to stir trouble

The day unfolded with remarkable coincidence, as it marked the twentieth birthday of Feng Jiulan. 

Fearing that Xianyue might refuse to attend the banquet, citing the monotony of palace life, Ning Yunyin chose to hold the celebration at the renowned Tianxia First Building. 

Like Yingjiang Tower, Tianxia First Building is situated in the bustling heart of Pansheng. During ordinary days, it buzzes with activity, the streets teeming with elegantly dressed patrons. As the sun dipped below the horizon, a soft orange hue enveloped the landscape, casting a tranquil spell over the surrounding clamor, offering a serene reprieve to the heart. 

The majestic structure of Tianxia First Building rises five stories high, constructed entirely of fine wood, particularly exquisite rosewood. While it lacks the opulent brilliance of Yingjiang Tower, it commands admiration akin to that of Pansheng, compelling one to gaze upward in reverence. The staircase within, crafted from the same high-quality timber, echoes with a rich thud underfoot, adding to its tactile allure. 

Devoid of metallic ostentation, everything here returns to a simple, natural elegance. Immersed in this ambiance, closing one's eyes to breathe in the subtle scent of sandalwood, one cannot help but feel a profound sense of relaxation. 

Xianyue, Feng Jiulan, and Jun Pinyu arrived at Tianxia First Building as the sun set. The streets, lined with shops, were just beginning to light up as night descended, lanterns swaying in the breeze like stars scattered across the night sky. 

As the carriage came to a halt, Xianyue was the first to leap down. Feng Jiulan followed closely behind, and before Yun Qinghen could fetch the step to assist their descent, Xianyue had already lifted Feng Jiulan from the carriage, placing him gently on the ground. 

Jun Pinyu lingered at the back, watching the embrace between the two. The first lanterns illuminated the scene, with the moon yet to rise, casting a warm yellow glow upon them. He stood frozen, caught off guard, until Yun Qinghen brought forth the small stool for disembarking. He shook off his momentary distraction, a wave of envy washing over him, smiling softly but still reluctant to move. 

"Let Qinghen handle such matters next time," Feng Jiulan said, gently tapping her nose. With her petite frame, it seemed as though he could easily overpower her. 

Xianyue chuckled and reached out to embrace Feng Jiulan once more. "That won't be necessary; I am quite strong." 

Feng Jiulan laughed as well, his eyes—so pure and untarnished—sparkling with a tenderness that resembled a bubbling spring, ever gathering without end. 

He clasped Xianyue's hand and turned to Jun Pinyu, calling out, "Divine Physician." 

Jun Pinyu inclined his head slightly and descended the steps from the carriage. 

"I truly wish I had a sister of my own," he mused, his gaze lingering on Xianyue and Feng Jiulan for a moment, half in jest and half earnest. 

Xianyue linked her arm with Feng Jiulan's, glancing up at Jun Pinyu, who stood in his pristine white robes—clean, handsome, and inviting. Her eyes casually caught the jade bracelet on his left wrist, and her brow furrowed slightly. "Jun Pinyu, I wouldn't mind having another brother." 

A fleeting glimmer of surprise passed through Jun Pinyu's eyes, a moment so brief that the dim light made it feel almost illusory. 

"Let's go," Feng Jiulan murmured softly to Xianyue, sharing a knowing smile with Jun Pinyu, exhibiting a tolerance that spoke volumes. 

At this hour, Tianxia First Building was usually bustling with guests, the entrance crowded with carriages, lavish and intricate. One particular carriage stood out, and Xianyue recognized it immediately as belonging to Lan Yixuan. 

The flow of guests had dwindled, many holding invitations that matched her own, suggesting Ning Yunyin had reserved the entire building. 

Xianyue wasn't surprised; though both were princesses, their circumstances and the environments they were raised in could not have been more different. Ning Yunyin, who prided herself on her nobility, would hardly deign to dine alongside commoners. It was entirely within her expectations that she would reserve the whole establishment. However, one truth was clear to both of them: they each understood their aspirations, exercising remarkable restraint. In contrast to her, Ning Yunyin possessed greater ambition, desiring far more than she was entitled to. 

Xianyue found it perplexing; Jun Pinyu was merely a wandering physician. She should have realized long ago that such a relationship was unattainable for her ambitions. So why had she allowed herself to become enamored? 

The Herbal Garden, the Celestial Herb—she, a noble princess, regarded as untouchable, must surely feel something beyond simple affection. 

As they approached the entrance, Xianyue presented the invitation given by Ning Yunyin. The young attendant at the door took it from her, his attire indicating he was not a mere servant of Tianxia First Building but likely someone brought from the palace by Ning Yunyin. Sensing its authenticity, his demeanor shifted dramatically, becoming exceptionally courteous as he ushered Xianyue inside. 

