
I held a vote, and it leaned heavily toward him forming his own pack, for various reasons. In this season, at least, he won't join any pack because Scott is still a beta. Even when Scott becomes an Alpha, he won't join him. Then, in Season 4, when I plan to start exploring his past and focusing on character growth and personal relationships, I'll do one final vote to see what you all think after we've finished an entire season.

Another point of confusion seems to be the title. I understand how it could be misleading, but my thought process behind it was to showcase his past—how he had to face the supernatural and other challenges alone. All of this will be revealed later, once we get into the arc that explores his past. As you've seen, he's slowly forming connections and starting to realize that Beacon Hills is different from his old town. It's a place where he can begin to rely on others, and that's where some of his character growth will happen. That's why I chose the title Lone Wolf.

And one more thing about his True Alpha powers and why I suggested he join Scott's pack. The reason for how he became a True Alpha will be revealed later, and it will be a unique situation. The reason he doesn't have much knowledge of the supernatural, despite being a True Alpha, is because he was only recently turned.

Yes, True Alphas naturally have some sense of leadership, which I've shown in the latest chapter and will continue to show. But his core personality isn't leadership-focused, and that will also tie into how he became an Alpha once I explain it.

Some of you seem to want this edgy, corny teenager, and I even saw a comment saying that Isaac was talking to him like a beta, when they were just having a regular conversation. You have to remember, they're teenagers! If you're expecting this unrealistic, corny dynamic, I'm telling you right now, that's not going to happen.

Regarding his romantic interests: If you've seen the latest chapter, you'll know it hasn't been decided yet. It will be a natural flow, and I won't confirm anything until the relationship is stable and has gone through its ups and downs.

If you saw the end of the chapter and didn't like where you thought it was heading, and assumed that was his romantic interest for the rest of the fanfic—no, that's not confirmed. If you have a female character in mind, feel free to suggest her, and we might see it happen, even if it's just for a brief time.

I've noticed some of the reasoning behind wanting him to start his own pack—like the idea that a True Alpha shouldn't bow to another. But let me clarify: Blake won't bow his head or submit to Scott. They'll be on equal footing, but Scott will still be the leader of the pack.

Blake will have an important role, and his presence will influence how Scott handles things, but Scott will still be the one in charge. It's more about them working together as equals, with Scott taking on the official leader role. but that is only if the vote for joining Scott's pack wins.

That's all I have to say. So, if you're thinking of dropping this fic or not liking the direction it's going because of the love interest or him possibly joining Scott's pack—none of that has been decided yet. Stick around and see where the story goes before making any decisions.