My Yue'er

"Liu Xinyou, must you treat me this way?" 

Her silver hair billowed in the night wind, obscuring the imagined aura of menace surrounding her. 

Xianyue bit her lip, her eyes wide with fury as she stared at the unyielding Liu Xinyou across from her, wishing she could slap the eternal youthfulness from that face. 

Taking a deep breath, she struggled to quell the boiling anger within, managing a smile, though the curve of her lips was decidedly stiff. 

She understood the logic, she felt the emotions, yet she found herself utterly incapable of replacing the name Liu Xinyou with "master," nor could she adopt the flattering demeanor she was so adept at. 

She loathed this woman, Liu Xinyou, detesting her deeply, even reviling her. 

"I won't hold your secret of sneaking down the mountain against you." 

Xianyue furrowed her brow, her tone matching the dreary weather, rendering the atmosphere anything but comfortable. 

After finally escaping, she vowed never to return until she had achieved her purpose. 

"Liu Xinyou, must you be so unyielding?" 

Xianyue wanted to shout, fearful of alarming those lurking in the shadows; after all, this place was not far from Haitang Courtyard, and the guards of the Marquis of Hui rarely roamed here. 

Liu Xinyou stepped closer, pointing at Xianyue. "If the world discovers you are the descended Phoenix Maiden, do you truly believe Feng Kingdom will know peace again?" 

Her tone left no room for negotiation. 

"Do you think anyone would believe that?" 

Xianyue raised her chin, intentionally making herself appear more imposing. 

"You are the princess of Feng Kingdom." 

Each word rang out with authority; this identity held immense persuasive power. 

Many times, many matters hinged on believing the impossible rather than dismissing it entirely. Those who sought to dominate the world or harbored ambitions would surely spare no effort in claiming her. 

Xuan Yuanhao, Lan Yixuan, Bai Zhanfeng—these individuals would likely pursue her relentlessly, including that envious Princess Yunyan and others of whom she remained oblivious. 

"Then let them vie for it." 

The two stood in a stalemate, refusing to budge. Xianyue pressed her lips together, laughing lightly to temper her tone, striving for calm and even cheerfulness. 

"With all the men in the world to choose from, I can't complain." 

Propping her chin on her hand, her gaze flickered to an unknown direction, glinting with an icy light. 

On the day of her birth, auspicious signs descended from the heavens, yet those who knew the truth and had lived to this day were few and far between. 

Ultimately, she was the child of the woman he cherished most, and despite the hatred, love lingered in her heart. 

Should Liu Xinyou dare to expose such matters, causing trouble for both Feng Kingdom and herself, she would destroy her Pear Blossom Pavilion and burn the hidden painting she had concealed in the secret compartment right before her eyes. 

"If your brother were to discover the hardships you've endured on the mountain these years, he would surely feel heartbroken. Ten years ago, you suffered for him; ten years later, you would have him witness you sacrificing your lifelong happiness for him." 

Liu Xinyou gazed up at the stars and sighed when she uttered the word "happiness." 

Xianyue gritted her teeth, no longer merely wanting to slap her but wishing to tear her apart. However, she retained enough self-awareness to refrain from recklessly charging at her, knowing full well that would only lead to being forcibly captured and dragged back. 

"After a decade in Pear Blossom Pavilion, watching me grow, do you feel nothing? I will return with you, but not now; can't you grant me a little more time?" 

Liu Xinyou's shoulders trembled slightly as she met Xianyue's gaze, falling silent for a moment. 

Xianyue felt that Liu Xinyou was utterly heartless, devoid of maternal affection, and bereft of warmth. 

At the age of four, she had followed Liu Xinyou to Pear Blossom Pavilion, where her only companion had been Liu Xinyou in that vast space; there hadn't even been a single servant to attend to them. Despite her young age and seemingly adorable demeanor, one would expect Liu Xinyou, having lived alone for so many years without children, to have cherished her, yet instead, she was met with perpetual coldness. Xianyue could not help but wonder if Liu Xinyou's kindness in the palace was merely a ruse to lure her to the mountain—or perhaps to deceive others. 