With the entire establishment booked by Ning Yunyin, the grand hall was devoid of patrons, emanating a profound silence. The space was adorned with mottled red wood, lacking the glaring gold typical of ostentation, yet it exuded a warmth that dispelled any sense of lifelessness. 

Xianyue gazed at the numerous steps, extending into an unknown realm. The vast emptiness echoed with rhythmic thuds, reverberating through her heart—a true testament to the weight of history. 

Tianxia First Building, fittingly named, outshone Yingjiang Tower in beauty and sophistication. At first glance, Yingjiang Tower was indeed breathtaking, but compared to the centuries-old Tianxia First Building, it was but a flashy nouveau riche, ostentatiously adorned with gold. 

The attendant led Xianyue to the fourth floor. In this era, such an architectural marvel ranked among the finest. Standing atop the building, one could behold the entirety of Pansheng. 

The fourth floor's design differed significantly from that of the grand hall below. Here, fewer tables and chairs were present, replaced by rows of tea tables, seemingly tailored for such a banquet. Xianyue had never been here before, unsure if this was a deliberate design by Ning Yunyin or simply the floor's inherent arrangement. 

Feng Jiulan, already in fragile health, had been further weakened by his recent bout of illness. Despite the nourishment he had received over the past few days, he now appeared notably pale, thin beads of cold sweat forming on his brow as they ascended the lengthy staircase, causing Xianyue's heart to clench with worry. 

She clung to Feng Jiulan's arm, with Jun Pinyu closely behind. Observing the two strikingly handsome men beside her—both blessed with exceptional appearance and grace—she couldn't help but reflect that, had she attended this banquet in the past with such companions, they would surely have commanded the attention of the entire gathering. 

Upon reaching the grand hall on the fourth floor, Xianyue hadn't yet had the chance to survey the attendees before a crowd surged toward them, seemingly led by someone. 

"To meet the illustrious Princess Xihe is truly a stroke of luck," one voice exclaimed. 

"Your Highness, I am Chu Hanjing, son of—" 

"Your Highness, I am—" 

Each man present displayed commendable looks but lacked the finesse required to mask their intentions. Their smiles reeked of sycophancy, and the ambition in their eyes was glaringly evident, revealing their desire to ingratiate themselves. Xianyue nodded politely, her bright eyes betraying no hint of impatience or distaste as her lips curved upward, few recognizing the icy mockery behind her smile. 

Then, she caught sight of Bai Zhanfeng, clad in black, his dark eyes flickering with discontent. He strode toward Xianyue, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and glaring at the fawning crowd, radiating an aura that could ignite at any moment. Yet, the air around them shifted, imbued with a chilling undertone, even suggesting a hint of menace. 

"This is my woman." 

Bai Zhanfeng's words rang with conviction, completely disregarding Xianyue's previous refusal. 

The crowd recoiled, not all were intimidated by the power of the Bai family, the leading family of Chu State; many among them were influential nobles from various fiefdoms. It is said that wise men do not court danger; Bai Zhanfeng had a fiery temperament, and to provoke him was to invite trouble. 

"Feng Shidi," 

Xianyue turned to see the young man in the blue robes behind her. She recognized him as Nian Xiaoyu's elder brother, a typically shy individual. 

Xianyue's gaze swept past him to Nian Xiaoyu, who stood behind, her expression a mixture of shock, surprise, and then pain, leaving her momentarily at a loss. 

In just half a month, she had lost considerable weight, her complexion pale, dark circles under her eyes betraying a lack of rest, rendering her utterly haggard. Dressed once more in vibrant red, the once striking color now appeared lifeless.

She trailed behind the man in the blue robe, cautiously glancing up at Xianyue, yet ultimately unable to resist fixating her gaze on Bai Zhansong, her expression frozen in place. 

Bai Zhansong's words reached her ears, and Xianyue recognized the sorrow that had taken root within her. 

Though she had not experienced it herself, she believed she understood—love and familial affection shared the same weight; even the smallest matters could be magnified a thousandfold when they concerned someone dear. 

No one ever becomes accustomed to pain, especially when it comes from the very person they hold dear. Perhaps Nian Xiaoyu had long grown accustomed to Bai Zhansong's verbal jabs; her heart, already riddled with wounds, could hardly feel the sting of a few more. Yet, no matter how small the wound, additional hurt would inevitably lead to anguish. 

Her heart, cast aside by Bai Zhansong, was not merely a matter of three years; the deep bond of childhood sweethearts was profound. Time, indeed, serves as a balm for wounds, but ten days is far too brief. Perhaps a lifetime would not suffice to heal the pain buried deep within her heart. As time passes, those pains may gradually settle, but they will remain. 

