Xianyue mused, I, too, have something I desire most*

Lan Yixuan tilted slightly, while Xianyue lifted her gaze, her smooth chin raised, forming a serene arc. Her exquisite features were bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, and though her smile bore the same sardonic edge, it lacked the usual chill, revealing her current delight. 

Xianyue took two steps forward, shielding her forehead with one hand, gazing intently at the bright moon, realizing that it looked the same from every angle. 

Suddenly, she turned around and leaned closer to Lan Yixuan. "Young Master Lan, what makes the moon in Haitang Courtyard any different?" 

Lan Yixuan bent down, clearly able to see her long, thick lashes casting scattered shadows upon her delicate, fair skin—perfectly aligned in a neat row. 

His eyes quietly regarded Xianyue, their gentle, hazy depths reminiscent of the bright moon above, as if illuminating the darkness itself. He bent at the waist and smiled, his warm breath brushing against the right side of Xianyue's cheek, causing her to flinch back as if scalded. She rubbed her face and shot him an annoyed look. "Lan Yixuan, your spit got on my face." 

Yet inwardly, she felt a strange discomfort. Though Lan Xuan Courtyard was the closest to Haitang Villa, no one in their right mind would admire the moon in such a desolate spot at this late hour in the frigid winter of Pan City. 

Xianyue maneuvered around Lan Yixuan and seated herself opposite him. 

They were positioned at a small arched gate—though small, it spanned three meters wide, with two round marble stools placed in the center. Leaning against the gate, Xianyue propped her feet casually on one of the stools, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow as she regarded Lan Yixuan. "How did you come to be here, Young Master Lan? Where is Bai Zhanfeng?" 

Given Lan Yixuan's reputation for benevolence and chivalry, he surely would not have turned down an invitation to the banquet. He had a habit of sneaking away from palace feasts under pretexts. It was surprising to see him behaving this way. 

She actually felt quite sympathetic toward Bai Zhanfeng, who had always regarded Lan Yixuan as a rival for her affections. After today, he would likely feel even more vigilant, knowing he could never match Lan Yixuan's wit. If he discovered their meeting tonight, he would probably be furious. 

Lan Yixuan smirked, that upward curve of his lips unmistakably triumphant. "He drank excessively; I had Lei Yun and Lei An escort him home to rest." 

"Isn't Young Master Lan exceptionally clever? Why didn't the beauty keep you at the palace?" 

Lan Yixuan sighed dramatically, retrieving a handkerchief from his robe and placing it on another marble stool before taking his seat. "I am merely a wandering swordsman; how could I possibly catch the eye of a princess from the Heavenly Dynasty?" 

Yet his demeanor betrayed no hint of genuine regret, instead radiating a sense of schadenfreude. "What a pity I am not the heir of Xuanyuan." 

With another sigh, he turned, reaching out from where he had been standing to retrieve two wine jars, tossing one into each of Xianyue's hands. 

The moment Xianyue glimpsed the shape of the jars, excitement surged within her. The vibrant crimson hue was so familiar that merely seeing it made her eyes sparkle with delight. 

She withdrew her feet from the stool, leaning forward to catch the jars with steady hands. Pulling the cork with her teeth, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, wanting to bury her entire head inside. When she opened her eyes, she regarded Lan Yixuan with a playful squint. 

"It's the Frost Condensation Wine from Lan Kingdom." 

Lan Yixuan nodded, and Xianyue cradled the wine jar with one hand while drinking deeply with the other. Tonight, she had hoped her brother would serve her wine instead of tea. 

After downing two jars, Xianyue's expression remained lucid, though her cheeks had taken on a slight rosy tint from the wine, her clear eyes becoming subtly dreamy, undeniably enchanting. 

Setting the wine jar down, she burped lightly and found Lan Yixuan increasingly pleasing to the eye—handsome and refined, exuding an air of nobility, completely flawless. Most importantly, he was perceptive. "Is there no more?" 