Xianyue quickly scanned her surroundings, convinced that such inquiries would not sway Liu Xinyou to let her go. Liu Xinyou was far superior in martial skills, and if it came to fleeing, she might still have a chance. 

"If you want me to return with you, dream on." 

As her words hung in the air, Xianyue took off, her petite figure moving with such swiftness that it astonished. Liu Xinyou, watching the flash of white in the night, hurriedly pursued her. 

Determined to bring Xianyue back to Pear Blossom Pavilion, Liu Xinyou exerted every ounce of her strength, while Xianyue's speed kept pace, maintaining a distance of about two zhang. 

This swiftness had been honed through chasing agile creatures on Pear Blossom Mountain. Liu Xinyou wore an impassive expression, a cold scoff echoing in her mind; it was no wonder Xianyue had managed to escape. 

"Stop right there!" 

Liu Xinyou's voice was not loud, but in the stillness of the night, it could not be considered quiet. They had already left Haitang Courtyard, a place heavily guarded, and her call immediately stirred the attention of those nearby. 

"Who's there?"

Suddenly, a thunderous voice rang out. 

"Assassin! Capture the assassin at once!" 

The crowd surged forward, the rush of wind roaring in her ears, akin to the exhilarating ride of a roller coaster, filled with a palpable sense of danger. 

The once-quiet air was violently disrupted, a thick atmosphere converging towards her from all directions. 

Xianyue abruptly halted, pointing at the thunderous Liu Xinyou behind her. "That person attempted to assassinate the Crown Prince of Feng Kingdom and now seeks to silence me." 

As her words fell, Xianyue distinctly felt the crowd shift direction, collectively pouncing towards Liu Xinyou, encircling her. 

Observing the furious Liu Xinyou trapped in the midst of the throng, Xianyue raised an eyebrow and turned to leave. 

"Do not attempt to escape." 

A crescent-shaped silver scythe sliced through the wind, cleaving the night sky into halves of brilliant light and deep shadow, forming a rainbow-like bridge. A whirlwind approached, and a figure clad in gray swiftly positioned itself before her. 

With a square jaw, piercing eyes, thick brows, and a prominent nose, this imposing figure stood tall like an unyielding mountain. 

"Hero Liu, please make way." 

The words were exceedingly polite, yet devoid of the usual calmness. 

The group clad in gray behind Liu Xinyou were no match for him, falling one by one like dominoes. 

"On behalf of someone, my lady, please wait a moment." 

Liu Ming stood resolutely before Xianyue, refusing to budge. 

By whom was she entrusted? Wait for what? For Liu Xinyou to subdue the people behind her, only to then seize her by the collar and drag her away? 

"Then don't blame me for being impolite." 

Xianyue maintained her customary smile, her right hand curling into a claw as she lunged for Liu Ming's neck, propelled by the night wind, transforming into a sudden gust. Liu Ming, observing Xianyue, tilted his head to evade her strike. Just as he was about to counter, her hand abruptly withdrew, colliding with the air and stirring up a flurry of force. 

She leaped into the air, more agile than a climbing monkey. Normally, she would have delighted in playfully stepping on Liu Ming's shoulder, but now, she was intent on avoiding any additional skilled fighters aiding Liu Xinyou. 

Her ethereal white form sailed over Liu Ming's head, landing behind him. 

Expecting her to engage him in battle, Liu Ming had never anticipated her escape. Her rudeness had merely served to divert his attention; he turned to see Xianyue hastily fleeing and thought, What a clever child—no wonder she mingles with those people. 

Xianyue's stratagem of creating a diversion had indeed worked, successfully eluding Liu Ming, but it had drawn upon him other complications. 

The individuals who had initially aimed to corner Liu Xinyou, upon witnessing Xianyue's escape from Liu Ming, saw that those grappling with Liu Xinyou were now sprawled on the ground. They swiftly redirected their focus towards Xianyue, and within moments, the area surrounding her was teeming with people, blocking her every route. 

