for now, he had more work to do.

Frieza closed his eyes and began to float once more, his body rising effortlessly into the air as he prepared to continue his training.

"Let them try to stand against me," he muttered to himself, a cold grin spreading across his face. "They will learn soon enough."