She rounded Lan Yixuan, moving to the spot where he had fetched the wine. Clearing away the withered grass, she found nothing. Turning back to face him, she felt that knowing smile of his was almost blinding, making her want to throw a few punches. "Is there truly none left?" 

Xianyue lingered, licking her lips, savoring the lingering fragrance of the exquisite wine. 

"Do you wish to meet your brother smelling of wine?" 

Lan Yixuan's fingers tapped rhythmically against his knee, seemingly an offhand reminder. 

Xianyue retracted her hand from the grass, standing before Lan Yixuan. She deliberately clapped her hands, splattering the dirt onto his ornate purple robe, letting out a smug huff as she settled onto another small stool. 

"Did you know I would come?" 

Her hands rested on the cold marble stool, her legs swinging playfully in front of Lan Yixuan, her brow slightly furrowed. "If you knew I wouldn't be able to drink freely, you shouldn't have tempted me." 

She wore an expression of righteous indignation, as if Lan Yixuan were a heinous criminal. 

"Xianyue, you have finally reunited with your brother. Such a beautiful occasion deserves to be celebrated, doesn't it?" 

Xianyue straightened, her eyelashes lowering slightly, a hint of a smile gracing her lips as she observed Lan Yixuan across from her—refined, dignified, exuding an air of noble elegance. The small gate was surrounded by barren trees, stark and leafless, casting ghostly shadows in the cold moonlight upon the ground behind him, swaying gently in the night breeze. 

This man's exterior was beguiling, possessing such understanding and charm—who could possibly resist? 

Xianyue chuckled softly, leaning back, resting her head against her hands as she gazed at the sky. "Do you feel, at this moment, that the efforts you've expended on me were particularly worthwhile?" 

She asked directly, without any preamble. Lan Yixuan's hands resting on his knee paused briefly as he followed her gaze, lifting his eyes to the starry sky. His gentle expression clouded momentarily, akin to a moon obscured by clouds, but soon regained its natural warmth. Gazing at Xianyue, whose smile danced on the edge of mockery, his face broke into a radiant grin, blossoming like a sudden burst of fireworks, dazzling and brilliant. 

"I'm unsure if Young Master Lan is genuinely just a wandering swordsman. The princess of Yunyao is well-versed in literature; has she not heard that heroes are not defined by their origins? The founders of the Zhou Dynasty were also commoners, having once slaughtered pigs and performed hard labor." 

Her voice echoed in the tranquil night, resonating clearly. 

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept past, causing Xianyue to widen her eyes, finding herself almost nose-to-nose with Lan Yixuan. Their faces nearly touched, feeling the warmth of each other's breath intertwining, a fervent heat that blurred the lines between them. 

"In Xianyue's eyes, am I a hero?" 

His smile was broad, and in those ever-changing depths, Xianyue clearly saw her own reflection. That usually cool tone of his bore an unmistakable hint of mirth, causing her heart to race. Without thinking, she pushed his face away with her mud-stained hand. 

Lan Yixuan observed Xianyue retract her hand, a hint of puzzlement furrowing his brow as he brushed the dust off his face. "What are you doing?" 

Though his expression remained unchanged, Xianyue could detect a subtle hint of frustration in his voice. She reclined comfortably, clearly enjoying herself. For someone like Lan Yixuan, who had a severe aversion to cleanliness, the fact that he hadn't lost his temper was already quite impressive. 

"Why are you getting so close for no reason?" 

Xianyue sat with her legs drawn up, her bright eyes wide with innocence, as if all of this were somehow Lan Yixuan's fault. 

She pressed her lips together, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she appraised him from head to toe: "I truly never realized how little you resemble a hero. That was merely a figure of speech, do you understand?" 

As she finished her statement, Xianyue couldn't help but laugh. Yet, suppressing her mirth, she turned serious and looked at Lan Yixuan: "You may not be a hero, but you are certainly much more formidable than one." 