Xianyue felt an urgent desperation; she yearned for a single move to take down all these adversaries, allowing her to slip away while Liu Xinyou was still behind. 

Frustration proved futile; she had no choice but to confront them. Xianyue struck with swiftness and precision, taking care not to take any lives. With each strike, adversaries writhed in pain on the ground, incapacitated from further combat. 

Having dealt with one batch of assailants, another would soon follow. Xianyue furrowed her brow; could it be that the Marquis of Hui had summoned the Imperial Guard to protect these people? 

She was but one person, with only two hands; how could she withstand such a relentless onslaught? Moreover, Liu Xinyou was leveraging her extraordinary agility to outpace those behind her. 

"Who would have thought her lightness of foot would be so exceptional?" 

Xuan Yuanhao stood beneath a large tree, observing Xianyue skillfully dodge the gleaming blades and sharp silver spears aimed at her, barely concealing his admiration. 

Such a woman was indeed a rarity in this world. 

Bai Zhanfeng may not have grasped much of what was happening, yet he keenly noted the emphasis on "also," particularly regarding her lightness of foot, as she had showcased other skills before him. 

This woman was not enough; she even flirted with others outside of his presence. Bai Zhanfeng shot a resentful glance at Xuan Yuanhao, thinking to himself that he must be imagining things. 

How could she possibly be interested in him, this arrogant fool? 

It was clear that Bai Zhanfeng lacked self-awareness; his almost narcissistic confidence stemmed largely from Nian Xiaoyu's tireless pursuit over the years. 

"Brother Feng, didn't you say you were going to teach her a lesson?" 

Nian Xiaoyu stood beside Bai Zhanfeng, her head nearly resting against his arm as she gazed up at him with a playful smile. 

Today, Bai Zhanfeng had stormed into Qiuyang Inn in a fit of rage. As a proper establishment, regulations dictated that guest information remain confidential. Yet, upon revealing his identity and issuing a fierce shout, the staff quickly presented him with all the guest records. He ultimately identified a few targets, searching room by room until he pinpointed Xianyue's accommodation. However, after waiting all day, she had yet to return. 

His heart brimmed with pent-up frustration; upon returning to the capital, he encountered the three infuriating figures he could not bear to look at. Lei An gazed at him with a grimace, saying, "Hero Bai, why did you return so late? Miss Xianyue just left." 

How could Bai Zhanfeng not be furious? He had waited all day at Qiuyang Inn, only to be informed that she had just departed the capital, as if she had intentionally avoided him. If Xianyue had been before him at that moment, he could have struck her with his iron palm, even with his eyes closed. 

Overcome with rage, he bellowed, "That damned woman! I will teach her a proper lesson!" 

Bai Zhanfeng turned to find Nian Xiaoyu wearing a look of schadenfreude, wishing to slap her. Did she not realize that those were merely words of anger? Can words of ire be taken seriously? 

Glaring at the gleaming blades and silver spears, he longed to teach those oblivious individuals a harsh lesson. 

"Doctor Jun!"

Lan Yixuan stood to the side, flanked by Lei An and Lei Yun, who had hurriedly followed him. As he turned to observe Jun Pinyu jogging towards them, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, yet his typically gentle gaze was suddenly pierced by an icy coldness.

Jun Pinyu, unskilled in martial arts, lagged behind, and by the time he arrived, he witnessed the glinting silver spear aimed menacingly at Xianyue, threatening to transform her into a veritable hedgehog at any moment.

Positioned next to Lan Yixuan, he anxiously regarded the onlookers, his heart racing at the sight of the razor-sharp weapon. He yearned to call for them to intervene, but none of the bystanders moved. Would it be too conspicuous for him to speak up? As he prepared to question them about their inaction—how could friends stand idly by?—his gaze inadvertently met one filled with an inscrutable smile, a look that was far more piercing than the silver spear itself, as if it could see through the world's beauty and filth, rendering him unable to suppress the sweat beading on his palms.

"She seems to fear that woman," Lan Yixuan remarked nonchalantly, pointing towards the silver-haired Liu Xinyou.

