Chapter 30: The Golden Emperor

Three months had passed since Frieza first began his intense seclusion, and the galaxy had been adjusting to his newly established order. Frieza's empire had become an efficient, disciplined machine, operating with precision under his strict commands.

The once chaotic and fear-driven rule was now replaced by structure, strength, and loyalty. The transformations in both the military and the populace had been evident. But it wasn't just the galaxy that had changed, Frieza himself had evolved, unlocking a power that few could comprehend.

Inside his private chamber, Frieza floated gracefully in the air, his body radiating with an aura of control. His Golden Form, perfected after months of relentless training, pulsed with an energy that was no longer wild or unrefined.

Unlike before, his aura didn't leak or burst uncontrollably, his power was perfectly contained within him, like a predator lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to strike.

His body shimmered in gold, his once white skin now gleaming with the radiance of his new form. But his energy remained calm, as if Frieza had complete mastery over every particle of power flowing through his veins. His breathing was steady, his mind focused, and his spirit sharper than ever. He had achieved what many thought impossible, total control over his transformation.

Though he had not yet tapped into the divine power of god ki, Frieza was already one of the most dangerous forces in the universe. The depth of his power was terrifying, yet he was far from finished. He knew there was more to unlock, more to conquer. But for now, this Golden Form was an apex of his potential, and it would suffice to bring the galaxy to its knees.

Frieza lowered himself onto the ground, his tail swaying behind him as he let the golden energy settle. He glanced around his chamber, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. His training had not been in vain, and now, it was time to let the galaxy know that their emperor had returned.

The doors to his chamber slid open, and standing there were his elite soldiers, Commander Sorbo, Lieutenant Erekon, and Commander Kuver, all of them awaiting his presence. They had been the only ones privy to Frieza's intense seclusion, guarding the secret of his training with their lives.

As Frieza stepped forward, his golden aura dissipated, leaving behind only his formidable presence. His crimson eyes gleamed with a cold intensity as he surveyed his men.

"Commander Sorbo, Lieutenant Erekon, Commander Kuver," Frieza's voice was smooth, yet it held the weight of authority. "You have served me well during my absence. The galaxy has remained under control, and my plans have proceeded without interruption."

The soldiers bowed deeply, feeling the immense pressure of their emperor's praise. It was rare for Frieza to commend anyone, and this acknowledgment was not lost on them.

Sorbo, the most disciplined of the three, straightened his posture. "Thank you, Lord Frieza. We have followed your orders to the letter. The empire is more unified and powerful than ever before."

Frieza nodded, his gaze shifting from one soldier to the next. "I can sense that you've all grown stronger. Your dedication to my cause has not gone unnoticed."

Each of the soldiers had indeed become more powerful under Frieza's rule. Commander Sorbo had refined his combat techniques, his mastery of ki blasts now unmatched within the ranks. Lieutenant Erekon had honed his speed and agility, able to outmaneuver opponents with ease, while Commander Kuver's brute strength had increased tenfold, making him one of the most feared warriors in the Frieza Force.

"I trust you will continue to improve," Frieza said, his tone cold but not without a hint of satisfaction. "For what comes next will test all of your limits."

The three commanders exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. What could Frieza have in store, now that he had returned with such immense power?

Frieza turned away from them, his gaze drifting toward the stars visible through the large windows of his ship. "The time has come for us to solidify our rule. The galaxy will know that there is no escape from my grasp, no planet beyond my reach. The weak will submit, and the strong will be crushed."

His tail flicked behind him as he paced slowly. "I have allowed my empire to grow and flourish in my absence, but now, I will ensure that no one forgets who holds ultimate power. I'm sure there are still pockets of resistance, whispers of rebellion. That ends now."

The soldiers straightened, feeling the weight of Frieza's words. They knew that their emperor was about to embark on a campaign that would cement his control over the galaxy once and for all.

Frieza's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a cold smile. "There are a few planets that have yet to fully embrace my new order. We will remind them of their place. Sorbo, Erekon, Kuver, you will lead my forces in this endeavor. Crush any resistance that remains, and bring the leaders of those worlds before me."

"Yes, Lord Frieza," they replied in unison, their voices filled with determination.

Frieza paused, turning back to face them. "One more thing," he added, his tone soft but lethal. "Spare those who are willing to learn and fall in line. We are not mindless barbarians. Discipline, loyalty, and strength are rewarded. But those who defy me will meet the fate they deserve."

The soldiers nodded.

As Frieza's men departed to carry out his orders, Frieza himself remained behind, watching the stars. His mind wandered briefly to his training, the golden flicker of energy still fresh in his thoughts.


Meanwhile, across the galaxy, the citizens under Frieza's rule continued to adapt to the new order. On Planet Antris, the streets were bustling with activity as civilians went about their daily routines. The marketplace was filled with traders, merchants, and soldiers, all operating under a strict yet efficient system.

A group of civilians gathered near a fountain, discussing the recent changes in their world.

"Things have been different, haven't they?" one man remarked, adjusting his satchel. "I remember when we used to live in constant fear of Frieza's soldiers. But now, things seem… stable."

A woman beside him nodded. "Yes, it's strange. We were terrified at first, but the soldiers aren't like they used to be. They keep the peace, and honestly… life has been better. My children are getting an education, food is readily available, and there's no crime anymore."

Another civilian, an older man, leaned in. "That's because the punishment for crime is severe. But as long as we follow the rules, we're safe."

The group fell silent for a moment, each of them weighing the cost of their newfound stability. The fear of Frieza still lingered, but there was an undeniable sense that his reforms had brought about a strange kind of peace.

On another planet, Arkon V, the situation was much the same. The Frieza Force patrolled the streets, but rather than oppressing the people, they maintained order and ensured that resources were distributed fairly. Schools had been established, and martial arts training was mandatory for all citizens. The population, once divided by class and power, was now unified under Frieza's absolute rule.

A young boy, no more than twelve, watched in awe as Frieza's soldiers demonstrated advanced combat techniques in the public square. His eyes gleamed with admiration.

"One day, I'll be strong enough to join the Frieza Force," he whispered to his friend, his voice filled with determination.

His friend, a boy of similar age, nodded enthusiastically. "Me too. We'll become the strongest warriors in the galaxy!"

The soldiers, hearing the boys' enthusiasm, exchanged a glance but said nothing. Frieza's reforms had not only brought stability but had also fostered a sense of ambition and loyalty among the younger generations.

But despite the outward peace, Merus and the Galactic Patrol continued to monitor the situation closely. They knew that Frieza's new order was more than just reforms, it was a calculated strategy to tighten his grip on the galaxy.

As Merus watched from a distance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Frieza's power had grown, and the galaxy was bending to his will. But for how long?


End of the first Arc.

Patreon: SageBlank for the second arc.

As we reached the end of the first arc, i will take a small break and posting on Patreon some times.

So see you soon!