"Brother Feng." 

Xianyue watched as Nian Xiaoyu, hiding behind her senior brother, took a deep breath and stepped past him. If one were to overlook the sadness etched on her face and only observe her gait, one might describe her movement as lively. 

Approaching Bai Zhansong, she first bowed her head, then lifted it to offer a faint smile, sweetly calling out to him. Yet, Xianyue could hear the boundless sorrow beneath her facade. 

In that moment, Xianyue admired Nian Xiaoyu's courage to love fiercely and to let go when necessary. Though her heart remained tethered to the past, she displayed a commendable resilience, refusing to be mired in bygone sorrows to forge a brighter future. 

Nian Anba, like Feng Xuanling, was a man of deep emotions. Since the passing of his beloved wife, Xu Jiarong, he had not remarried, raising only his daughter, Nian Xiaoyu. Such a stalwart man evoked memories of that day when he held Nian Xiaoyu, a blend of tenderness and helplessness in his embrace. It seemed Nian Xiaoyu had endured little hardship at home; most of her trials stemmed from those three challenging years. 

The end of that relationship seemed to have matured Nian Xiaoyu significantly; the fiery spirit that once characterized her was now subdued. 

Perhaps one day she would grasp the depth of Bai Zhansong's hurtful words, or perhaps she never would. 

If a day came when her brother departed from her life, she doubted she could confront it with the same composure as Nian Xiaoyu. Even a facade of calmness would elude her; she feared she would shatter and succumb to madness. 

Nian Xiaoyu's gaze lingered on Bai Zhansong's hand resting on Xianyue's shoulder, a flicker of displeasure in her eyes. However, that displeasure was feeble, waning swiftly like a fleeting shadow. 

Feeling the weight of that gaze, Xianyue chose not to extricate herself from Bai Zhansong's grasp this time. Perhaps it was for the best; let the ashes remain forever cold, devoid of a chance to rekindle. 

"Little Junior Sister." 

The man in the blue robe approached Nian Xiaoyu, gently caressing her hair before taking her hand. She looked up at him, mustering a faint, strained smile. 

"You are—" 

Xianyue pointed at the man in blue, her expression devoid of mockery. 

If she were Nian Xiaoyu, she would not have chosen Bai Zhansong. If pursuing societal approval only led to pain and suffering, why not select a companion who could bring warmth? Her senior brother may lack the exceptional qualities of Bai Zhansong, but he was a safe and reliable presence, brimming with warmth. 

"Luo Cheng, my senior brother," Bai Zhansong interjected. 

Across the bustling hall, Xianyue spotted Ning Yunyan, a woman who always carried herself with an air of superiority, impervious to any affront. She sat beside Xuanyuan Hao, engrossed in conversation, her smile radiant and joyous. 

Suddenly, Xianyue found herself harboring resentment toward Ning Yunyan, feeling that her happiness was built upon the suffering of others. She had witnessed the turmoil surrounding Nian Xiaoyu; her heart was clear on the matter. From Nian Xiaoyu's reaction, it seemed she had not anticipated Bai Zhansong's return, perhaps wishing for his presence yet hoping for Ning Yunyan's absence. 

After all, Nian Xiaoyu had mustered the courage to start anew. Why should Ning Yunyan pour salt on the wounds yet to heal, merely to target her? Xianyue found herself almost eager to see what tricks Ning Yunyan might employ. 

Xuanyuan Hao had been conversing with Ning Yunyan, but upon sensing Xianyue's gaze, he looked up. His brown eyes did not reflect the joy she had anticipated; instead, he merely inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment. Xianyue turned away, pretending not to see. 

"You've come." 

Lan Yixuan, dressed in purple, stood out amid the crowd like his eye-catching carriage. He approached Xianyue, his tone casual and unfazed, as if he had expected her arrival, directing his concern toward Feng Jiulan, asking, "Is your health improving?" 

His voice was soft yet not too quiet; a man of such caliber would inevitably draw attention, even if he tried to remain inconspicuous. Xianyue felt the curious gazes of the assembly converging on her and Lan Yixuan, imbued with an ambiguous undertone. 

"This restaurant is renowned for its exquisite cuisine; how could I not come?" 

Xianyue responded, mimicking a swallowing motion and patting her flat stomach. "I only had a little for lunch, just to arrive here with an appetite for a grand feast." 

Such remarks and actions would typically elicit disdain from others, yet Xianyue's genuine, unpretentious smile rendered her endearing and charming. 

As Xianyue scanned the surroundings, she spotted the Third Prince, the one who had broken her hand, surrounded by a group of people. His eyes brimmed with suspicion and simmering hatred, akin to a ferocious wolf wary of a cunning tiger. He hesitated at a distance, reluctant to approach, fearful of the traps ahead. 