Following his gesture, Jun Pinyu's heart sank further; he lacked martial prowess, yet he could hardly suppress the feeling of dread. How could there exist such swiftness, as if a meteor streaking across the sky, leaving only a silvery trail in its wake, obscuring everything else?

When had Xianyue offended such a formidable master?

He was momentarily taken aback, not because of Liu Xinyou, but rather due to the figure cloaked in black behind her—Feng Jiulan—who rushed forward, flanked by her loyal guards, their expressions strained and urgent.

Feng Jiulan observed Xianyue trapped ahead, noting the silver spear thrusting toward her. Clutching her pained chest, she could hardly catch her breath as she gripped Yun Qinghen's hand, directing him towards the menacing figures ahead. Yun Qinghen instantly understood.

Earlier, after the princess had left a potion, she had departed, leaving the prince at the table, holding the small porcelain vial. It had been ten years since he had last seen the prince smile—so warm, like pear blossoms blooming in spring, gentle and radiant.

He sat at the table for quite some time before approaching the bed, preparing to rest when he suddenly heard the sounds of battle outside. Knowing well the tight security of the Tianfu, Feng Jiulan immediately rushed out without a second thought upon hearing the commotion.

His frail body had been put under strain during the hurried journey, leaving him breathless. Even in his state of panic, he lacked the strength to call for peace among the fighters.

Yun Qinghen dashed past Liu Xinyou, thrusting himself into the fray surrounding Xianyue. "Stop!" he shouted.

"Everyone, cease immediately!" 

Upon recognizing Yun Qinghen, the assailants halted, and Feng Jiulan pressed a hand to her chest as she stepped toward Xianyue.

Her steps were slow and careful, as if weighted down by lead. Each movement exuded caution, her snow-white skin glowing brilliantly against the pitch-black night, more dazzling than the silver spear itself.

The figure ahead was her Moon, now a decade older, surrounded by a throng, yet utterly composed—did she not cherish herself? What would happen if she were to be harmed?

Xianyue, with her back to him, was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the light from the eaves and branches. He could faintly discern her profile, and the corners of her mouth seemed to curl upward ever so slightly.

Others, drawn by the commotion outside, hastily donned their garments and joined the fray.

They observed Feng Jiulan's demeanor and the tenderness in his gaze as it fixated on the white figure ahead, filled with affection and warmth, scattering gentle light all around.

They had never imagined that the aloof, distant prince of the Feng Kingdom could possess such a gentle demeanor.

Upon hearing Yun Qinghen's voice, Xianyue's heart leaped—he had arrived. Could it be that her brother had come as well?

In that fleeting moment, the tears she had previously dried began to flow freely again, as the pangs of sorrow and heartache became impossible to stifle.

Did her brother feel heartbroken?

At this moment, she should have cast aside all that burdened her and fled without a second thought. Yet, she could not bring herself to do so; ten years ago, she had departed without a word, and this time, how could she let that warm boy simply stand and watch her retreat?

She could not bear to see him so distressed, especially because of her.

She tilted her head back, the layers of darkness enveloping her, impenetrable. Taking a deep breath, she held back her tears, offering a soft smile as she rolled up her sleeves to wipe her eyes, ensuring that no traces of her tears remained before turning to Liu Xinyou, who had escaped her encirclement. "Where do you think you're running?"

With a sly grin that outmatched that of a fox, Xianyue leaped to Bai Zhifeng's side, seeking refuge behind him.

"Bai Zhifeng, you keep claiming that I am your woman, yet here I am, being bullied while you sit idly by—are you even a man?" 

Xianyue beamed with delight, shoving Bai Zhifeng forward with determination. "Drive her away, and everything can be negotiated."

She gazed earnestly at Bai Zhifeng, who turned to meet her gaze.

His skills matched her own; defeating Liu Xinyou would require a miracle. If only he could hold his ground, it might ease her brother's troubled heart. The individuals she had encountered were not mere vagabonds, but men of stature and influence, capable of winning any woman's lifelong devotion.

