Traveling Together:

The carriage was adorned with gold and covered with vermillion jade for the lid. Luxurious brocade curtains hung down, and the carriage was pulled by four pure white horses, each one a symbol of refined elegance and opulence.

Inside, the carriage was spacious and comfortable. A central aisle separated two knee-high couches on either side, with another couch directly facing them. The seating was layered with thick, plush cushions, and pearl curtains divided the space into three sections: inner, outer, and middle.

The inner area was perfumed with a warm fragrance, soft veils swayed gently, and the floor was covered in white woven silk that looked as soft as it was comfortable.

"Lei Yun, hurry up and bring the food!"

Xianyue sat cross-legged in the middle of the carriage, separated from Lan Yixuan by a small table. Silver chopsticks glinted coldly in her hand as she impatiently tapped them on the table, urging Lei An from the outer section to speed up. She displayed none of the restraint expected of a lady.

Lan Yixuan lifted the teacup from the table, gently lifted the lid, and blew on the tea before taking a light sip. "How long has it been since you've last eaten, Miss?"

Even in his casual demeanor, one could not help but notice the elegance and noble grace in his every move.

"I only had a bowl of millet porridge, a basket of steamed buns, and a few pieces of pastry this morning."

Xianyue stopped tapping her chopsticks and leaned back lazily against the carriage.

"That sounds about right. After such a fight this morning, you must have burned quite a bit of energy."

Lan Yixuan placed the cup down and turned to Lei Yun, who was still busy outside. "Lei Yun, hurry up."

"Young Master, it's ready."

Lei An had just placed the dish on the table when Xianyue, who had been reclining idly moments before, sat up straight with excitement. She quickly lifted the lid off the dish before Lei An could do so, her mouth already open, and her bright eyes lit up with joy. "Honey-glazed chicken drumsticks! My favorite!"

"Beggar's chicken—how did you know I love this?"

"Jade slices with hibiscus—it's been ages since I've had this, I almost forgot what it tastes like."

As she spoke, Xianyue started to gather the food Lei An brought in, claiming each dish one by one and shooting Lan Yixuan a smile after each victorious grab.

"Take your time, no one is going to steal it from you."

Lan Yixuan's tone was calm, showing no sign of irritation.

"Young Master Lan, I told you, you're the nicest person I've ever met."

With her mouth stuffed full, Xianyue enthusiastically waved her greasy hand in greeting towards Lan Yixuan, who gently caught her right hand, his smile warm. "It's all fate, Miss. No need to be so formal."

"This whole 'Miss' business is too distant. If you don't mind, you can just call me Xianyue."

Her left hand, as quick as lightning, suddenly reached for Lan Yixuan's collar.

"Very well then, Xianyue."

Lan Yixuan released her right hand, quickly grabbing a wine pot from Lei Yun and pouring the clear liquid into a jade cup. As Xianyue leaned forward, her hand brushing against his collar, Lan Yixuan's foot lightly touched the ground, and with a subtle movement, his body slid back a few steps. He extended the wine cup toward her outstretched hand. "Here, have a drink."

Such speed, such agility! Xianyue couldn't help but be amazed.

The cup was full, yet not a single drop was spilled. Xianyue accepted it with a smile. "Fine wine like this shouldn't go to waste. With such a generous gesture from you, how could I possibly refuse?"

With that, she tilted her head back and drank it all in one gulp. Licking her lips, she let out a satisfied sigh, then laughed. "This is truly top-grade wine. If it were me, I'd hide it and not let anyone else have a sip."

She grabbed the wine pot from the table and cradled it protectively, her eyes sparkling playfully as she looked at Lan Yixuan, her expression so serious that it was almost endearing.

"The world is dangerous, Xianyue. You're still young, and roaming the jianghu alone... aren't you afraid your family might worry about you?"

Lan Yixuan's gaze flicked over to Lei Yun, who quickly understood and began clearing away the dishes on the table.

Xianyue frowned slightly and thought for a moment. "I've dreamed of becoming a heroine for a long time."

Punishing the wicked, helping the poor, and correcting the injustices of the world—that was her current aspiration.

"If I stayed at home all the time, how could I ever make that dream come true?"

"I didn't expect such lofty ambitions from you, Xianyue. I'm impressed."

Lan Yixuan cupped his fists and bowed slightly, his clear voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But for someone aiming to become a jianghu heroine, why do you extort protection money and cripple people's hands, destroying years of their hard work?"