She watched her legs swaying carelessly in the air, fully aware that her casual demeanor might appear unbecoming. If it were Bai Zhanfeng beside her instead of Lan Yixuan, he would undoubtedly chastise her loudly for her poor posture and insist on correcting her. 

"How many heroes in this world can manipulate those noble lords and young masters at will? Princess Ning Yuyan is a clever woman. If you had merely conveyed to her what you said earlier in Yan Kingdom, it wouldn't matter if you were the renowned Lan Yixuan or a nameless beggar; she would reconsider." 

Xianyue was not surprised by Ning Yuyan's choice. Her refusal to choose Jun Pinyu, the man she loved, stemmed from her disdain for his status in the martial world. Lan Yixuan was similarly constrained; in the eyes of the martial realm, she had lost her dignity due to her brother, and then there was Bai Zhanfeng, whose heart was known to be set on one woman alone—her, Feng Xianyue. Her pride would never allow her to lower herself before anyone. Thus, only Xuanyuan Hao remained—a man of great ambition. Despite his awareness of his princess status, he would never turn down Ning Yuyan. 

The expectation of marrying and obeying one's husband is a path that many women tread. Even now, she couldn't comprehend why love could drive someone to such obsessive madness. She would never betray her brother for anyone. Should a day come when Xuanyuan Hao stood against her brother, her sword would unhesitatingly be directed at him. Yet Ning Yuyan was different; for her deep-seated beliefs, she would forsake the Zhou Dynasty and her kin to stand by Xuanyuan Hao's side. 

Xianyue counted her fingers, gazing up at the gray-black night sky speckled with pinpricks of light, pondering: "It's not about reconsidering; it's about an inevitable choice in your favor." 

Leaning slightly, she pointed at Lan Yixuan, only to find him crouching beside her: "Why?" 

Though he asked, there was no trace of curiosity or doubt in his gaze. Underneath, a gentle ripple emerged, glowing with warmth and a hint of emotions she couldn't decipher. 

Xianyue felt his gaze weighing upon her, compelling her to sit upright. Only then did Lan Yixuan straighten and take a seat across from her. Irritation flickered in her eyes, wishing he would simply speak up instead of making her uncomfortable. 

She glared at him, thinking of four words: "You know the answer." 

Lan Yixuan chuckled but chose not to pursue the matter further; he understood exactly what Xianyue meant and what she referred to. 

She was a proud and vain woman, seeking merely to maintain her lofty position. Xuanyuan Hao could provide that, as could Lan Yixuan. 

In the face of the powerful Xuanyuan Hao, she had no choice but to depend on him. Yet for him, as a man of the martial world, marrying a princess represented an ascent to a height he could hardly aspire to. To her, it was a chance to wield influence; why would she not seize it? 

"Why not strive for it?" 

Xianyue scrutinized Lan Yixuan with an almost penetrating gaze, perplexed by his lack of ambition. Having already entangled himself in court affairs, why let such a splendid opportunity slip away, even handing it over to Xuanyuan Hao? It was undoubtedly a double loss for him, and she felt utterly baffled by his intentions. 

Lan Yixuan looked up at the sky. Tonight's moonlight was splendid, yet the vast expanse of the sky held only a few scattered stars twinkling around the moon. 

The night breeze stirred the branches above, brushing against his face painfully. He looked at Xianyue, dressed in white, her complexion delicate and fragile. 

He smiled and moved behind her, his tall figure swaying in harmony with the branches, adding to his already elongated silhouette. The fluttering purple fabric served as a barrier against the biting wind behind him, and he chuckled softly, a hint of self-mockery in his demeanor. 

Xianyue turned her head, waving a hand in front of him, and tilted her head back: "Lan Yixuan, why are you standing so close?" 

He smiled, and in the moment of her surprise, he suddenly grasped her hand: "If it were you, what choice would you make?" 

Xianyue's eyes widened in shock as she stared at Lan Yixuan. His gentle gaze, illuminated by the moonlight, sparkled with a myriad of tiny lights, resembling stars scattered on a lake's surface, shimmering playfully with his earnest, almost teasing smile. 