Bai Zhifeng's prowess was unquestionable; every strike he unleashed resonated with strength, causing the nearby branches to rustle. With a fierce shout, the ground trembled beneath them, and the more he fought, the more exhilarated he became. Xianyue understood that it had been too long since he had faced a worthy opponent, especially one whose skills surpassed his own.

Liu Xinyou, having exhausted considerable energy in her earlier skirmish, would surely struggle against Bai Zhifeng's overpowering force, akin to battling a tiger. Yet, Liu Xinyou remained undaunted, fluidly evading his onslaught. Although Bai Zhifeng had not been defeated, he had not gained much ground either.

"Brother Feng, I will assist you!"

Nian Xiaoyu, witnessing her beloved being bullied, could no longer contain her agitation. She raised her whip, poised to rush in, only to be restrained by Xianyue. Turning to Xianyue, she saw her pointing towards Bai Zhanfeng: "Can't you see how excited he is right now?" 

If she intervened, Bai Zhanfeng would be distracted and unable to devote himself fully to the fight. 

"Xuan Yuanhao, pursuing a woman requires decisive action." 

Xuan Yuanhao regarded Feng Jiulan, whose demeanor exuded warmth as he gazed at those behind him. The gentle light radiating from him was more soothing than the sun in spring, yet it stirred a sense of uncertainty within Xuan Yuanhao. 

What was the nature of the relationship between Feng Jiulan and Xianyue? 

Were they lovers? Yet, in Feng Jiulan's eyes, there was no fervent admiration that could drown a person; instead, it was something else. 

As long as it was not mere infatuation, the depth of Xianyue's significance in Feng Jiulan's heart was undeniable. With the support of the Feng kingdom, he would surely bring an end to this chaotic world in due time. 

Xuan Yuanhao turned, his gray-brown eyes unusually earnest as he fixed his gaze on Xianyue: "Alright." 

A simple word, seemingly resonating from deep within his chest, carried an echo. 

"Jun Pinyu." 

She regarded him with a hint of flattery, suddenly recalling that he was just a fragile healer. Meeting Jun Pinyu's gaze, she shook her head: "I was merely calling you." 

She secretly hoped he would join in, yet she knew that with him in the fray, he would surely meet his demise at the hands of Liu Xinyou. 

"Mr. Lan." 

She sidestepped Jun Pinyu and tugged at Lan Yixuan's garment: "I've always said you are the best person I've ever met." 

Lan Yixuan's gaze flickered slightly, and her face bore a somewhat obsequious smile as she crouched slightly, clutching his clothing in a way that made her appear somewhat devious, yet she was not unlikable. 

"I recall that you did not say the same in Yanjing." 

Xianyue scoffed inwardly, deeming him petty. She felt a surge of delight as she watched Liu Xinyou being cornered by the formidable duo of Xuan Yuanhao and Bai Zhanfeng, retreating step by step. 

Three mere cobblers could outshine Zhuge Liang; if Lan Yixuan took action, alongside her own efforts, Liu Xinyou would find herself ensnared. 

"Will you help or not? If you choose not to, I shall expose your shameful encounter with the flower thief at the Lin'an inn to the world." 

She wasn't sure if Lan Yixuan would truly care, but she had a nagging feeling he would lend his assistance. 

"Is there nothing else to discuss?" 

He stepped forward to assist Xianyue. 

Xianyue stood in place, her eyes darting nervously, her hands tightly intertwined, unable to face Feng Jiulan. 

No one could fathom the turmoil in her heart. She longed to see him, more than anything. Back at the Pear Blossom Studio, she dreamt of that slender, delicate figure holding her close, gently stroking her hair. 

Initially, she struggled with the memories, as if returning to the time when he was still Su Zhixin. Upon awakening, she would find the bed empty, and panic would seize her. Embracing her pillow, she would cry until exhaustion claimed her. Eventually, she gradually adapted. 

She feared that upon seeing him, their gazes would lock, her eyes would brim with tears, and she would succumb to helpless sobs. 

She could distinctly sense the intense warmth of his gaze resting upon her—filled with concern, tenderness, and affection—enough to ignite a slow flame in her heart. 