His words, though clearly a reprimand, held no harshness or blame.

"Oh, you mean that old man, Xu?"

Xianyue tilted her head back and took a swig of the wine, her tone indifferent. "Is Young Master Lan the type to make snap judgments without knowing the whole story?"

She let out a cold laugh. "Outside An City, at the pavilion, that old man accidentally spilled tea on Xu's clothes. Not only did Xu demand payment for a new set of clothes, but when the old man couldn't afford it, he had his thugs beat him up. They tore down the pavilion, too, and took all the valuables from his house. The old man ran a small business. Why should someone like Xu, with his wealth, bully the weak? If Xu values his money so much, I simply made him feel the sting of losing it."

"So, it seems Yixuan has been meddling too much," Lan Yixuan said, still calm. "But as a heroine of the jianghu, with a righteous heart, why would you cripple his hand? Someone you didn't even know? Isn't that ruining him completely?"

Xianyue pointed at Lan Yixuan. "Young Master Lan, you're so kind and benevolent. I truly admire you."

Her lips curled, not quite a smile, yet not quite mocking either.

"If that man hadn't harbored ill intentions toward me for a mere five hundred silver leaves, he wouldn't have ended up like that. He tried to cripple my hand first. I just returned the favor. What's wrong with that? Does Young Master Lan think that a jianghu heroine should let herself be bullied?"

Xianyue held out her hands, her fingers moving swiftly, as if the air itself rippled around them, making it hard to follow her movements. "These hands still have plenty of use."

She withdrew her hands and stood up, grabbing Lei Yun, who was tidying up and getting ready to leave. "Lei Yun, did you make all this food? Is there any more?"

Lei Yun stared blankly at Xianyue, her hand still holding onto him. His face reddened as he shook his head. "No, that's all."

He and Lei An were only responsible for serving their master. The food prepared should have been enough for the entire day. They hadn't expected her to eat so much.


Xianyue let go of his hand, a bit disappointed.

"If you like it, I'll prepare more for you tonight," Lei Yun said, seeing her mood brighten immediately.

Xianyue nodded enthusiastically. "I have another dream, and that's to try all the delicious foods in the world. Make sure to prepare something different for me every day."

Luckily, Lei An was outside driving the carriage. If he'd heard her, he'd probably have been outraged, accusing Xianyue of overstepping her bounds.

"Well, the wine's finished."

Xianyue cheerfully handed the empty wine pot to Lei An and watched him leave.

"Ah!" Xianyue stretched, opening her mouth wide as she yawned, sitting up straight. The action, much like the way she ate, was crude, yet somehow, people found it hard to dislike her for it.

"I'm tired."

She patted her mouth and, in one swift motion, darted into the inner compartment, where she lay down on the soft bedding. Her face softened into a satisfied smile. "Following you, Young Master Lan, was a great decision."

The bedding was made from Yun brocade, the finest silk from Chu State, warm in winter and cool in summer, soft and luxurious. This fabric was reserved for the royal family of Chu; even the wealthiest families couldn't easily afford to turn it into clothing. Yet Lan Yixuan used it as a carriage mat. But, oh, how comfortable it was.

Xianyue rolled onto her side a few times and soon fell asleep.

Lan Yixuan, holding a freshly brewed cup of snow pear tea in one hand and a book in the other, leaned against the carriage wall, reading in silence, his expression calm as ever.

"Young Master."

Lei Yun approached him cautiously, holding a multicolored cloak. He glanced at Xianyue, who was sound asleep, before turning back to Lan Yixuan.

"Lei Yun."

Lan Yixuan's voice was slightly louder than usual.


Lei Yun replied and was about to leave.

"Leave the cloak."

Lei Yun turned around and placed the cloak in front of Lan Yixuan.

"When we arrive in Fancheng, prepare a few sets of women's clothing. You may go."

The skies were clear, and a gentle breeze blew as Lei Yun lifted the curtain, stepping outside to take a breath.

"What's going on?" Lei An asked, still driving the carriage. Then, as if realizing something, he fumed, "Did that woman take over the young master's resting place?"

He handed the reins over to Lei Yun, preparing to storm inside and drag the unruly woman out, intending to give her a good scolding. But Lei Yun held him back. "Lei An, our master's affairs are not for us to interfere with."