Observing her astonishment, Lan Yixuan leaned closer, his expression one of apparent satisfaction: "You are a princess too; how would you choose?" 

His lips were nearly brushing her cheek. With each inch he drew nearer, Xianyue instinctively recoiled, her back pressed against him as his arms enveloped her. There was no retreat left, and her eyelashes fluttered, creating an illusion that if he moved any closer, his lips would meet her face. 

Her eyes widened further, a flicker of panic igniting within them. Staring into Lan Yixuan's eyes, she held her breath, gazing intently. This version of Lan Yixuan was unfamiliar to her. 

Indeed, she too was a princess, elevated and revered, yet an inexplicable sadness engulfed her; his actions seemed merely a pursuit of a gilded title. 

Her eyes locked onto his, where tenderness and deep affection lay—feelings Xianyue had never encountered before. His determination mirrored that of an eagle fixated on its prey, resolute in his desires. 

Suddenly, it dawned on her why he had forsaken Ning Yuyan, yet even so, he had lost out; Ning Yuyan was a princess of the Zhou Dynasty, while she represented the rightful lineage. 

She extended her hand to shield her eyes from Lan Yixuan, inhaled deeply, and burst into laughter. Once her laughter subsided, she spoke, her tone cold and unyielding: "Let go." 

A smile flickered from Lan Yixuan's lips as he thoughtlessly complied with her request. 

Xianyue, entirely reliant on his arm, hadn't anticipated his release. As her body tilted backward without support, she fell flat on the ground, sprawled out in a star shape. 


Xianyue exclaimed, patting her sore rear while shooting a fierce glare at Lan Yixuan. Though his expression remained unchanged, and his smile even brighter than before, she could tell he was angry, though she found his ire perplexing. 

Lan Yixuan stood casually, unfazed by Xianyue's piercing gaze, his smile now carrying a hint of delight beneath its serene façade. 

"It was you who instructed me to let go." 

His voice, as smooth as jade, carried a tone of feigned innocence that only fueled her ire further. 

Xianyue's anger simmered, but the alcohol left her mind remarkably clear. Engaging in a battle of wits with someone like Lan Yixuan only meant that, in the end, she would watch him grin while she simmered in frustration. 

She patted her behind; the pain was well within her limits. Folding her arms, her eyes, slightly glazed with intoxication under the moonlight, gleamed vividly, with her brow adorned with the beauty of vermilion. 

"Lan Yixuan, you can go die." 

Her voice was soft and gentle, yet she raised an eyebrow at the unmoving figure of Lan Yixuan: "Lan Yixuan, why aren't you dying as I instructed?" 

He gazed at her, who was striving to contain her anger, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, yearning to retaliate but aware that she was merely a fox he might swallow whole. He swallowed his irritation. 

Her bright eyes sparkled with concealed flames, her cheeks reddening like the sunset, more beautiful than any blush. 

It was undeniable; her words could be venomous at times. 

"Xianyue, are you truly a princess?"

He clicked his tongue, an expression of disbelief etched across his face. 

Xianyue held her head high, her chest puffed out, and a huff escaping her nose. "Did you not ask for my choice?" 

With her hands on her hips and anger flaring in her brows and eyes, she declared, "Let me reiterate: even if every man in the world perished, I would never choose you." 

Lan Yixuan's brows furrowed involuntarily. "Xianyue, born into royalty, do you truly believe you have the luxury of choice?" 

Perhaps there was a glimmer of hope, yet she had extinguished that flickering flame with her own hands. The royal family of Feng was fragile, with only the two siblings left in this generation. By refusing to allow Feng Jiulan to marry Ning Yuyan, she had resigned herself to sacrifice. 

"Xianyue, we live in tumultuous times." 

Without casting a glance at her, Lan Yixuan raised his open palm repeatedly, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the entire night sky lay within his grasp. 

How many longed to be born into royalty, enjoying lives of luxury? Yet this was an age of chaos, where war could erupt at any moment. She, a princess, had no choice but to engage in political marriages. 