When she was born, she bore a striking resemblance to her mother. Time has passed, yet now, her brows, eyes, nose, lips, and the cinnabar mark between her brows were all identical to her mother's, but the essence felt different. 

Her mother's beauty captivated at first glance, her gentle smile soothing, whereas Yu'er's similarities might cause her to fade amidst a crowd of women. A hint of cleverness and cunning lay in her features, but once noticed, one would be irresistibly drawn to her. 

In the past, her face had a slight baby fat; now, she had lost considerable weight, causing Feng Jiulan to feel both heartache and guilt. 

He had heard from palace insiders that a silver-haired figure had taken her away. Although he hadn't witnessed it himself, upon seeing Liu Xinyou, he recognized her as the one mentioned by the palace. Why did Yu'er wish to avoid her? It seemed Yu'er held no fondness for the one who took her away. Had she suffered at their hands all these years? 

"Qinghen, eliminate that person." 

His voice was soft, even as he uttered such cruel and bloody words, it remained pure and clean like pear blossoms—gentle, devoid of hatred, as if it were a mere matter of routine. 

Those present followed his pointed finger, observing Liu Xinyou, encircled by Bai Zhanfeng and his companions, feeling an overwhelming sense of oppression. 

For no reason at all, she had not wronged him; why demand her life? They said that the prince of the Feng kingdom was compassionate and loved his people as his own; was this not a betrayal of that principle? Did that old woman truly seek to assassinate the prince? If so, why had he only now issued such a command? 

They were bewildered, yet Yun Qinghen understood all too well. While unsure of the prince's thoughts in that fleeting moment, he recalled how the princess had avoided Liu Xinyou and reflected on the hardships she must have faced over the years, stirring deep empathy within him. 

Xianyue, like Yun Qinghen, saw clearly; rather than feeling blame towards Feng Jiulan for his command, she felt a warmth in her heart. 

Yun Qinghen pulled a small bamboo flute from his pocket. Xianyue knew instinctively that he intended to summon others. With Liu Xinyou being besieged by Bai Zhanfeng and his companions, she was already at a disadvantage, and if more skilled fighters joined the fray, it would be possible to kill her. 

Though she held no fondness for Liu Xinyou, they had shared ten years at the Pear Blossom Studio. Moreover, she could not die now; what would happen to her brother? Besides, she couldn't afford to expose her power at this time. 


Xian Yue dashed in front of Yun Qinghen and snatched the bamboo flute from his grasp. 

"No need to kill her." 

She positioned herself between Yun Qinghen and Feng Jiulan, gazing up at Feng Jiulan, who stood merely a breath away. Her eyelashes fluttered gently as she smiled, a haze of mist gathering around them, rendering the scene dreamlike. 

"Then let her live." 

His voice was soft, shimmering with a gentle light, as he gazed intently at Xian Yue. 

The crowd was taken aback; the esteemed Crown Prince of Feng, the future sole heir to the throne, was actually heeding the words of a mere girl. Some, who had encountered Xian Yue earlier that afternoon, reflected on their behavior toward her, relieved to confirm they had been respectful. 

Jun Pin Yu clenched his fists, his mind swirling with conjectures about Xian Yue's connection to Feng Jiulan. Suddenly remembering her reference to an "older brother" while in the carriage, he was struck with disbelief as he turned to Xian Yue. 

"My dear Yue'er." 

Feng Jiulan parted his lips, gently tapping Xian Yue on the nose, yearning to pull her into his embrace. 

Xian Yue gazed dreamily at Feng Jiulan, imagining herself as a child, fluttering into his arms like a butterfly, playfully demanding his affection. 

But there were so many witnesses present. 

She smiled subtly, mouthing the word "brother" in a manner only Feng Jiulan could discern. 

Feng Jiulan's hand trembled slightly. 

Xian Yue could distinctly feel the searing, probing gazes upon her from behind, and recalling her earlier conversation with Jun Pin Yu, she realized he might have already pieced it together. 

She understood that, at this moment, she should firmly push Feng Jiulan's hand away and feign indifference, coldly asking, "Who are you?" 