Several familiar faces greeted her; many were individuals she had encountered before at Tianfu. The King of Zhou had not arrived, nor had Ning Yunyan invited the influential ministers of the Zhou dynasty. Most present were youthful envoys and nobles from various states. 

Xuanyuan Hao rose and approached Xianyue, his brown eyes resting upon her with an innate commanding presence. Xianyue had to admit he was more suited to be the ruler of this realm than the King of Zhou. He possessed a quality that demanded submission, distinct from that of Lan Yixuan. 

"I thought you wouldn't come." 

His voice was weighted, each word simple yet imbued with an oppressive force. 

The princes of Zhou followed Xuanyuan Hao toward Xianyue. Misinterpreting his tone as dissatisfaction, they pondered the disparity between the powerful Feng nation and Xuanyuan, deeming it absurd that a princess from Feng could be equated with the future heir of Xuanyuan. 

"Just because you are the princess of Feng, you think you can act with impunity." 

Xianyue did not recognize the speaker; noticing him standing with the dimwitted Third Prince and observing the dragon pattern on his robe, she surmised he must be a prince of Zhou. Amused, she thought it no wonder that the Zhou dynasty could be so easily dismissed by Ning Yunyan; such individuals, who prided themselves on their straightforwardness, lacked any depth of thought, verging on foolishness. 

"Then I shall indulge in a few cups of self-punishment later." 

Xianyue raised an eyebrow and smiled at Xuanyuan Hao, then wrapped her arm around Feng Jiulan's. "As for my brother's share, I'll take care of it all." 

With her arm around Feng Jiulan, she leaned slightly against him, observing his displeasure as he casually surveyed the room, searching for a place to sit. However, her ears caught the sound of Ning Yunyan's laughter. 

Her laughter was not as exaggeratedly joyous as Xianyue's; it was a light, melodious sound, clear as silver bells. The sight of her smiling was breathtakingly beautiful; her lips curved gently, her eyes crescent-shaped, every angle delightful to behold. 

"Little sister, drink to your heart's content; a few more cups wouldn't hurt." 

Her demeanor was warm, and not a trace of malice could be detected on her face, as if they truly shared a sisterly bond. Others might be deceived by this apparent intimacy, but Xianyue understood the true nature of those present, clear as glass. 

"Then I shall impose a penalty on my sister to refrain from drinking tonight." 

"Sister truly understands me, knowing precisely which form of punishment affects me the most." 

Xianyue spoke with a smile that danced on the edge of sincerity, lacking the warmth of Ning Yunyan's demeanor, leaving Ning Yunyan feeling a tinge of embarrassment. 

"It's merely a jest; do not take it to heart, sister." 

Xianyue's smile blossomed, a light laughter escaping her lips. She said nothing further, gently linking her arm with Feng Jiulan's as she sought a place to sit. 

Ning Yunyan observed Xianyue glide past her, her posture straight, dressed in simple garments with a natural visage, devoid of any ostentatious adornment. In contrast, Ning Yunyan had spent the entire day at the dressing table in the Yunyan Palace for today's banquet. While others claimed she was radiant, she felt as if she were being crushed beneath Xianyue's foot, unable to rise. 

Beneath her flowing sleeves, her hands were clenched into fists, yet her smile remained unblemished. That smile had become more than a mere facade; it was now a part of her essence. 

With graceful steps, each movement filled with poise, she approached Nian Xiaoyu, resting a hand upon her shoulder and grasping her hand. Casting a glance at Bai Zhanfeng, she let out a soft sigh, the sight of a beauty sighing in contemplation still breathtaking. 

"Three years—" 

Everyone understood that she referred to Nian Xiaoyu's relentless pursuit of Bai Zhanfeng over those three years. Ning Yunyan sighed again, watching Xianyue's retreating figure, "I always believed you two would end up together." 

Who among those present did not grasp Ning Yunyan's implication? Was she not insinuating that Xianyue had stolen love from her? She could feel the barely contained fury emanating from Feng Jiulan; she knew her brother was displeased. 

Regardless of how Bai Zhanfeng had treated her or how she had responded in kind, her brother had witnessed it all. Such blame certainly should not rest upon her shoulders. 

So, she wished to stir up trouble, did she? It mattered not if she was denied peace, for she was already accustomed to it. Yet, she would not allow this to transpire in front of her brother; she could not endure humiliation before the crowd. 

Xianyue gently patted Feng Jiulan's hand, offering him a soft smile, "Brother." 

Was this another provocation? If she was to suffer, then let him share in her sorrow. 


She entrusted Feng Jiulan to Yun Qinghen, casting a glance at Ning Yunyan with a raised brow before striding toward Xuan Yuanhao.