"Master Lan." 

Xianyue called out heavily, her position allowing her only to see Lan Yixuan's profile, bathed in moonlight, like a piece of exquisite jade, pure and unblemished, unmatched in elegance. 

She had always known that although both were part of the martial world, Lan Yixuan was different from Jun Pinyu. His noble aura was something she had only seen in the prince Xuanyuan Hao; they were akin in spirit, at least in this chaotic era, both equally ambitious. 

Lan Yixuan turned, their gazes locking beneath the starlit sky. "I am a princess, that is true. I am also vain, but I will not trade my lifelong happiness for this vanity. The title means little to me; whether I am the Princess of Feng or not, it makes little difference. Even without it, I can still find my footing in this chaotic world." 

Indeed, she was a princess, just like Ning Yuyan, but they were not the same. Should Ning Yuyan lose the Zhou dynasty, she might become worthless. But not Xianyue; she had not grown up in the palace of Feng. If she were simply an ordinary Xianyue, she would live even more freely. 

"I have many choices; you are not my only option." 

Yes, this outcome delighted Xianyue immensely. 

"Is it Bai Zhanfeng?" 

His tone was certain, as if he believed she would never choose Bai Zhanfeng. 

Upon sensing that Lan Yixuan had seen through her thoughts, Xianyue laughed softly. Lan Yixuan chuckled in return, his eyes, clouded with restrained anger, shining like sunlight piercing through the clouds, illuminating the depths of his gaze and dispelling all shadows. 

Just as Lan Yixuan had surmised, although Bai Zhanfeng was the heir of the prominent Bai family of the Chu state and held considerable status in the martial world, she had never envisioned a future with him. Perhaps she had lingered too long on Lihua Mountain, for she had grown accustomed to a life of freedom, disliking constraints; it was hard for her to harbor feelings for someone who incessantly whispered in her ear. 

She understood that Bai Zhanfeng loved Xianyue, not the Princess of Xi He from Feng. She appreciated this; men steadfast in their principles amid the lure of power were rare. They were ill-suited for one another; after all, their acquaintance was already a gift. She believed that if the Feng state were ever in peril, he would not turn a blind eye. 

"Lan Yixuan, I harbor no ambitions of domination, and neither does my brother. The world is a beautiful canvas, inspiring countless heroes to bow in reverence. But for me, my sole wish is for my brother to recover his health soon." 

Xianyue smiled as she gazed at the night sky, her lips curling into a satisfied yet longing smile. "One must learn to be content; greed can lead to losing everything. Born into a royal family in such turbulent times, we indeed face much helplessness, but I do not wish to contend for power. Let those who desire this world seize it." 

With a nonchalant wave of her hand, she dismissed the notion, calm and composed; to her, the world seemed less valuable than a single bottle of wine. 

"You and Xuanyuan Hao can fight as you please; I shall remain neutral." 

Lan Yixuan scoffed, his gaze steady upon Xianyue, mocking her ignorance. "Do you think neutrality is something you can simply choose?" 

His calm demeanor suddenly turned sharp, like a sword drawn from its sheath, piercing straight for Xianyue's heart. As she stepped back, he advanced, closing the distance with relentless determination. "When the clam and the gull contend, it is the fisherman who benefits. Others will perceive your neutrality as mere passivity in a tiger's fight." 

Xianyue understood this principle well; her words were merely meant to provoke Lan Yixuan. She wished to convey that she, Feng Xianyue, was not reliant on him. She simply did not wish to see his triumphant expression. 

Though she knew the inevitable outcome, she still hoped the Feng state would remain untouched by war. She was aware of the cruelty of conflict; while she had never set foot on the battlefield, she was not ignorant of its horrors. 

"Xianyue, you possess exceptional intelligence and skill. Who do you believe would allow you to remain untarnished?" 