Perhaps that would deceive him. 

Yet, she found herself incapable of such an act. In this world, there are some matters, some individuals, that one cannot confront with pure logic. Sometimes, three simple words can evoke great joy or serve as a wound that never fully heals. 

The more one cares, the more any hurt—no matter how slight—gets magnified. She neither wanted nor could inflict harm, for it was beyond her capacity. 

"Be gentle; don't kill her." 

Xian Yue stepped aside and pointed to the figure clad in glossy black and purple. "If she's brought down, leave her to me." 

She intended to bind her with silkworm thread and confine her in a small shed, ensuring she wouldn't be released until the matter was resolved. 

Bai Zhanfeng turned, casting an irritated glare at Xian Yue. "I never strike women; this is my first time." 

Xian Yue chuckled softly, knowing Liu Xinyou was utterly exhausted; her fists were no match for four hands, especially against these three renowned masters of the martial arts. 

"She isn't a woman." 

In her eyes, the figure was nothing less than a pervert. 

"Xian Yue." 

Liu Xinyou seethed with fury; her infamous mischief had always made her an unwilling target. 

As Liu Xinyou momentarily lost focus, Lan Yixuan seized one of her hands. Furious, Liu Xinyou shot him a glare, attempting to break free from his grip. But her efforts were futile; Xuanyuan Hao launched an attack aimed at her knee. 

Standing by, Nian Xiaoyu could no longer contain herself. To subdue a master like Liu Xinyou, she had to step in. 

Leaping forward, she swung the silver-edged whip, ensnaring Liu Xinyou's hands as she knelt on one knee. 

With a slight tug on the silver whip, Liu Xinyou furrowed her brows, yet not a single sound escaped her lips. Nian Xiaoyu raised an eyebrow, casting a triumphant glance at Xian Yue, flaunting her prowess. 

"Isn't she a frail old woman? How can you be so cruel?" 

Nian Xiaoyu pouted at Xian Yue. 

The figure on the ground, though silver-haired, bore a smooth, fair complexion that hardly made her appear much older than Nian Xiaoyu; where was the old age? 

"Woman, you belong to me now." 

After their earlier scuffle, Bai Zhanfeng was drenched in sweat, his physique appearing even more robust. 

Xian Yue approached Bai Zhanfeng. "Could you defeat her alone?" 

Bai Zhanfeng glared at Xian Yue, feeling as though he were being toyed with, yet he had to admit that without the assistance of Xuanyuan Hao and Lan Yixuan, victory would have been unattainable. 

She had already devised her plan; was being her woman truly so undesirable? 

Xian Yue moved to face Liu Xinyou, meeting her indignant glare with a smile. "Had I known it would come to this, it would have been so much easier if you'd just agreed earlier. I'm not refusing to return with you." 

The crowd couldn't help but wonder, silently speculating about the nature of the relationship between Liu Xinyou and Xian Yue. 

Lan Yixuan observed Liu Xinyou's silver hair and was suddenly reminded of their first encounter with Xian Yue, dressed in white adorned with plum blossoms, her hair tousled, looking utterly disheveled as if she were hiding from someone. Now, it seemed that individual must have been Liu Xinyou. 

Liu Xinyou gazed up at Xian Yue's smug expression; were she to claim they shared a master-disciple bond, who here would believe it? Even she found it hard to accept. 

"If you don't want that person to come to harm, then come with me." 

Having shed her earlier hysteria, Liu Xinyou was calm, decidedly so, but this composed certainty stirred an unsettling premonition within Xian Yue. 

She crouched on the ground, glancing at Nian Xiaoyu and pointing to her whip. Nian Xiaoyu huffed, loosening the whip that bound Liu Xinyou's hands. 

"What have you done?" 

Xian Yue earnestly tidied Liu Xinyou's disheveled hair with the utmost gentleness, her voice so soft that it barely reached even her own ears. 

"How could a mere mortal like me ever hope to control one chosen by the heavens?" 

Her words were cold, laced with a biting sarcasm that pierced like daggers. 

