Chapter 42:- Daydreamer

Malenda arrived at the church at midnight. Because I was asleep, I couldn't receive her. She also didn't want to bother me in my sleep. Few of the sisters received her, and I have encountered her in the morning. My life became lightened after her arrival.

In the morning, sisters became busy with cleaning the whole church. The church became neat and clean, and it became relaxing like it was before.

"Finally, some space to pray."

"Became stiffed that couldn't have been able to pray, right?"

I nodded my head. A poking smile got accessorized on my face. The slow freezing and chilling wind, touching me in a slight motion, flowing my long black hair in a messy way—a weather giving the vibe of Symestiaph. I sighed with relief and got up from my seat to go to the garden. Malenda started to walk a bit behind but beside me. While walking, I selected a topic to have a conversation.

"Why did you become so late coming here?"

"...Alex came to my carriage."