Xianyue cast a glance at Lan Yixuan. Given the current landscape, the six kingdoms had ceased their separate rule; the royal family of Feng was waning, her brother was frail, and the gazes of the world were fixed upon her. If she were merely a naïve princess sheltered in the inner palace, it might be one thing. But in the martial world, the reputation of Feng Xianyue was already well-known. 

Though her brother harbored no ambition for power, he was not like her. As the crown prince of Feng, he bore significant burdens from a young age. He was a benevolent prince, cherishing his people. She could not bear to witness his sleepless nights filled with worry if the Feng state fell into war. Just as he had said, "If only we were born in times of peace." She shared that sentiment; living in the era of Wenjing, when the people thrived in peace, would have been a dream come true. 

If time could be rewritten, she would heed her brother's advice and return to Xuesang Palace early. Had she not fallen into the water, they would not have been separated for a decade, and her brother's condition would not have worsened. 

Ten years, ten years—Xianyue felt a sudden urge to weep. In two lifetimes, she had yet to attain the joyful childhood she longed for. 

"What if I were willing to hand over the Feng state?" 

Xianyue raised an eyebrow. "Lan Yixuan, I have no interest in who becomes emperor; I do not even care about the lives of the subjects of Feng. I feel no attachment to them. My reluctance to see them suffer is solely for my brother's sake; he cares for his people deeply and would never allow them to endure hardships. Xuanyuan Hao has already secured the Zhou dynasty and has Princess Yuyan by his side. Should he rise to power, he will be the legitimate heir. As for the Chu state, Bai Zhanfeng has little interest in this world. I will attempt to persuade him; the favor you hold over the Yan state is merely a transient advantage; they will not be foolish enough to break their eggs against a rock." 

If only she could restore peace to the world, her brother would no longer need to worry about these matters. Once she had gathered all the necessary medicine, she would have Jun Pinyu assist in curing her brother's illness, and she would remain by his side henceforth. 

Lan Yixuan nodded in acknowledgment, a sudden laugh escaping him. "To hear such words from the Feng princess is truly unexpected." 

Xianyue was momentarily taken aback; his recollection of her previous words confirmed her suspicions. "Do you truly believe in this, Master Lan?" 

Lan Yixuan shook his finger, leaning closer to Xianyue. "I do not believe." 

Accustomed to his proximity, she stood her ground, allowing the warmth of his breath to wash over her face, neither retreating nor flinching. 

"However, at this moment, I am willing to believe." 

Xianyue lowered her head, fixing her gaze upon his face, blinking, a smile lingering on her lips, both teasing and mocking. 

"Xianyue, the state of the world is far more complex than you imagine. Though the Bai family is the most prominent in the Chu state, such matters do not rest solely on his shoulders. His influence may be great, yet even a hollow shell bears weight. I can assure you that even if Bai Zhanfeng were to agree, the Chu state would not fall into Xuanyuan Hao's hands." 

Xianyue's eyes widened, and Lan Yixuan had already stepped away from her, standing tall, casting a sidelong glance at her. "Do you understand what I mean?" 

He chuckled, increasingly self-satisfied. "And then there's the Lan Kingdom." 

Suddenly, Xianyue felt the chill of the night wind enveloping her, causing her to shiver uncontrollably. She looked at the person before her, whose face bore a gentle expression that grew more unfamiliar and unsettling the longer she gazed. 

"Are you the Phoenix Maiden? My master said he found me by following the Ziwei Star." 

The Emperor Star, perhaps? Xianyue felt a surge of laughter rising within her, yet for some reason, her whole body trembled, rendering her unable to laugh. 

"Is this world truly what you desire?" 

She heard her own voice, each word a struggle, trembling with effort. 

"From a young age, I have contemplated that if I were born in the era of the First Emperor, I would, like my ancestors, command thousands of troops across the world in such chaotic times. Standing atop the city walls, I would direct my forces, watching as former enemies fell at my feet. Yet, I would never allow myself to be subservient to the First Emperor." 