What could a four-year-old child possibly understand? Yet she performed such astonishing feats; when her words echoed in the grand hall, how many would believe they came from the lips of a mere four-year-old girl, especially considering the thunderous means by which she conveyed them? 

"The poison coursing through him, only I can cure." 

No one overheard their conversation, not even Lan Yixuan, who stood just a step away, could decipher their lips, which fluttered like pages of a book caught in the wind, chaotic and swift. 

Then, the silver-haired woman leaned closer to Xian Yue's ear and whispered something unknown. They sensed a shift in Xian Yue's aura; the air around them seemed to freeze, becoming chillingly still. Her face bore no trace of a smile, overshadowed by a heavy gloom that felt suffocating. 

"Liu Xinyou, I will kill you." 

Suddenly, Xian Yue sprang to her feet as if possessed, skilllessly pinning Liu Xinyou to the ground, her fists raining down mercilessly upon her face. 

In that instant, Lan Yixuan's eyes widened in shock. He had never witnessed such a vengeful Xian Yue before; what had Liu Xinyou done to her? 

Is there such a person who, in your life, offers a semblance of nurturing yet elicits only profound hatred and revulsion in return? For Xian Yue, Liu Xinyou represented such a contradiction; her rightful share of warmth and the joy of a carefree childhood had all been obliterated. 

She often pondered how, despite being used as a pawn by her parents, she had never felt such intense hatred. 

Xian Yue frequently wondered how such coincidences could exist in the world. When her brother lay on the brink of death, Liu Xinyou appeared, saving him and avenging her; could it all have been meticulously orchestrated to lead her back to the Lihua Studio, only to satisfy her perverse desire for torment? 

Xian Yue feared the pain of physical assault; that was why Liu Xinyou chose to inflict mental anguish. 

At four, she had followed Liu Xinyou up the mountain, where she was expected to cook; yet, even the most skillful woman cannot conjure a meal from thin air. She had experienced the harrowing pangs of hunger, yet still, she remained unyielding. 

Each day, Liu Xinyou forced her to train, stealing every moment of rest to pore over medical texts. If Liu Xinyou ever discovered her, she would burn the books and administer harsh reprimands, leaving her with bruises that remained for a decade, as she endured an emotional torment akin to menopause. 

She isolated herself from the world, meticulously controlling her thoughts and existence. Unlike others who lacked autonomy over their bodies, she had been denied freedom in both mind and spirit. 

She would ensure that medicine reached her brother on time, returning with a beaming smile, lightly remarking, "It's fortunate the medicine arrived promptly; otherwise, your brother would have perished, and I would have saved him once more." 

She often dreamt of that smile, waking in a cold sweat. 


She had saved her brother's life, enduring all this in hopes that, when they met again, she could greet him with a radiant smile; her optimism had persisted to this day. 

Everyone desires far too much, yet when demands exceed reality, one ends up with nothing. As long as the most cherished things remain, one should find contentment; she had always reminded herself of this. 

Because she had managed to preserve what she desired most, she treated it as a transaction—she had not considered herself at a loss. Yet now, she could bear it no longer. 

"It's no wonder he abandoned you; you are utterly twisted." 

Indeed, she was a complete and utter deviant. 

Liu Xinyou, initially squinting, opened her eyes, which seemed ready to shoot flames; had she the strength, she would surely retaliate. 

Xian Yue considered her for a moment before delivering a punch to her exposed face. Liu Xinyou's features became bruised and bloodied; only then did Xian Yue relent, pulling her up from the ground, smiling at the onlookers, "This is my master, Liu Xinyou." 

The crowd's jaws nearly dropped in disbelief; this hardly resembled a master-disciple relationship, but rather that of sworn enemies. 

Lan Yixuan remained silent, noting the evident change in Xian Yue today. 

"My master is injured; I will take her home to recover." 

Xian Yue turned to Feng Jiulan, her eyes narrowing slightly as she smiled, "Brother, wait for my return." 

Then, she assisted the injured Liu Xinyou away. 

With a deep breath, she felt an overwhelming urge to cry.