Xianyue quietly observed Lan Yixuan, dressed in flowing purple robes, standing shoulder to shoulder with her. Despite her impassioned words, his tone remained gentle and calm, lacking the fervor one might expect. His confidence and composure were captivating. 

"Xianyue, do you believe me? I will be the beloved emperor of all." 

He turned to her, his warm smile inviting. 

Xianyue did not respond, but her heart assured her that she believed—she had always believed. 

His warmth and kindness resembled a blooming lotus—beautiful from afar but not to be trifled with. The world could only look up to him, yearning for closeness yet too intimidated to approach. Through layers of distance, they could only see his virtues, as he was regarded as a heroic figure, despite being a cunning and treacherous fox. 

A ruler like him would surely unify the realm, and the spiritual lives of the common folk would be vastly enriched. 

Such a benevolent emperor. 

"What benefits can the young master Lan offer me?" 

Xianyue fought to suppress the storm of emotions roiling within her and feigned calmness, yet her furrowed brow and trembling voice betrayed her true feelings. 

"A mother of the nation?" 

Xianyue couldn't help but let out a laugh, perhaps even unaware that her laughter was tinged with bitterness and discontent. She fixed her gaze on Lan Yixuan, shielding her eyes with her hand before turning away to gaze at the starry sky. 

Her heart had already made a decision, one that plunged her into despair. 

She regretted stepping out into the night's bluster instead of staying safely in her room. If it weren't for her head being clouded by joy, perhaps she could have foreseen all of this. Had she known sooner, she might have convinced herself to accept the reality calmly. After all, from the very beginning, she had understood that these desires were nothing but extravagances for her, weren't they? 

"Lan Yixuan, if I wished, I could ride into battle just like you and Xuanyuan Hao, competing for dominion over the world." 

She stared at the brightest star in the sky, allowing its brilliance to pierce her eyes. 

"You desire your splendid empire, while I yearn for my freedom. I care not for your ambitions. I, Xianyue, the Phoenix Maiden, vow that as long as you treat my brother and the people of Feng Kingdom kindly after your conquest, I will not impede your endeavors. Feng Kingdom—if you desire it, take it." 

A cold glimmer flashed in Lan Yixuan's eyes as he forcefully swatted away Xianyue's hand from her eyes. "I thought you understood what I wanted." 

Lan Yixuan stared at Xianyue with an unprecedented depth in his gaze, holding her head still so that their eyes locked. In that moment, she was genuinely grateful for the gusty winds of the night, which might, in an instant, dry up the emotions that shouldn't exist in her eyes. 

She focused on Lan Yixuan, her vision somewhat blurred, as if she were witnessing feelings she should not see. Her heart raced unexpectedly; his palm was warm, and the back of her head he held throbbed violently, that warmth spreading to the most sensitive parts of her heart. 

"Xianyue, I too have my deepest desires." 

Lan Yixuan murmured, his voice low and imbued with a unique gentleness. His tender gaze, bathed in the moonlight, felt as soothing as water, leaving Xianyue slightly dazed. 

What he desired was nothing more than this beautiful landscape. If he wanted it, there was no need— 

"Lan Yixuan, who exactly are you?" 

Xianyue clung to the last shred of clarity, pushing his hand away. However, this time, she was prepared; she did not fall to the ground. This time, Lan Yixuan also did not release her as she expected. One hand remained firmly around her shoulder. 

Lan Yixuan gazed into her eyes, preparing to speak when hurried footsteps approached from behind. 



It was Qinghen, looking anxious. Had something happened to her brother? 

Without a second thought, Xianyue brushed aside Lan Yixuan's hand from her shoulder and hurried to meet him. "Qinghen, did something happen to my brother?" 

Yun Qinghen nodded, breathless from his haste, clearly having rushed to find her. "Princess, you must return quickly." 

Yun Qinghen seemed about to say more, but Xianyue had already released his hand and swiftly dashed toward the direction of Haitang Manor. 

Seeing this, Lan Yixuan glanced at Yun Qinghen before following closely behind.